How to become a regular

This is not hard or expensive. Go once a week for 4 to 6 weeks. It only takes an hour or so each visit. Go on the same day at the same time. Buy one drink. Tip the bartender $5 no matter what the drink cost. They will remember you if you are consistent.
Next, the girls. Pick 2 or 3 each week and do a single dance with each one. Tip half of whatever the dance cost. Don’t be aggressive, your earning trust. After a couple weeks go back to girls that were good and a little extra touchy or relaxed. You will find out quickly which ones are the best. Always do a dance with a new girl each week. This keeps them from getting possessive. Other girls will not “find” you if they think you only get with the same girl every time. Sometimes you find better options too. Having a regular is good for extras and things just don’t limit yourself. Warnings. If she is aggressive, wants your phone number, overly sexual, having a crisis. Politely decline and just have a drink. The casual relaxed dancers are what you want. Just be consistent, even if it’s once a month they will remember your face.
Now you can have real fun and get your moneys worth. It’s all business but that doesn’t mean it can’t be good for both parties.
Also, a drunk and his money are soon parted.
Last rule. Be clean. Smelling like clean laundry is good thing and the girls notice.
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