
Comments by musicman35

  • review comment
    a year ago
    Pleasant Suprise!
    Not sure if it’s repeatable. The stars were in alignment that night.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    If you can stand the smoke, the crowds and the high prices you can have a good time.
    The booth areas were the VIP area. No walls or doors just out of the way. Not sure of the cost. To use the VIP you either have to pay to smoke a hookah, get a dance or bottle service.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    If you can stand the smoke, the crowds and the high prices you can have a good time.
    The dancer just lead me back there. It seemed to be okay as long as I was getting dances. Once the dancing stopped, I had to move.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Atlantis lost a regular tonight
    It’s a shame they didn’t stick up for you as the customer. I was at a club in Bradenton, now closed and had a little too much to drink. One of the dancers stole $800 out of my wallet. I reported it to the manager who knew me because I was a good customer so he searched her locker and belongings and had another dancer cavity search her. They found my money up her vagina. The manager actually washed the money before returning it to me and threw the dancer out. I saw here crying on the street on my way out.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Spent too much had a great time.
    There was a lot of stop and ago as far as dancing was concerned. It was very GFE it included drinking, kissing, conversation, touching and more. I knew dances were $20 each. Kind of kept track and would ask now and then where we stood. She seemed to be enjoying everything as much as me maybe more. I counted 3 orgasms.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I shall return
    Yes Timjo, some of us like to settle in first. Have a few drinks and relax. I never get a dance from a dancer if the first words out of her mouth is want a dance? I like to see the selection of girls first , talk for a bit and get to know a girl. If you establish a connection with the right girl you can get an incredible dance with lots of millage at a real great value. If you like to go in and get a dance from the first girl that comes to you and ask “wanna dance?” more power too you bother! That’s your thing and it’s okay but just remember there are others looking for a different experience. I find dancers who say “wanna dance” right up front are usually the worst experiences.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I will come back when I hit the lottery!
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I will come back when I hit the lottery!
    I live in Florida and everything seems less expensive here. My home turf is Tampa. I out grew two way contact dances years ago unless I feel it will lead to extras. Any recommendations for the best extra clubs in Dallas?
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    WTF? Are insane....
    Her name was Vanessa.