Fine Line Lounge49 Milford Street
Mendon, MA 01756
Any intel on LD/VIP pricing and activity level?

I’m headed down to Providence in two weeks and thinking of adding this club to my rotation in addition to Foxy’s and Desire as it’s not that far away. Does anyone have any intel on the level of activity that goes on in LD/VIP and what is the pricing structure?
last comment👽 I Heard Bout' Fine Line Lil' While Back, Looks Good, They Be New. Call Da' Club First To Make Sure They Not Booked.
I went opening day and saw a large VIP and LD area curtained off, but not posted prices and wasn't approached by any dancers sadly. Let us know what you find out
I drove by it Sunday night on the way to Desires.
Place is probably going to close by Memorial Day
👽 Fun Lil' Bootleg News Bout' Location/History/Building @ FineLine
It looked like a solid crowd when I went by at 7 pm Sunday. Desires was emptier.
^My Father in Law lives 2 blocks from the club.
@skibum609 Were you able to check LD/ VIP costs?
Didn't go in. Not a fan of Mass clubs so I just kept going back roads down to 146 and then Providence.