New layout of the site

I really like the new layout and the new features, finally top 40 lists are back and being able to read reviews by day again is appreciated. Not to mention city names along with county names in the browse listings section.
There are a couple things from the past that are missing now and, while they may be on the way, I thought I would post to see if anyone else has some “would like to see items”.
First is the “show club on a map” link from the club listing page - takes quite a bit of navigation to see the map now and you can lose your place easily.
Second would also be map related, the name tags on the map could show an overall rating number or some indication of if a club is worth trying
Finally, when viewing reviews by date having a button to expand all reviews for that day would allow saving the page to a pdf for offline reading when flying or at a location where tuscl is a blocked site
Any other MIA features that you used to use often and you’ld like to see return?