
Recreational Viagra ???

Avatar for Warrior15
Warrior15Anywhere there are Titties.

When I was in my 20s, I would get hard when a girl talked to me. During sex, if I came early it didn't matter. I could be rock hard again in seconds. But now that I'm in my fifties, nature has taken it's course. I don't have a problem. If the girl is reasonably attractive and gives me a little "encouragement", I'm good to go. But there are limits now. I need a few minutes in between sessions, I can only do it maybe 3 times in a single day, and probably only 6 times in a long weekend.

I miss the old me ! And I'm going to be in San Diego in a couple of months. Never been to TJ and was thinking about checking it out. The Reviews here on TUSCL about the Zona Norte clubs have me planning out a jaunt down there. I'm thinking that if I'm there, I want to maximize my opportunity. I don't want to get to Hong Kong, see that perfect 10, then have to send her away because I just came down from a session with another girl.

So the question is ......... Do you use Viagra for recreational use ?

I've read up on this a little. There can be some serious side effects. But it looks like most of those are when someone takes too much, takes it too often, or takes it when they have a bad heart. I know I need a prescription, but there are online ways to get around that. I don't really think I want to buy the stuff at the pharmacia in TJ.

Give me some feedback. I know there are some experts out there on this subject.


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