Roderigo the Robe Man -- Coming to the United States ( fiction in installments )

So we have heard all about the exploits of Tijuana Tim and Mamisan, and about their Show Donkey Breeding Ranch.
Introducing: Roderigo the Robe Man. He is exactly like his name sounds. He is, or he was, the guy who passes out the robes in Tijuana's Hong Kong Bar, when you want to take a girl out into the hotel. He is smart and he knows how to speak with Gringos, so he gets good tips.
He had worked there just over 1 year, seeing all these Gringos getting to fuck some of their most beautiful of women. Originally he was okay about it, but then it started to eat at him. Its not that he minds what the girls do, its just that he wanted to be doing more.
He had started to think about this much, then finally he saw a sign on a telephone pole:
"Want to get rich and retire? Then you need to learn the secrets of Financial Literacy."
It said to send $29.95 by check or money order and SASE to an address in Las Vegas Nevada.
"Hey, what the hell, why not, thought Roderigo. I've given up more money than that for worse."
So he did it.
And sure enough, in 2 weeks he got his envelop back. He held it up to the light and he could see that their was something inside of it.
So he sat down at an outdoor restaurant table, just outside of the Zona, on Avenida Revolución. He ordered his food, and then after the waiter left him, he opened up the envelope.
It was just one page, and it said:
" If you want to get rich, you have to get control of other people's money. There is no Financial Literacy except for this. But how you get control of other people's money will vary, mostly according to how wealthy the people you are trying to get money off of are.
If you are going after poor people, you can usually find a way to set things up so that they have no other choice except to give you their last dollar. Look at thinks like cell phone service providers, car insurance, payday lending, bail bonding, used automobile tires, and of course gambling.
If you are going after people who are a little richer, you want them to think that giving you money will make them rich, and most of all that it will prove that they are smart. So look at things like quasi legal investments in grey area clandestine businesses.
If you are going after the very richest of marks, you need to come up with something which will make them look like they are brilliant humanitarians and altruists. Look to things like the Charter Schools movement and the Financial Literacy movement.
So get yourself a PO box and then make a sign like the one you saw, and start putting it places where people will see it so they can start sending you money. Photocopy this page so that you can stay out of trouble with the law by sending it back to them in their envelopes. "
Roderigo was surprised, this what not really what he was expecting. But working the year passing out robes so that Gringos could fuck their women, it had made him think. These were all ideas he had considered.
But Roderigo was not actually going to do what the page suggested. He already had had bigger ideas of his own. But what the one page did do was convince him that he needed to act, and that he should not be completely alone in this. He could use what it said in the one page as his unstated background understanding. He already was on good terms with some real high roller Gringos. But now he finally knew how he should try to approach them. And Roderigo knew that with El Jefe Trump in charge, things in the United States were almost never really how they looked.
Roderigo had a high roller Gringo friend Rick, and so they made a plan. Roderigo went and bought a new suit, and the dress shoes to go with it. Then he carefully folded it all up and tied it up tight in a nylon bag.
Then Roderigo bought some good boots, just like the ones the coyotes that get people across the boarder wear, and he got some clothes which were all black.
He knew some painters who had the highest of extension ladders on the top of their truck. They said they would let him use it. No one on the Mexican side cares about such stuff. And he got some rope for coming down the other side. Then around 3 am, up and over Trump's wall he went.
(Keep Checking This Article For The Next Installment)
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