Death of Tycoons in Detroit
Detroit, Michigan
After years of declining patronage, lazy dancers and charging for even the air in the place, it looks like Tycoons on Eight Mile Road in Detroit, Michigan has closed. Regular and rapid turnover of managers signaled the beginning of the end. As soon as a manager was able to understand how to bring some life back to the club, he was gone. The hot dancers were always bitchin' about the way they were treated. (Now how many customers want to listen to that!) I heard rumors about I.R.S. difficuties and put together a team that offered to help. No return phone calls. The club has been locked up since April 15. It now has a sign annoucing that the site will soon be a Tim Horton;s. Once a happening place, Tycoons owners took customers for granted and never understood that they faced real competition for a shrinking entertainment dollar in the Detroit market.
SuperDude, speaking of poorly timed upscale ventures, any word on how the Colosseum is doing? I heard they lowered dance prices, but I still haven't heard anybody say it's worth trying.