Denver club may lose license over prostitution

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DENVER (KDVR) — A Denver business has been asked to prove why its licenses shouldn’t be revoked over allegations stemming from a prostitution sting in late March.

PT’s Showclub Denver, a strip club in the 1600 block of West Evans Avenue, was served with an order to show cause in August. The business is run by Evans Dining Service, Inc., and has a tavern liquor license and an adult cabaret license.

The order, from the Denver Department of Excise and Licenses, alleges that the business violated several laws and ordinances and is seeking disciplinary action against the license.

In January, Denver police received an anonymous complaint that employees of the club were offering to perform sex acts in exchange for money, according to the order.

The complaint also said younger dancers were actively pressured into having sex for money by older members of the club. After receiving this complaint, police conducted a sting operation on March 31.

An undercover officer went to the club and was approached by one of the dancers, according to the order. After a brief conversation, during which the dancer asked if the undercover officer was a police officer or not, the dancer allegedly offered to have sex with the officer for $600.

After this, the officer gave a signal and the club was entered by uniformed police officers.

The dancer was then placed under arrest for prostitution.

Another dancer allegedly approached a uniformed officer and began touching him inappropriately until he pushed her hand away, according to the order.

The business is set to appear for a hearing before the Department of Excise and Licenses on Aug. 10.


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The regulatory branch of government is very real. If they decide to target you, whether you have done anything illegal, sufficiently illegal or not at all, they will not care and they have the potential to make life miserable enough for you that you’re forced to close up shop.
“This won’t happen where I go”, wrong. It very much can happen. And if it does it will be exclusively be at the whim of politicians that want to make a name for themselves. And that train always circles back every X amount of years. Men going into a strip club to pay for/enjoy female sexual based entertainment presses all the right buttons for getting all the right headlines.
avatar for funonthaside
2 years ago
I wonder what "prove why its licenses shouldn’t be revoked" means. Implement protocol to reduce illicit activities?

Girl should be convicted for charging $600.

Damn babystrippers instigated this. The "I'm too pretty / young to do that" nonsense needs to stop.

Clever name to avoid detection for those using credit cards - Evans Dining Service. Really, honey, it was a business dinner.

I initially misread the section about officer pushing the other girl's hand away. I was going to comment that she got lucky that the officer didn't choose her for the charge.....but then I noticed that officer was IN UNIFORM smh. Hope she was drunk/otherwise influenced, and not that stupid.
avatar for Nixur68
2 years ago
Didn't realize the City of Denver and Colorado were such sticklers... That sucks but I have never, ever heard anything good about Denver clubs.
Will nicespice have to move out of state?
avatar for WiseToo
New York
2 years ago

"Girl should be convicted for charging $600."

She she should be convicted for highway robbery. Doesn't she know that undercover officers get a discount?

"The complaint also said younger dancers were actively pressured into having sex for money by older members of the club"... wtf does that mean? This is a membership club? Or older dancers? Or the management? Sounds like a bs excuse for a raid. Probably the typical "make a name for myself" politician routine.
avatar for funonthaside
2 years ago
^ Interesting observation, drew. I initially assumed it meant the older DANCERS, but I suppose it could have been "male members of club who happened to be older than the dancers".

In any case, it's the typical fish out of water / baby stripper mentality, where girls go into clubs without open eyes or consideration of culture of a club.

Many times, dancers end up at certain clubs due to referral by a friend. I therefore find it hard to believe that new dancers have absolutely no idea what to expect. It is therefore my assertion that they hear/read about certain activities, but think to themselves "well, 'I' won't need to do those things to make $, as I'm young/pretty/etc".

I've never been to Denver or PT's, but I know enough about it to know that it's known for extras. If I'm considering a new job, I do some research into the company/job to determine if it's what I want to do / where I want to work.

Raid on Purple Orchid in Philadelphia occurred due to call-in by a disgruntled dancer. It could happen anywhere.
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