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avatar for Jonny223

Can someone explain why this girl gets so much bad publicity on these forums. I’m in disbelief of some of the shit I read on here and other forums as I’ve had some of the most amazing nights of my life with her. She’s super down to earth - amazing GFE - stunning and never makes me feel rushed or hustled. I’ve found her to be very upstanding in all my dealings. I’m genuinely curious as to why people don’t like her


last comment
avatar for nelly76
3 mos ago

Hi, Nicolette.

Welcome to TUSCL, where we share information and warnings about strippers and clubs.

Clever move creating an account named Jonny223 last month, and making this your very first post.

Glad to hear you've had some of the most amazing nights of your life with yourself.
And that you're super down to earth,
and amazing GFE
and stunning
and never make yourself feel rushed or hustled
and upstanding in all your dealings.

You obviously have a high opinion of yourself, which is exactly what these forums say.

A couple of years ago, you had a nice, athletic, body but you were a bitch unless someone was giving you (and only you) money. Lots of condescending attitude, lots of anger, lots of insincerity, lots of toxic energy.

One thing you'd see from all the publicity here is that everyone has a similar story - they did a room with you, and it was good. Then you bitched them out at some later time for going with someone else or not coming in specifically to see you, and you often made comments about how you were better than any other stripper there.

I personally saw you do a VIP with a guy, then go in the back. He started talking to another girl, and from a distance I saw you yelling at him, and he just took it like a sheep. Some guys are like that, and you probably made good money off them.

Most of us won't put up with your guilt trips, and I've gotten at least 8-10 DMs from guys who had a really bad run in with you.

Most guys go to strip joints to get attention and affection from good looking girls in exchange for money. We want the best parts of having girlfriends without the worst parts of having gold digging wives, and we're willing to pay for that. We want to pick whoever we want when we walk in the door, and we want all of our ex girlfriends there to be as happy for us as our guy friends would be. And if there's one girl that we want every time we go in the door, that's fine, too, but there are no guarantees, and there are no marriage contracts.

You did a good VIP, but were all the worst parts of a gold digging wife afterwards, and most guys won't deal with that for long.

Then you put on a ton of weight, and the nice body was long gone, and all that was left was that attitude. I haven't paid much attention to you since, and neither has this board, other than the occasional repeated comment on monthly reivews that have a variety of names, like mine do.

There are girls of all looks and shapes there that do well in strip clubs, but none of them have your attitude or reputation. Bitchiness and gold digging has its downsides.

And if you've changed, it's because you had to at your new weight class, and nobody thinks it's genuine.

That's a good start, and I could have been much nastier, but I feel a little bad for you. I'm sure others will also weigh in.

avatar for Jonny223
3 mos ago

This is not her. I’ve only seen her twice and both times were the two best times I’ve had in coming here. I get why people would be bothered with the exclusivity stuff, but she’s always been really nice to me and she knows I talked to other girls there. Def did not find her to be a gold digger at all. I hung out w her for a while. She’s super hot to me so seeing her looks get talked about negatively seems pretty wild but to each his own

avatar for skibum609
3 mos ago

Everyone's experience is different.

avatar for nelly76
3 mos ago

Ok, we don't believe you.

Your first and ONLY post is about Nicolette, saying how great she is, which no one thinks after she gained 75 pounds. She definitely isn't hot anymore, let alone super hot. Her body went from being in the top 10% of bodies in the club to the bottom 10% in about 6 months, but her attitude was consistently in the bottom 1%.

Even when her body was hot, she was a gold digger.

Her looks get talked about negatively because she got very fat very fast, and it was shocking and funny, considering she was such a bitch. But she mainly got talked about negatively because she was such a psycho to so many guys who she thought she owned just because they did one VIP with her.

I'm sure a few will comment in the next few days.

avatar for nelly76
3 mos ago

Oh, and I forgot.

You also got in a fight with Persia, a very popular girl in the club that no one ever said anything bad about on these boards.

You started hanging out with her as besties, and I predicted you would someday have a blowout fight with her, which happened, and she had to leave and go to Foxy Lady.

avatar for Jonny223
3 mos ago

Nelly who is we? Truthfully I made the account after I first met her and never made a review cause it looked like I had to give my credit card info to do so. I had that much fun w her it prompted me to make an account. I have no idea what she looked like before but would not classify her as overweight at all. Disappointing to make a legit post about a dancer and sharing my OVERWHELMINGLY postive feedback on her than get berated for only having a post. I’m not sure how you would like me to do it but if you need to provide proof I’m not her I’m sure I can

avatar for CJKent₋band
3 mos ago

^^ Let's see some dick pics!

avatar for PapaBear
3 mos ago

Can confirm Nelly predicted the Nicolette/Persia breakup months before it happened. Persia was amazing and she is missed at this club. I get that Nicolette does a good job in the VIP and was beautiful, but her attitude BLOWS.

Very suspect for someone to create an account on here and their only post/review/discussion is sticking up for a dancer.

avatar for Jonny223
3 mos ago

My apologies guys I seem to have really struck a nerve with my post. Not my intention. If you just simply look at it from my perspective, Imagine just having your mind blown completely, like beyond anything you’ve ever experienced, Then seeing her name come up here. I felt like I owed it to her for such a great experience that she gave me. Not my intention to piss anybody off, but in reality, everyone has to have a first post at some point right??

avatar for skibum609
3 mos ago

^No one is concerned about your post to the extent you imagine. You seem to have misunderstood the posts about Nicolette, most of which come from regulars of many years at Desires.

avatar for Jonny223
3 mos ago

Yeah, that makes sense. Honestly, i just like her and wanted to give her a good review. Clearly, a rookie move on my end haha.

avatar for skibum609
3 mos ago

Your opinion is valid. Everyone feels differently about some things.

avatar for Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor
3 mos ago

You probably would have been better off posting a couple of reviews of Desire and mentioning you had a great time with Nicolette.

avatar for Mrprov
3 mos ago

Another vote for Nicolette. I did a few dances with her. Found her to be very reasonable price wise and very chill. Never saw the crazy others did.

avatar for skibum609
3 mos ago

To me the real problem with this post is when a new person shows up and their first comment is a specific comment towards a specific dancer at Desires. Just like the old days on SCL. Maybe caca guy figured out that plain names would make people a little slow on the uptake, like today for instance.

avatar for 2LeggedChair
3 mos ago

The strip club is the ultimate your mileage may vary hobby. Maybe she is madly in love with you. Maybe you're Nicolette in disguise. Maybe you're a troll with nothing else to do. We can only share info we've experienced, and I have not had good interactions with Nicolette.

avatar for Jonny223
3 mos ago

To provide a little bit of background, I I’ve been going there periodically for about 10 years. Definitely never a regular most years just a handful of times year less and less frequent as time has gone. I think when I started, Madison was the first girl that I used to see occasionally ivy and also this girl Nila. Maybe it was eight years ago, but it was a long time ago. Tiffany was one of my favorites also pre kids. I can definitely speak to the mileage may vary because I have some friends that live locally and go more often and have given polar opposite reviews on some of the girls spoken about here. I’ve talked to several people who have not had good experiences with Kami Lee I know somebody all-time fav is sky lol. I just thought it would’ve been interesting to provide a little bit of perspective that went against the common grain here. I’m glad to hear that other people have had great experiences with Nicolette because I’m not someone that I consider to be overly attractive or handsome. I guess just a normal looking dude.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
3 mos ago

She's never so much as looked in my direction, but since I'm preternaturally allergic to drama, I'm fine with that.

avatar for AnotherMike
3 mos ago

I’ve never met this girl but am I the only one that thinks the girl must be going through rough times to have gone through the change she did?

I get she may have been mean, bitchy, or territorial, but some of the guys here come at her pretty hard.

Maybe it’s warranted… I don’t know… but I kind of feel bad for her when I see these posts.

avatar for skibum609
3 mos ago

Everyone's experience is different. Sometimes I laugh when people describe some of the dancers as having a limited menu etc. In the end, go have a beer, look at some pretty women, pick one out and hope you enjoy. If pissing away 300-500 on a wasted night in a strip club makes a huge difference in your life, you can but a National Parks Pass, great hiking boots and a backpack for $500, so do that, its cheaper.

avatar for fenwayfav
3 mos ago

I had a couple of OTC experiences with her a few years back that were magical!!

avatar for OldWhiteGuy
3 mos ago

I did a couple dances with Nicolette and found her to be really skilled and really sweet.
I imagine the "jealousy" was never an issue because she knew that most of my attention was and would be directed at Kai.
Who, by the way, ha told me that Nicolette has always been nice to her.

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