
Comments by WorldWideDancers

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    15 years ago
    Searching for good clubs to work with for East European Girls
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Searching for good clubs to work with for East European Girls
    Consumations: drinks , bottles are usually 20%dancer -80% the club,bottle of champagne should be from 80-400€ for customer. 400€ and more customers pays in german speaking countries -Austria , Switzerland, Germany. Less in Italy , Portugal where the clubs earns more with private dances. In German speaking countries are many small clubs with few girls (4-10girls) making consumations.
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    15 years ago
    Searching for good clubs to work with for East European Girls
    "Who gets any stage or other tips that the dancers get while they are working? " Always the club , the tips for private dances they divide every night between dancers and the club(50%-50%) consumations the same, in some clubs the clients pay entrance fee about 20€ + the clubs earns the money mostly from drinks ,bottles and from that money they pay dancers promised salary, the rest is theirs,only in UK and in some places in France is similar system like in US - house fee , the girls are paying to the club to dance there .The rest of Europe above mentioned system . Many girls are afraid to go to the club to pay before they earn, they prefer to get promised money even it is almost always less than they can earn in house fee system clubs
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    15 years ago
    Searching for good clubs to work with for East European Girls
    "Sounds like you are looking for clubs that don't tolerate prostitution, so the only strip clubs that I could recommend would be any of the downtown Montreal clubs in Canada or maybe Club Fantasies & Desire in Rhode Island." IT IS OBVIOUS THAT I DON'T TOLERATE PROSTITUTION and that im searching for the club who don't tolerate it too, I thought that it is like in Europe , prostitution is forbidden but some clubs tolerate against the law. In clubs like this I don't want to be a participant, the girls from CZ doesn't need to go to US to be a prostitute because in Czech Republic is legal . In Prague there is about 1000 very nice clubs(bordels) and maybe as somebody knows Prague is one of the most visited cities by sexual tourists in the world, the girls doesnt need to go to other countries to do it illegaly. "Agency guarantee that there's no prostitution , that the girls will always get paid (in Europe clubs pay daily salary -avg.70 € per working day every 14 days , all clubs are paying oficially and also not oficially agency fees Are you saying that dancers over there are guaranteed a salary regardless of how well they perform (getting lap dancers & the like) while on the job? " Yes exactly , they get the money regardless of how well they perform lapdance and how they treat the customer but this salary should be fix it means the girls should take exactly what the club promised before she came to the club , if the club is not satisfied with a dancer they should send her ASAP back to the agency or send her away if she has come from the street - the additional money she has regardless how many (privat dances they make) usually every dance 25€ for a dancer(50€ pays client) , f.e.Breaksbeer Club in Roverbella close to Mantova has about 70 girls and most of them exceeds 7 private dances a night plus they have salary for lap dance performed on the stage (from 40€ to 100€ a night)in most clubs average number of private dances is about 3-4 a night plus % from drinks , drink should be from 1-5 euro per drink for dancer, plus % from bottles. On Sardinia they live from drinks paying every 15 minut 10€ , if the girl make 20 drinks , she gets 60€ hostess(girl only making consumations with client)plus for every 1drink 1€ so it is 80€ for her , 120€ remains to the club, on sardinia they usually have about 10 drinks a day , so nothing special earnings for the clubs , in fact the clubs there are not beautiful , rich and there always some problems with owners who don't pay like promised. MisterGuy thank you very much for your explanation , very appreciate that.
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    15 years ago
    Searching for good clubs to work with for East European Girls
    I see now - thanks Philip ,they stick to them , its a difference , in Europe are many very bad clubs , it is not easy to stick to them ,the girls are escaping from the clubs ,theres a prostitution , bad payment (girls dont pay to the club like in US but club pays daily salary every 14 days-usually pays less or sometimes nothing so girls remains without money after 14 days of work) many romanian girls outnumbering the girls from other countries, so other countrie's girls doesn't feel good there . Agency from every country has to inform their girls how many girls from certain country works in certain club, it is not easy for dancers to get to know this info directly from the club they have to go there and after they will see .The girls from east europe usually choose the work from home and goes directly 2000km to the club, they dont live in big city like Detroit where are 1000 clubs like here in US to turn back at home and tomorrow trying another, if they dont like environment . When directly contacted owners are usually lieing to the girls to get them there for every cost,the girls knows it, only agencies knows the truth because they have or had there other girls and the girls rely on it.
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    15 years ago
    Searching for good clubs to work with for East European Girls
    @gatorfan By a chance do you know why there are NO agencies in US.? It is forbidden to intermediate work for the girls ? What's the difference between for example Cruise Ship Recruit Agency recruiting bartenders , waiters , etc. and Dance & Hostess Recruiting Agency recruiting the girls who officialy dances in the clubs who officialy pay taxes?(Agencies+Clubs)Where is the problem?Is it against the US. law? If so, Why? Or it is not easy to get the permission to work so in US clubs can work only american citizens? I'm sorry for these maybe stupid questions, but i have never been in US and in Europe is everything absolutely different , I read some reviews here and many people are complaining about quality of girls, for example somebody were complaining about famous Cheetah - Las Vegas , somebody didn't like the club full of old Asians. This club is happy to have them there? I thought that the dancers are like a fuel to the car , you don't have a fuel you don't run. Managers of the clubs sits in their clubs waiting for old Asians to make an audition? When some agency can send them via internet hundred pictures of every girl with complete CV. In Europe difference between nice good comunicating girl with one old Asian would make a difference a lot of money every day for every owner. In Europe club with few antipatic ugly girls is usually absolutely ignored by customers , every club owner knows it and many of them are searching through agencies for beautiful czechs , slovaks , hungarians , polish and russian girls which works in 90% of European clubs. Would be glad if anybody should be able to clear this fact to me.
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    15 years ago
    Searching for good clubs to work with for East European Girls
    @stripclubspy What is it IMHO ?I would like to know your opinion , like this I can improve my website , but I dont know what is it the word "IMHO"(my english is not best and american english is not easy to understand if I have never been there.
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    15 years ago
    Searching for good clubs to work with for East European Girls
    CTQWERTY: I'm sorry to hear that , but similar stories happens also in Europe, I dont think that those agencies traffiking the girls are doing so through forums like I do or with websites like I have. I think that most of them are asking the girls to come through adverts in the newspapers , I think they don't have any websites. On my website(in czech) I have written the possibility to ask me for tel numbers of other girls who are and were working with me in the past(about 1500).I usually provide them about 200tel.numbers even girls who were not satisfied with my services. You can read it in czech INFO section, I have also Facebook account where i have other 100 girls and other 100 people who knows me personaly (family, my son , sisters etc, the girls who call other girl with my contact can after meet other girls in Prague (CZ), Bratislava(SK), they can speak each other , most Agencies has their real offices in CZ, SK ,HU ,PO , Romania and also in Italy , Switzerland ,Germany even plenty english agencies in UK where the girls can go and can speak before to set out in the clubs in the world.
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    15 years ago
    Searching for good clubs to work with for East European Girls
    @slothrop Do you think that if I would be involved in prostitution i would post something here with my website and contact details? On my website in italian and also on other website where is the blacklist I'm publishing the clubs in Italy where I heard from my dancers that there is a prostitution on prive . I dont think I can write about real prostitution in the clubs on my site and also ddedicate my time trafficing the girls. First time I read first replies to my post about prostitution ,traffic , FBI , I realized that it wasn't good idea to publish the post here , now I'm glad because know more about US clubs now . In Europe there are many clubs working dirty and for that serves the agencies to explain where to go , where avoid . Agency guarantee that there's no prostitution , that the girls will always get paid (in Europe clubs pay daily salary -avg.70 € per working day every 14 days , all clubs are paying oficially and also not oficially agency fees, because it is very hard for single club to find the girls if they make one single advertisement , Agencies makes many adverts and the girls working in Italy , Switzerland , Germany are almost everytime from East Europe , so they dont know the country , they dont know the mentality , for that again serves Agency , Agency guarantee exact info about clubs , describe conditions , payment options, accomodation possibilities(in Europe accomodation pays the club). I guarantee good accomodation . Agency has many girls who worked in the club in the past , so again agency serves for assure the girls with providing tel numbers of other girls who can say their opinion about certain club . In US I understand that many artist are american citizens so they don't need to be assured by some agency , they are at home. Thanks anyway to all of you for explanation , it is more clear for me now. If FBI or some other US.authorities needs more info about my agency they can always contact me on my site. I don't have nothing to hide, on www.strip-magazine.com are many posts of different agencies to work with girls and clubs in all over the world , in Agencies Directory are listed about 80 other agencies from all Europe and ready for arrest.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Searching for good clubs to work with for East European Girls
    @stripclubspy - thanks for explanation, Its much more clearer to me now @Dudester thanks for your respond @Sanitago and to all I'm not from US ,I'm not in US ,I'm from CZ living in Italy, I dont know laws in US, Canada , I dont sell prostitutes , in Europe is normal to promote the clubs for dancers, like I said I'm new on this site, I didn't have a time to read the articles to understand how it works here , I thought that the system in North America works in similar way like in Europe where 80% of the girls are delivered by Dance Agencies, in Europe is nothing bad to promote the clubs for girls , that's no human traffic , if you read italian you can see that this website is against prostitution .Somebody said that the website is confusing , website is for East European girls , east law , east conditions , I have never speak with any club , thought that this forum should be right place to start to understand how it works .