
Comments by sexxxyseven

  • review comment
    11 years ago
    I had an hour or two...
    pedophile review....creepy
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Body Shop Lounge Louisville
    Thanks, I won't bother.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    dancer point of view/ customer point of view
    my bad.....have no idea how that middle part got in my props. disregard. lol.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    dancer point of view/ customer point of view
    You are spot on, if you don't go over the top in Miami clubs you will never make it. One KOD dancer told me, I was a cute girl but I don't have the look which is extreme tats, extreme nails, colorful drag queen hair, pole tricks, hustler mentality, willing to fuck anything, ass shots etc. I told her I was the highest earner in my old club, she told me there is a different standard here ...........being pretty "ain't" enough. Basically look as ratchet and ghetto as possible. Pretty much pierce mass shooting in California. three gun men still on the loose. yikes. and tattoo yourself to death making it painfully clear to the world you plan to be a stripper for life. With so much competition, you have to be willing to do whatever to get the maximum attention and money. I met a nice dancer in Mississippi. She also traveled, so I asked her what club to avoid in Miami. She told me The Office. She said they were the worst, nastiest, cut throat bitches she ever dance with.