According to management and the police, Hustler is closed until further notice which, I have to admit, is extremely frustrating. I'd like to be able to go to work at some point. I'm not sure about the other clubs. I'll be contacting city police today to see if they know anything.
Baltimore Sun newspaper site today says for now everything in the 400s of E Baltimore St. will remain closed pending fire investigation and determination of soundness of structures. Spike of business fires in city recently apparently is slowing down work.
Should be a bonus for Wagon Wheel/Players Club and the Gold Club (both out on Pulaski Ave). I've been in both and they're pretty good, but very different from the Block experience.
I checked it out tonight. The entire block of Baltimore Street was closed off by police, and there were several fire investigation vehicles present, including Federal. Federal? This tells me it was way more than a cigarette in a waste basket. I'm seriously wondering if the Block as we know it will ever return.
I'm pretty sure the Block will remain, but probably in an altered form. There might be less dumps on the Block, which will be a definite plus. But once the buildings are secure and the investigation gets going the clubs on the side of Flynt's will be up and running, hopefully with extra specials to draw people back in.
As of this last weekend the businesses on the south (odd numbers, 401- etc) side of Baltimore Street were authorized to reopen, though the road remained closed to traffic. That is actually the larger number of establishments including LF's like Moose42 said, and I agree that there will probably be a shake-up. The immediate losses may take down whoever was weakest right away.
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