Crazy Horse Men's Club
25540 Miles Rd
Bedford Heights, OH 44146
Cleveland 2AMer...reset the clock.
Atlanta suburb
CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - A shooting at a strip club in Downtown Cleveland early Sunday morning injured two men, according to police officials.
Police said the shooting happened at Crazy Horse Cleveland, located at 1438 St. Clair Avenue, at 3:30 a.m.
Officials said police found two men in their 20′s with gunshot wounds.
Police said the two men were taken to the hospital.
Police said the shooting happened at Crazy Horse Cleveland, located at 1438 St. Clair Avenue, at 3:30 a.m.
Officials said police found two men in their 20′s with gunshot wounds.
Police said the two men were taken to the hospital.
The Crazy Horse downtown is now a black club called "Power," and Power is at that address, so the shooting occurred at Power in downtown Cleveland, not Crazy Horse in Bedford Heights. Crazy Horse Bedford Heights is relatively safe, btw.