

Avatar for Lofn
LofnQueen of the day shift

There's something very friendly and comfortable about Visions. It's not glamorous, but it's not a down-and-out dive either. It's kind of like the Cheers of New Orleans strip clubs. The club has been there for decades--some customers have told me wild stories about how they used to get laid there twenty years ago! So the whole place has a well-worn feel--it smells permanently of cigarette smoke, perfumes, and old mop water. It feels like it hasn't seen fresh air or sunlight since before I was born, and it probably hasn't

Day shift is 11 am-7 pm and the house fees are $80 if you aren't on the schedule (and it takes 3 weeks before you are on it, after which house fees are $50). Your first shift, though, they don't charge you the house fee since you are new.

Private dances are $20 or $30 for VIP dances (which are in a little booth with more privacy). They take $5 of every VIP dance but the $20 ones are yours to keep.

The management is very nice and the girls are friendly. Most of the customars are blue collar types, but you also get doctors and lawyers popping in on their lunch breaks. Generally, they're experienced strip club connoisseurs who understand the way it works and are there to spend money and get dances. Visions caters to locals, so the money there can be more consistent than at clubs in the quarter that rely on tourists and conventions. However, most of the customers expect some pretty heavy contact. There is lots of boob and butt touching, and management doesn't care too much. there was an announcement by the house mom, "No blow jobs in the VIP rooms!" But IMO, you need to enforce this rule by penalizing the girls who are doing this, not just making an announcement! And this also lets you know that this kind of thing goes on in there.

Another good thing about Visions is the men at the stage/bar HAVE to tip. There are periodic announcements about how if they aren't tipping, they have to leave! So you basically always make money off your stage show, which is nice. For an eight hour shift, I generally had about 4 stage rotations.

It is located in New Orleans East, a few minutes down the interstate past the downtown area.


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