
Comments by djikstra

  • review comment
    7 years ago
    First Visit-Good Experience-Nice Club
    Thank you! Sure I will. It is a little different kind of VIP I heard: $25 a song, and you don't buy a chunk of time like say, 30 minutes for $180. So I am hoping the value is good as I will be burning $25 every 3 minutes or whatever the song duration is.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    First Visit-Kind of Slow, But Good Value
    I don't know how to edit a review. I was here Tuesday night and not on Monday. Sorry! Monday I was in Phoenix. I'll review that club soon.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    First Visit-Kind of Slow, But Good Value
    I have never seen Pearl mentioned in a review. If anyone has any feedback about her, I'd appreciate it. I'd like to see her next time. Thanks in advance!
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Second Visit in 2 days-Tuesday Afternoon
    Call it being a newbie (infrequent visitor dabbling with the SC scene) inexperienced, whatever. Hey the bright side is I am willing to learn. I have seen some of your articles and discussions. Good stuff, a wealth of experience here! Thanks!