Crackdown on COI Clubs?

avatar for JohnSmith69
sclvr mentioned in a recent post a LE crackdown on COI clubs. Does anybody have any more information on this? I'm going to be in LA shortly and since jerikson refuses to meet up at one of her clubs, I thought I'd head out to COI. However I've never been in a LE raid and I'd rather not start now. I appreciate any recent information.


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avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
Yeah there has been a big crackdown that seemed to peak right after the elections last November. Seems like there are reports of squad cars in most clubs parking lots on a routine basis, and you never know if they are there for donuts, to fuck with our heads, or to raid the clubs. It sucks. They seem to be focusing on Synn & DVCOI alot right now. It heats up and cools down, but it is always just bubbling under the surface. The city wants the clubs outta there. The cops are all too happy to oblige.
avatar for foxhole
10 years ago
The raids or at-least the talk of them happening appears at the club scenes annually at a certain point every year, its usually to cool things down and make sure they dont go out of hand. The raids or the talk of them makes the clubs, dancers and patrons wary about taking things too far. I have been a COI regular and have never seen one actually happening. At its worst, I have seen unenthusiastic response from the dancers if you came out too strong asking for "stuff" and that is generally self defense on their part in case you are an undercover cop.
You can google COI clubs + raids or something to that effect and nothing would show up.
avatar for xxxrated
10 years ago
There were some cops checking license plates at the COI Rhino. Some cops near the Satin Topless, Last Saturday night. Haven't heard of a pending raid though.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
Lol you can keep living in your delusional little rosy colored world, but the rest of us with a foot in reality know what's up. I am a COI regular too and I'm not so flippant to ignore what's going on. Yeah nothing shows up on Google...... Did you really think it would? It shows up on local SC sites and is discussed offline amongst the PL's that got each others back.

JS69- do what you like, but just be aware of the climate right now in the COI. Like anything in life- ya pays ya money and ya takes ya chances.
avatar for foxhole
10 years ago
Do i believe that if there was an actual raid on a club and it would make thew news - Yes i 100% do. It would be foolish to think that such a news an event would not make the news in any way or form

I am not irresponsible but I am practical enough to understand that there is a certain amount of implicit risk one assumes by visiting establishments which are in the grey with respect to the services they provide. Its not just COI, any such establishment would be under the radar of the LE.

I base my decisions on facts and not on paranoia. Do you really think the chances of being busted by LE would be any less even if the rumors were not going round. The risk is always there. Just because there are no talks going on in forums does not imply that you are limiting your exposure to the risk
avatar for foxhole
10 years ago
You should not be visiting such clubs at all if you are worried about exposure and not base your decision on unproven rumors that are making rounds
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Thanks for the input. I'll probably stay away this trip and hope things calm down soon. Never been a huge fan of COI clubs anyway --mileage and prices are great, but dancer quality can be low. Not worth taking a risk of being caught in some PL roundup. Plenty of good LA clubs to choose from. And who knows, maybe jerikson will finally accept my offer and I can go to her club one night.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
And that risk that you are now admitting is exactly my point. And I got some news for you- there have been several raids, including arrests of dancers, that didn't make the evening news or any ne s for that matter. How did I find out? Thru the local network of COI PL's like myself. I am not being patanoid- I'm being cautious due to validated Intel that I received. The good times in the COI aren't going to last forever. The writing is on the wall, and when that time comes no one will miss it more than me. But sadly that time will come sooner than you think.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
Yes there have been raids that never made any news. They might have made page 15 or something in a local rag paper, but it never was announced anywhere online that I noticed. Happened several times so far, actually. I talked with some dancers that were involved in some of them. They usually got hit with misdemeanors for sex or drug related stuff. The clubs usually reopened the next day, but they face some serious fines along other legal issues. I agree w/ sclvr that it will probably only get worse, so enjoy it while you can!
avatar for bkkruined
10 years ago
If cops are raiding clubs, it's going to be headline making material for the local newspaper to sell some copies. Strippers arrested for prostitution sells newspapers!!! And there no way the police aren't going to tell all the local papers about that, it makes them look like they are doing something, why else are they going to actually raid the place and arrest girls instead of just harrassing them looking for easy booty?
And I've never heard of customers being arrested in the club. There's nothing illegal about just going there? so unless you actually get caught with your pants down and dick inside a girl they have no evidence of any customer doing anything illegal.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
I'm surprised that clean cut types venture into the COI. That's what the kids now days refer to as "ratchet". I've only been to Bliss and DJV but I thought the talent looked mostly skanky. So what about the DTLA clubs? Or even SVF clubs?
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
John, you might find jerikson in a purple dress and washing SJG's car at an AMP.

Bkkruined, even if the cops don't arrest you, they still might make your night so miserable, you'd wish that you never left your house.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
What's next in this thread? My guesses:

1. Smokeyb tells us he regularly sees Latino gangs with AK 47s in the parking lots of COI clubs.

2. Dougster claims you can't be arrested in a raid if you follow the System.

3. JS69 explains in detail why his latest sexual adventure with his DS is better than anything offered in any COI club.

4. LDK fills us in on the details of COI streetwalkers.

5. SJG decides to drive his motorhome to COI clubs and enter into romantic relationships with dancers who are traumatized by all the raids.

avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ALL TRUE!

I did once chat up a dolled up young Vietnamese-American hottie, in a parking lot. No she wasn't washing her car, she was there waiting for a ride home as her hostess bar at Tully and Senter was presently being raided. She wasn't really in the mood to talk.

To make sex busts in a strip club usually it's got to be either,

1. Dancers openly soliciting undercover officers ( Market St. Cinema and some of the recent busts in South Carolina )

or 2. Undercovers going into booths with dancers and getting enough to bust them, but with out engaging in entrapment or sex acts. Very Difficult! Usually does get the cops into trouble.

I have never heard of a customer being busted for sex crimes at an SC. I have never heard of LE sending an undercover dancer to work in an SC. Quite an involved undertaking.

Almost always, SC busts will be written about in the news papers. If someone has seen this, they should post it. Unfortunately they often list dancers' real names. They really should not do this. Should also be able to find any busts on LE's Arrest Log.

The easiest types of busts to make would be for violating these local ordinances. These were designed to be very easy to enforce, much easier than 647b. Like no touching, minimum distance, no off stage nudity, no locks on doors or totally private booths. It really stinks.

While I also would not want to get caught in a raid, the chances are slim and the chances of actually being prosecuted for anything even more slim.

I am still concerned about this matter because what is very likely is that some really wonderful venues could be destroyed.

avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
JS69, okay, now why am I hearing the theme song from the TV series "Soap" playing in my head?
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
PG, I loved that show. Haven't seen it since it went off the air 30 years ago.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
John, it was definitely one of the edgier, defining classics. I think I'm going to have to order some DVDs now; I wonder if Barnes & Noble has them.
avatar for Cheo_D
10 years ago
As to newspaper coverage: COI is a very small bit of LA County; a raid would go in an inside page with the general police blotter unless something else happens (they seize two k's of high grade coke, a Christian Coalition candidate was in the audience, someone got run over by the paddywagon). It's mostly off the radar of the media. COI has never been much of a town, with a tiny population, incorporated as its name implies mostly to fence off some turf for some industrial companies away from the county's or nearby cities' taxing and zoning authority. That in turn led to tolerance of the SCs for a long time. But these days it's a dying municipality unless they find something else other than SCs to flourish there.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
I also am curious about the history of the little cities in that area. Because of the highly regarded strip clubs in those cities, I looked up a bit about them. They were all incorporated about the same time, and they have very small residential populations. Though they have lots of businesses. But owning real estate, a business, or working in a business does not give one a vote. Only residents get to vote. So I see this as an unusual situation and I would like to know more about it.

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