1 Franklin Sq Providence, RI 02903

Miss Nude Winners?

Avatar for Hungryhunnypot

Anyone know who the winners were? I saw three girls pictured on IG but didn’t recognize them. The one I thought was hot was a brunette -Asian I think with nice. Strap D cups.


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Avatar for Hungryhunnypot

Nice natural D cups I meant. Looked like the winner was AA and another runner up was a blonde with tattoos

Avatar for nelly76

I just posted my review of the competition.

1st - Aurora
2nd - Ariel
3rd - Evelyn

although 2nd and 3rd may be the other way around.

Avatar for OldWhiteGuy

Highly recommend Evelyn in the VIP

Avatar for Nier

I've never met the Aurora, but I saw she has an IG account. What is the competition about?

Avatar for scarface03

Thought Evelyn should have won, as she easily had the best body and was very graceful on stage. Vida was also really good with a hilarious cow theme.

Avatar for nelly76


I completely disagree, and that's one of the things I love about this board. Guys have different types, different tastes, so we're not all chasing the same girls. There's no right or wrong answer.

I thought Aurora had the best body in the club, and I would have actually put

Macy, Cleo, Kennedy, Josie

ahead of Evelyn just based on body alone. Evelyn does have an alluring asian look, which is also some guy's type.

I missed her dance for the competition, so she must have killed it.

She also posted on the ClubDesireRI page today if people want to see what she looks like.

Avatar for nelly76

Cleo had a weird approach. I only saw about half of the performances, but a lot of the girls had fancy outfits, or started in nice dresses, or had some gimmick, like a hula hoop.

Cleo came out in the beginning in a white dress, like most of them. She was last in terms of getting on stage for the competition, and when she gets on, she looks like she's underdressed to even get into a strip club.

She had a tshirt, shortened up to show her midsection, and jean shorts. She's a really good looking girl, so she looked good, but the outfit said "I don't care". She still stripped great, looked great, but wasn't going to win.

Avatar for skibum609

Cleo looked great today. Evelyn looked great today. Today's lineup was great. So was yesterday's.

Avatar for scarface03

Another contestant I liked was Star? Don't recall seeing her before, was a hispanic girl with big tits, she stripped naked seconds into her set, which is what I like to see.

I also really like seeing so many dancers hanging out in their street clothes. They looked like normal hot girls in a bar, but I know what they look like naked, and have got intimate with many in VIP, lol.

Avatar for Heellover

Their website doesn't seem to work.

Avatar for sfrsox

Very few things in RI work.

Avatar for Hungryhunnypot

Heellover they don’t update the website or Facebook page ever.

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