1 yr ago•ironsidesreviewedHi Liter Gentlemen's Club4716 N 12th St Phoenix, AZ 85014Weekend Afternoon Fun
3 yrs ago •ironsidescommented onAfternoon Visit. Better than my first time.Hi Meyou1 Great review. Desiree is an 8, did you see other dancers 8 or higher? Desiree has danced for me, cool Babe.
3 yrs ago •ironsidescommented onAfternoon visit, checking it outYou been to Sonny’s and timed songs?. I did when I visited
3 yrs ago •ironsidescommented onAfternoon visit, checking it out‘Scrubs, I timed them, like around 3 min 20 sec each
3 yrs ago•ironsidesreviewedSonny's Bar and Gentlemens Club19011 South Arizona Avenue Chandler, AZ 85286Afternoon visit, checking it out
4 yrs ago •ironsidescommented onFriday afternoon Lap DancingDough means nothing to you you, zip, Nada! Point is the club has occupancy restrictions due to Covid.
4 yrs ago•ironsidesreviewedBourbon Street2901 E Thomas Rd Phoenix, AZ 85008Friday afternoon Lap Dancing
5 yrs ago•ironsidesreviewedTD's Showclub North6001 Brentwood Pl NE Albuquerque, NM 87109Cuban night at TD's
6 yrs ago•ironsidesreviewedClosedThe Library Las Vegas2112 Western Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89102Sunday Evening Excursion
7 yrs ago •ironsidescommented onnew Babeyes, 'willy! I don't get to HiLiter often, but at next opportunity, I will be looking for Riley.
7 yrs ago•ironsidesreviewedHi Liter Gentlemen's Club4716 N 12th St Phoenix, AZ 85014Afternoon Exploration
14 yrs ago •ironsidescommented onHouston Texas Black ClubsI have been to ONYX. I wouldn't go out of my way to go there. Ladies are so-so and when i have gone, there they only had 3…