Another strip club up for sale. No buyers at auction.

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avatar for funonthaside
a year ago
Why would anyone buy it, when AC has been destroyed by adjacent states legalizing gambling, and people no longer needing to go to AC?
I’ve never been to a strip club in AC that didn’t suck, and I tried them all through the years.
AC has so much potential but really sucks. It’s literally the only municipality on the Jersey shore that isn’t thriving - even Asbury Park has had a resurgence. The beach, boardwalk and Atlantic Ocean are such great assets. Only incompetent, corrupt, greedy leadership and a defective populace could fuck that up.
AC used to thrive as a gambling and entertainment destination, second only to Vegas. High-rollers flying in from Hong Kong and arriving via helicopter on the roofs and shit like that. Lively, exciting, nightlife kind of fun all day long. Worst part was sometimes you couldn't find a seat at the tables. Studme53 is right though, the strip clubs always sucked, and I'll add way overpriced for the shitty lack of fun.

But the casinos have been declining for years. I think they started falling apart when somebody made a stink about the sexy waitresses who bring you drinks at the gaming tables. They said their hiring practices were discriminatory because they had weight requirements, and after getting hired the girls had weekly weigh-ins as a condition of continued employment. It led to a law suit, and then you started seeing these fat slobs in short skirts - the total opposite of what anyone wants to look at.

They must have given up completely, because eventually the servers weren't only fat but old and ugly as well. Then the outfits became more conservative, which was actually a blessing given the porkers that were wearing them and busting the seams.

I was down there for a convention about 5 or 6 years ago and it was like a ghost town. As funonthaside said, the increasing competition took its toll. It used to be just a few Indian casinos in remote locations, but now they're springing up everywhere. Not to mention the legalization of online gambling, which may be profitable for some of the casinos that also offer that, but certainly doesn't help the in-person experience at traditional casino-hotels, especially in a town that was built on gambling. They need a HUGE draw to support a dozen casinos all within walking distance of each other, and it ain't happening.

I haven't been back since that last visit, but can only imagine that Covid must have just put another nail in the coffin.
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