1 Franklin Sq Providence, RI 02903

Holiday Party

Avatar for Recsandpark

Does anyone go to these holiday parties on a regular basis? In the past decade, I have never gone to them. I'm actually thinking of spicing it up and going this year.

Do people dress up in their ugly holiday sweaters?


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Avatar for nelly76

I went to the summer party, which wsa mostly outside in the parking lot, but had carnival games, a great buffet, and most of the girls that work there did a shift. It was great.

I've also been to the Miss Nude competition, which is more about dance performance and crazy costumes than about nudity or stripping. It was crowded, high energy, but it was actually tough to get a VIP from some girls.

Never been to a christmas or ugly sweater party.

Avatar for snoozeuloose4

I have been to the Christmas party, once. it was very crowded, but had most of the girls doing the shift, (I think mgt made it mandatory for all). Anyway, if you can deal with the lack of parking, high noise level and inability to get a dancers attention, it was ok. I won’t be going again this year.

Avatar for snoozeuloose4

And no, there were no ugly sweaters that I saw.

Avatar for kyumsaing

As a Lust member, the holiday party is less enjoyable than the anniversary party, since the usually open upstairs for non members. But the club is too small otherwise to host a big party. I did win one of the raffles a few years back for $1000, which was nice.

Avatar for Recsandpark

@snooze good to know. I imagine it would be crowded so there's no problem there. I just didn't want to be the only one wearing an ugly sweater lol

@kyum oh wow I didn't know they open Lust up to nonmembers. I guess its my chance to finally check it out haha

Avatar for Hungryhunnypot

The Christmas party is a lot of fun. All the chicks are there so there is a wide variety of honeys.

Avatar for skibum609

All the chicks? How amazing that its 1971 again, as that when the word chicks was last relevant.

Avatar for Soul_Collector

I don’t attend the parties. The last event I went to was the school girl one and that was because I had scheduled a room with a dancer I see there. The parties and events seem to be packed, and the reason I’d like to go is to see all the dancers, but despite what’s written here they are encouraged but not forced to attend. So you don’t see the entire lineup.

Avatar for skibum609

The Christmas party will be an insane scene. Yesterday Aurora, Priva, Lucy, Rosalie and on and on sat unoccupied for hours.

Avatar for nelly76

If it was a Wednesday afternoon shift, it makes sense that it would be slow, and all the girls would sit unoccupied for hours, including urora, Priva, Lucy, Rosalie and on and on.

Hey, if you can get there at that time, you'd have your choice, but I'll bet most guys can't or won't.

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