Other than showing up every day, is there a way to find out when a particular dancer will be working? There are some dancers in these reviews I'd like to see what all the hype is about, but they haven't been there the times I have. Is it all just a crap shoot?
If you read a review and see who they saw, check the day they were there and give it a shot. MOST of the girls on my list are there Thursdays because that's the day I always go.
Here’s some great info in case you want to see what some girls look like. A bunch of the girls will post on the Desires Instagram page occasionally, which is at
They usually just post in “Stories”, so you have to click the round logo, and you see a quick set of posts from the girls, but the posts only last 24 hours.
Here are some of the girls who post there, so you know who they are and what they look like - Reign, Sassy, Vee, Jada. None of them are my favorite, but they all have a fan club.
Some of us post the typical schedule (days or nights) in our monthly posts.
A buddy of mine seems to have like half the dancers numbers and he asks or they hit him up asking him to come. But he knows a bunch, any imparticular cause I can ask since he has a solid idea of when who works.
last commentMOST of the girls on my list are there Thursdays because that's the day I always go.
They usually just post in “Stories”, so you have to click the round logo, and you see a quick set of posts from the girls, but the posts only last 24 hours.
Here are some of the girls who post there, so you know who they are and what they look like - Reign, Sassy, Vee, Jada. None of them are my favorite, but they all have a fan club.
Some of us post the typical schedule (days or nights) in our monthly posts.