Joined Jan, 2010
Last Seen Oct, 2022


Catwalk Club
325 East St
New Haven, CT 06511Walked in early - around 8 Pm - and looked like things were slow or just getting started with about four dancers and only…


Bishops Corner
1978 Boston Ave
Bridgeport, CT 06610 Looked like a sketchy neighborhood, but not too much to worry about during the daytime.
Dancers, mostly Latino and a few blacks,…
Dancers, mostly Latino and a few blacks,…


Scruples Gentlemen's Club
369 North Ave
Bridgeport, CT 06606 I visited on a Thurs. evening after 7PM and the cover was $5. New girls were coming in as the shift…


The Library Las Vegas
2112 Western Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89102 Always seem to find time to get to Cheetahs when in Vegas. 2-drink minimum but you need the two drinks if you…


Booby Trap
2840 Hammondville Rd
Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Stopped in on Sunday for the annual Xmas party - free well drinks as well as some free beers and a free…


Pleasant Moments
1 William St
Bridgeport, CT 06608 Dropped in on a Saturday afternoon with about 8 dancers working - 4 Latinas, 2 black and 2 white. Two Latinas approached at…


Scruples Gentlemen's Club
369 North Ave
Bridgeport, CT 06606I went to Scruples on a Friday night and the cover was $5 (after 6PM). The shift changes at 7 PM, so many new…