
Comments by Durango98

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Sunday, Tuesday & Wednesday Post-Christmas
    Visited on a Saturday afternoon for the first time since before the Pandemic. Decided to make the trek up from Baltimore since my ATF club, the Players Club, has closed. Club doesn't look like much from the outside, or the inside for that matter, but you don't come here for the decor. Really has not changed much since my last time here either. Picked this afternoon since most of the best dancers work in the afternoons, except on Sunday. Paid for my $5 water, twice (i.e. $10 cover). Sat through the dollar parade for a while enjoying the PH handshake, and checking the lineup which is always part of the fun. Most of the old club favorites didn't seem to be around anymore, or maybe I just picked an off day. Finally decided on A******** and I wasn't disappointed. Took her back for 4 private dances which were $30 each and very touchy-feely both ways. Left quite happy afterwards with a total expenditure of $140, including a $10 tip which wasn't required but certainly appreciated. Hope to return soon but with the current virus situation, may not be as soon as I'd like.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Disappointing First Visit
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Disappointing First Visit
    Remainder of Review: worst dance ever. Sat facing me with no eye contact and looked bored. Would not let me touch the books. One and done. Left soon after, extremely disappointed with the quantity a nd quality of the dancers. Doubt I'll return.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Disappointing Thursday
    Anybody know if Faith or Aria are either one still here, and if so, what nights they work?