1 Franklin Sq Providence, RI 02903

Sunday or Monday

Avatar for Greenshirt
GreenshirtNew England

I can make a trip to Desire on either Sunday or Monday afternoon shift. It is a long drive; I know these are not prime days. Does anyone have an experience they can share?


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Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

Sunday afternoons are a desert. Few girls, and what ones there are are occupied with regulars. Not recommended.

I don't know Mondays.

Avatar for skibum609

I would say Mondays just based on the fact I have been loving Tuesdays

Avatar for nelly76

Neither day is great, but I'd go Sunday over Monday.

Last Sunday I happened to be there, and daytime had:
Charlotte, Audrey

Night had:
Vivian, Coco, Nina, London Monroe Paola

which is not bad lineup for a bad day.

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