
Comments by jackhammer3

  • review comment
    3 years ago
    First time visit, will go back.
    I went back today. Taylor was dancing and looked really good, but again, a little older than I prefer. Kierra and Suzan were there, among other dancers. Almost went with Suzan, but again, I had just gotten there. Only had enough for a couple dances, so I wanted to make sure I was ready to go when I finally decided on someone. Kierra came by at the right time and was friendly, nice, remembered me from yesterday and I thought she’d be a good time. I am very glad I picked her: I didn’t feel the pressure I felt from Jenny yesterday, she was a lot warmer, and provided excellent service at no extra cost. I will be back (probably in a few weeks), and I think I have a go-to now. I still want to give Suzan a try at some point, as well. Kierra really does it for me; if she had bigger tits she’d be incredible and I’d be a regular. And a lot poorer, LOL.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    First time visit, will go back.
    I had a feeling I was overpaying, having read threads on tuscl stating they were pretty standard with a $30 dance, but I did some quick math: the third song was starting already, so I wasn’t getting out of paying those $30 and getting another dancer back there would cost an additional $30 and possibly a tip over that, so I figured I was in for a penny, in for a dollar. At best I would have saved $10 at that point, and I did have the best looking dancer (to my taste) on me at the time, so I went for it. I will say it was quite a different handshake than I’ve ever had before, and I quite enjoyed it. I’d be interested to know if anyone else here who isn’t her regular has gotten the same service for less or free, though. I mean, it was my first visit, so there’s that. I’d appreciate private messages through here with reviews/opinions/pricing for the current dancers. I’m almost sorry I didn’t go with Sue, but I’d just gotten there. She was very tempting on the barstool, and I have a strong feeling my mileage would have been far better with here, even thoughI liked Jenny’s looks better. Sorry about the lack of paragraph breaks in the review, incidentally. I copied and pasted from a notetab program and the formatting somehow got erased.