900 E. Braker Ln Austin, Tx 78753

The spirit of Chicas continues but the managers want their VIP cut

Avatar for Hello_Goodbye

Chicas used to be one of my favorite clubs because the day shift girls were all 8s/9s/10s. Well, I've gone every day of the week and the daytime is totally dead, 4-6 pretty mediocre girls with only one decent looker, Yesenia.

On Sunday, I stayed through a shift change to check out both shifts. Night shift is pretty great, usually around 15-40 women - more as the night goes past 10pm - mostly Cuban, a couple Mexican, not a single white. All types of body shapes from thin sticks to thin with big tits to fat to completely plastic-surgeried man-made everything.

Cover here depends on the hour that you go, ranging from a low of, I think, $12 or $14, up to a high, I think, of $20. The location is at a strip mall with an event center full of little girls having their coming-of-age party (ew), a mexican booby bar, and a barbershop. Kinda weird.

Dances are $25/song which is pretty steep and adds up fast. The QuickTrip across the street has a free ATM but it runs out often when I'm going quite frequently and need about $1k/night.

The club itself is clean and has a nice inside. There is usually at most one girl wiggling on the stage with barely any effort into the dances themselves. Not a place you go to watch the impressive pole performances. The bathroom desperately need an attendant and can be quite filthy and out of soap and paper towels.

There are a bunch of gambling / slot machine looking doodads in one corner. Girls will often as you for a dollar to use in them. I have no idea how they work and if they just eat up the girls' hard-earned $1 bills, which seems predatory.

Speaking of predatory, when I went back for one of those $25 in the cubbies in the back, 90% of them had traffic cones in front of them. It looked janky as heck! The dancer asked the attendant why, and I shit you not, he held up his phone with Google Translate where he translated "Women are leaving condoms in the cubbies without paying for the VIP." Seems that the Sunday manager really wants to make sure he gets his VIP fee cut of the extras. Other nights, other managers are definitely way more chill, which I much prefer.

Drinks are somewhere in the $10 - $20 range. I've only ever gotten one cocktail and sometimes the dancers will just hand me a beer.

Thanks for reading my review. As a parting question, does anyone know what ever happened to Bella from day shift at Chicas?


Avatar for willwillwilll

Yeah I thought I dropped my wallet in one of those cubbies and slid my hand down the side of the cushion and found myself a used condom. Gross.

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