
Comments by Jasman

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    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Raided Again Today
    It was twice in two days. Friday at 6 pm, Saturday at 6:45 pm.
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    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Raided Again Today
    I guess I should of added that it appears the plan is to cite patrons to discourage them for going to Oasis. Married people, Family Men, people with jobs that would frown on them going to Oasis. You get the idea. Because they were cited, they would have to appear in court to take care of the matter. I assume it is a bigger play, less customers, less revenue and at some point is it still worth to stay open if you are not making coin. .
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    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Raided Again Today
    Well, they just got raided again. Everyone drinking got a ticket today. At least 10 people at the front bar. I was drinking water, so they allowed me to walk out.
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    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Raided Again Today
    I was there too. It was interesting how random it was for them citing customers. I was drinking water, but there were multiple tables with people that had been drinking they skipped right over. They cited one older gentleman that I thought was drinking soda and I don’t think they explained to him very well what was happening. It seemed a bunch of managers also got cited but not all of them. I didn’t see them cite any dancers, but I was sitting at the front bar and it was hard to watch everything that was going on when they came in. Had to be about 10-15 officers. One final impression I took away from it. A few of officers seemed pretty gung-ho about being there and giving out tickets. Save society from this evil place. But at least half seemed to just there following orders and I got the impression they would rather be doing something else.