Dude looks like a lady... and I ain't talking about the song folks!
I think one of the "dames" here at Club Desire in Providence is a dude. I'm not shitting you gents. Not a joke! One of the dancers here just doesn't look right to me. I saw them in person on previous visits and didn't notice before. But on this visit it was obvious. Maybe because I was sober this time! Anyway I happened upon their social media and after looking thru ...no need to do like Crocodile Dundee or have the DJ play the Aerosmith song. As Austin Powers would say "she's a man baby!!!!" I don't particularly like surprises. And I'm guessing most of y'all wouldn't like that kind of surprise sprung on you either. I don't want to name the dancer on here since I've already got tons of angry feedback and messages from my previous contributions to tuscl. So anyone concerned can dm me for the name and the link. But I'll give a hint, you don't have to go very far down the alphabetical list of stage names on the roster.
last commentStrange that you've made other posts and comments about transgender people before here. Even referenced Austin Powers in some of your comments years ago. Do you have a trans kink?
^Lmfaoooo! Yeah, sure...NinathetrollBambina never provides any useful information or reviews of clubs. A useless troll. This is a discussion for people who go to Club Desire in Providence, Rhode Island, USA. Not for someone who lives in their mom's in Russia to post useless shit! Don't waste our time!
Vajmon PMed me and was very convincing. This dancer's Insta has all kinds of pronouns and gender-bending shit.
I was just pointing out that you seem to be infatuated with trans women, seems I struck a nerve.
"Not for someone who lives in their mom's in Russia to post useless shit! Don't waste our time!"
No, dad's, actually, and it's not in Russia it's in Ukraine.
He’s got the whole world in his hands?
If it’s who I am thinking of, I thought the exact same thing.
@bigdaddy, he supports the heavens/ book of maps
Go Eagles!
She’s definitely not a man. Wtf.
There's no way she's a man.
@Mrprov and Nelly, please toftt and do a nude lap dance with them and report back. If you say that after doing a private dance then I'll take your word for it.
Let me say this. She is very androgynous. She’s even cut her hair very short and dressed up as a man. A reg I know irl told me she doesn’t get nude nor does she do extras and she’ll give you the run around if you ask.
Someone should do a nude lap dance and confirm. Of course if she is post-op, you might still not know. I doubt that she’s a man, but it crossed my mind on two occasions before vajmon ever said anything. That’s why I am replying.
Years ago there was a trans dancer at a club I would frequent. She was very passable, but I had my suspicions. I asked two dancers I knew well and they confirmed she was a man.
If you go on her instagram, like some of you say you did, and scroll down you can see she’s clearly a woman and always has been. She’s also very clearly part of the lbgqt+ community and proud of it. While that may not be your cup of tea, it’s a lot different than claiming she’s a man, which could affect her earning. I’m fine with calling out dancers for scams when they deserve it, this post seems in bad taste.
I am not attracted to her and despise her politics, but Jesus fucking Christ she in no way looks like a guy. Can we end this pathetic thread?
It takes a special kind of special to think about strippers being men 🤡💩
Early nominee for worst thread of 2025
"She" looks like a dude in real life, at least if you're sober like I was. And on their own social media they list their gender as "multiple choice, he, she, them" along with bunch of weird ass picts where they have a mustache and beard.
So... @Mrprov and skidummy (Icey and Papa are trolls) what's wrong with warning fellow mongers that there's a potential transgender entertainer working at Club Desire? That's "in bad taste"? I think if someone does a dance with "her" and thinks they're gonna daty a snatch and it turns out to be a schlong, that would leave a "bad taste" in the actual sense!
Fact is several mongers have confirmed to me that "she" won't show her snatch no matter how much $$ is offered despite working in a strip club. That's another big ass red flag in my book. It says something is definitely funky with the peepee. I doubt it's because of herpes sores or warts. Or because "she's" shy or self conscious. I think there's a Dr Frankenstein creation down there. In other words, it's not a real one. It's a artificial clam. A beaver that's really a snake. A dry well. Doesn't get wet when excited. Y'all get the point.
Also, since the owners used to run a gay club, I wouldn't put it past them that they wouldn't see any wrong with allowing a tranny to work here.
She DEFINITELY doesn't look like a dude in real life.
She is a very pretty girl, even though she may not be my type.
If you posted her name, you'd get trashed by everyone who has seen her.
Take the Loss.
Hey Vaj you ignorant fuck, we know you're fucked up. Give it a rest asshole.
I have it from an expert authority that she is in fact a she with all the requisite parts. END OF DISCUSSION!
Definitely enough clues here for me to know who is being talked about. When I saw her, I thought she was very pretty and definitely female. She reminds me of an actress who is also part of the LGBTQ community, but also a very pretty female.
^ty. Well said.
Last time I was there, I thought she actually looked better than I'd seen her in the past. Still not my type, but whatever.
Someone who lists "he/she/they they/them" pronouns and "drag demigod" in their bio, though, is at the very least confused and hyper-liberal.
She is hyper liberal.
She does seem confused and very liberal from her socials. Funny thing about CD is I first assumed that every dancer would be super liberal (they are getting naked for money), but some claim that they voted Trump. Good, because I can’t stand to talk to the woke girls here. You mention one wrong thing and the convo goes south.
Was sitting at the bar before the election and was ready to vip, two dancers were chatting about loving Kamala, how smart she is (lol) and her being ahead in the polls. I decided to shut my wallet then and there. No vip for you! I can get along with most, but they were too much.
^ why the fuck would anyone talk politics in a strip club ?
^The dancer in question was discussing progressive politics with the professor sitting next to me. It's harder to stop listening to inane drivel like that than to not look at a car accident.
^ Dunno, I have friends from all over the political spectrum and we get along fine, but the way those two were talking bugged me.
Ski, lol. There was an older dancer here that I believe quit, she told me she was a college professor and a socialist. Then tried to convince me of the ideas validity.
Thank god I wear a hearing aid I can turn off.
^I don't give a shit about a dancer's politics or whether their a dike. That wasn't the purpose of the OP.
My OP was to give a warning that I think a certain dancer at Desire is transgender. Either a dame that used to be a dude, probably post op. Or possibly even a dame that is transitioning to becoming a dude. Or even "multiple choice" as they indicate on their own social media. Nobody posted anything or dm'd me anything that has changed my mind. To those that posted that they thought the dancer in question is attractive or thinks that they're a real woman, that's fine with me. I respectfully disagree. But everyone's entitled to their own opinions and preferences. I'm not trying to shit on anyone here. I also feel there's nothing wrong with my post. Some folks post about extras. Other folks post that they think certain dancers are ROBs or have suspected STDs. Many times I've disagreed with the accuracy of information posted. But I do appreciate that others are willing to share their own observations. That's what I like about tuscl.
Back to my OP...I go to a strip club expecting all the ladies are ladies. I don't like surprises. As I said before anyone going to Desire who feels the same can dm me for the name as well as the link.
I have no issue with your post. Like I said the thought crossed my mind twice before you posted. She looked funny in the club and has posted pictures of herself as a man. She cut her hair short and had a beard. It could have all been her performance art and a costume for all we know. Her politics may make a difference because it’s the super ultra liberals that are into this trans nonsense.
We all know of whom the OP is speaking. She's a woman. Give it a rest.
Who ?