
Comments by level5

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    13 years ago
    Frenchy massage girl La Boheme Denver
    I must have been way off base thinking this site had straight men that like pussy
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    13 years ago
    Frenchy massage girl La Boheme Denver
    Didn't realize i was dealing with a bunch of bleeding hearts on a sexual website, do you all feel so high and mighty after you have cheated on your wives and girlfriends with the pros you are protecting? Lets not sugar coat it guys and call it what it is, i'm not asking for your Moms number,it's a pros O.T.C. number i'm asking for. Get over yourselves, someone either has it or they don't. And as far as giving a number out publicly, i wouldn't want that, it's called a P.M. (Personal message) for all you experienced perverts out there. Now move on to something else you bored mother fuckers!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Frenchy massage girl La Boheme Denver
    Glad to see you take the high moral road troop,you must be a stand up guy, btw what do you think an o.t.c. number is for? She either has one or doesn't, what does it matter to you anyway? Maybe you should worry more about how long you had to let go of your penis to give me your opinion
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Frenchy massage girl La Boheme Denver
    Why so sensitive? Is the pro your girl? You really shouldn't worry so much about someone that does this stuff for a living. I had her number but lost it,she gives her number to strangers all the time, thats how these girls make a lot of their money. If i was a stalker i wouldn't be asking for her number idiot,F.U.!