why you should tip at a strip club

Pussy ain’t free. Looking at pussy ain’t free. I know a lot of people on this website will confer about how they just watch the women on stage. I am here to say that is extremely sick and frankly fucking gay. If you are sitting in a dark ass club not getting dances not talking to women just fucking sitting with the other perverts watching this fine ass bitch pop her pussy on stage… you need to reevaluate your brain because it is not ticking properly. I get it if it’s genuinely a woman you are not attracted to and like you’re waiting for a dancer you want to approach you. But if you are just sitting there cold stone watching that shit dick hard in the god damn dark you should get up and at least toss a couple dollars at that woman. On top of that you should tip the workers that help you as well. You fuck with the door guy? Slide him a 5. If a waitress or someone brings you a drink or gets something for you or even gives extra advice on something. Do not take that as curtesy, tip her ass!!!
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