Rick's Cabaret New York50 W 33rd St
New York, NY 10001

Dougmann100New York
Is this place still good during the weekdays? It used to be one of the only options and the girls were pretty hot.
Is this place still good during the weekdays? It used to be one of the only options and the girls were pretty hot.
last commentThis is where all the Ricks go when they are visiting NYC. Shiny suit and JD & Coke in hand.
when and how was this club ever considered as good? eye candy? well sure with the prices that are charged there are a few girls that could be rated as barely an 8. $20 dollar lappers that are ehh at best. $500-700 or whatever it is for the vip upgrade session? fuck outta here!!!!
a rick from this board showing up with a shining suit or to roar at the top of his lungs resulting in getting thrown out of this shithole would be the the only enjoyable highlights.
I lived in Manhattan from 2003 to 2020. I still visit for work. This is where a one -bedroom apartment is $4,000 a month rent. Of course VIP is expensive at every strip club in Manhattan including Rick's. That is the market. What Rick's is good for is happy hour which is $8 drinks including MaCallan 12 and Whistlepig 10. That is much less than any bar around strip club or not. We would often go there after work and I have been a few times this year visiting. 5pm to 7pm would is a good time. But yes, it is expensive for VIP and you're not probably going to get what you think you will in VIP. Happy hour and move on. Nighttime more expensive and the same experience. I think Sapphires 39 is better option at night. Can get some better quality lapdances there in some of the corners. Once again, expensive VIP but on the rare occasion I indulged it was good.
Johnson an “expensive VIP” where you “arent getting anything” is just a scam, basically meant for suckers who are so afraid of seeing escorts they stick to low mileage dance’s because theyre too worried about potentially breaking the law.
New york is expensive, yet there are still numerous women offering OTC for $400, $500, $600, $1000, for an hour. Those expensive VIPs are for guys too afraid of seeking extras, or guys who get scammed by dancers or drunk guys who get scammed