Looking Back - Looking Forward
I hear from so many customers about how the club culture used to be. It was a fun and friendly environment that was an amazing experience for everyone involved.
I think I came in at the end of that time, so I got just the very last few bits of what a club COULD be, without all of the entitlement of - quite frankly both the customers and dancers.
These days, guys want everything for nothing... and strippers only see customers as an ATM and often feel like they are "owed" a tip just for being there.
TBH, I built my entire club "persona" around catering to the mid-50's to 60's man. I dance to his music.. I try to be that dancer he remembered back in the day... and it has paid off for me. I try to make it a good experience for everyone.... I am not by any means perfect, but I hope I give my customers a good time for what they feel is an acceptable amount of cash...
If you are paying for full nude, you don't get me whining about how I am not even going to take my top off on stage... on the other hand, if I give a good performance that makes you... enjoy yourself... I expect to be compensated accordingly.
I guess the point is... we are all victims of the changes to the industry. As much as you would love to go back to the dancers of the past... I too would love to go back to the clubs from that time...
I am not sure what the answer is other than it takes us all treating each other with the respect we deserve... both dancers... and customers. Without that, it is just going to keep going down hill until no one wants to go to the clubs... and no one wants to work there either!
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