
Comments by boomer79

  • discussion #85041
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    Honestly I’m a white guy but I go to white or mixed clubs so the club would never been an issue. Honestly I’ve never been into black dancers which can occasionally be awkward. I have occasionally had certain dancers get frustrated when it’s slow because they basically know I’m not a potential customer. People like what they like either way. I think for the most part clubs and dancers are there to make money although they may occasionally prefer not to deal with a customer for a variety of reasons We are there to pursue what we’re attracted to. As long as we treat everyone with respect it’s ok. That’s the business.
  • discussion #84862
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    Sadly I’ve spoken to 2 long term favorites at Fannies. It’s permanently closed. They were both trying to decide whether to move on to another club. I always thought Fannies was a better club than it was given credit for. One dancer called it the “mutt of strip clubs” which was kind of accurate. ZIt was a bit of a hybrid between different types of clubs. Options for good mileage with white spinners in a Atlanta have really declined in the last few years. zTattletales is so expensive. I really hope things work out with Allure. It looks like the landing spot for a few Fannies dancers I know.
  • discussion #84862
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    I was there two weeks ago. They were really struggling but still going then.
  • discussion #84818
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    When I was in college there was a local club that had them occasionally. I think they were using them to find potential dancers.
  • discussion #84819
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    Orlando is pretty tame. Probably the closest fun clubs are in Tampa.
  • discussion #84806
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    I’m hesitant to get too explicit in the discussions but read reviews. There are plenty of clubs where extras are available ranging from a straight forward slam dunk to places that require negotiations and not everyone is down.If you read the reviews look at those that are reviewed a lot. That generally means they’re popular and around here extras are probably the most common reason for them to be popular. This area may not quite be Pompano or Detroit but it’s not far off.
  • discussion #84792
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    They need to get established because they were in a bad cycle. I know several good dancers who have danced there briefly and left because there were no customers. Customers come in and leave because there aren’t many dancers. The club location is pretty good and the setup has potential. They just need to get established.
  • discussion #84782
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    I do feel like the club has a lot of potential. It should pick up eventually.
  • review #410354
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    At least it’s not night time prices. Tattletales does have the best physical setup for VIP rooms but you pay for themZ
  • discussion #84749
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    It’s been forever since I’ve seen a wet tshirt contest. They used to be much more common.
  • review #410088
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    There are girls who will give South Florida mileage but not all and it’s expensive. There are girls who do extras.
  • discussion #84694
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    Yeah. Usually door vultures are less in demand and are more aggressive. The best have people coming to see them who they know will buy so they don’t need to do that.
  • discussion #84695
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    Pass. Not my type.
  • discussion #84673
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    I’ve never heard of a place known for them. Honestly they’re extremely rare and right now I can’t think of any currently dancing.
  • discussion #84559
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    I really prefer the evening sun. I’m indoors working in the morning any way. I really love being able to do things in the evening and having the sun going down just as Im done in the Winter is extremely depressing.
  • discussion #84537
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    I like Scarlett’s at Ybor in Tampa. Across the Bay Oz is good. There are a few other options if you like sure things but not quite as high on quality across the bay.
  • discussion #84466
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    Every day this guy’s political career isn’t dead makes me seriously wonder what the heck happened to this country. It’s actually crazy to think most of those determinations were made in a court of law.
  • discussion #84453
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    They might be the safest business adult or not in the area. I do not know about the other clubs but there aren’t many incidents at Fannies. I’ll have to check in with some of my friends on night shift. I’ve been busy lately but if some of those girls move I definitely want to know where. It’s a dive but I’ve had some good times.
  • review #407024
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    I forgot. I wouldn’t say robbed. She just huddled pretty hard and I was kind of in the mood to do a VIP and made a bad choice. She didn’t lie but she was pushy.
  • discussion #84332
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    Yeah I think there is a town just a few minutes away where there are clubs and brothels. Italy is amazing but by European standards it’s conservative about such things.
  • discussion #84318
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    Definitely a 10. I go for tight athletic bodies and she’s extremely pretty.
  • discussion #84301
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    Yes where I’m a regular and girls know I do it. If I’m not know. And spending money occasionally.
  • discussion #84284
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    I do think saying hi to as many customers as possible and just saying to let them know if they need anything is great. Being brief and friendly while possibly spending more time if the customer shows interest is the way to go.
  • discussion #84284
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    It depends. There is a sweet spot although the pushiest girls frequently are ones who would be less in demand. Rarely have I had an aggressive member of the A team to deal with. Most dancers will take a polite line about just getting there or “chilling out a bit.” If they proceed with the hard sell You might have to be more direct about not being interested but usually it’s sufficient.
  • discussion #84274
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    The only think I’ve heard of like that in Atlanta is something at an adult toy store called Tokyo Valentines but I really don’t know anything about it and it’s a gay hangout. I think there are enough clubs where the underground aspect isn’t really necessary.
  • review #407165
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    If a tip is mandatory it should be agreed to and isn’t really a tip. If it’s not agreed to it’s at your discretion. As to what a good tip for a very good session is I guess it depends on what a good session is but that still doesn’t change the fact that a tip not agreed on isn’t mandatory.
  • discussion #84233
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    When they treat dancers as employees they are tipped employees but if they’re independent contractors then that wouldn’t apply. I know at Fannies they have a strange system of how the girls are employees.
  • discussion #84226
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    I enjoyed Scarlett’s Ybor and it’s closer that the Pasco or St. Pete clubs. You’re right though Orlando is bad for clubbing. You might see good looking girls but zero mileage.
  • discussion #84202
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    Enjoy yourself and don’t force things. I like VIPs and some of the biggest disappointments are when I get one at the end of the shift when I probably would prefer another option. Sometimes it’s best to chill out and come back another day.
  • discussion #84205
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    Oh yeah I’ve paid up front. I thought he was talking about 400 up front that didn’t include the girls fee which would probably be a 1K VIP. I’ve definitely paid the girl in that range up front. They have to trust you as well.
  • discussion #84205
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    Not for just the room. I’ve paid more than that dancer fee included. I’ve had a few annoying busts over the years but I usually don’t go too high. I’ve found you frequently have to pay for a fun time but spending more than about 500 all in is almost certainly not worth it. Yeah I’ve overpaid and I’ve had disappointing VIPs but never felt like I was completely taken to the cleaners and that’s mainly due to going in kind of knowing the spectrum of what to expect from this site.
  • review #406936
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    jmiddle that’s correct I think although the price doubles at night at TT and in my experience the girls want pretty big tips for extras, I think TT is the best but you definitely pay for it.
  • review #406936
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    What I wonder is if they open at night. TT isn’t that expensive during the day for rooms but night is crazy expensive. I think someone mentioned in a discussion that the door guy said the Allure girls were going to Platinum and Oasis would take over night shift. I’m kind of curious. I think I went in there a long time ago but I’ve never been to Allure. I have a meeting in the area Thursday and might go if I get done in time.
  • discussion #84194
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    That would be great. Honestly I like TT but the way their prices are going they need some competition.
  • discussion #84194
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    Day customers aren’t the problem but the 2am crowd definitely is. The whole make it rain thing is about calling attention to yourself. People who are there for the girls don’t cause trouble. Knuckle head rednecks late at night are a big problem too although there aren’t as many in the City of Atlanta.
  • discussion #84195
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    I usually do the first song and then if I like it I will say do 2 more. If I want more than that it’s time to go to VIP.
  • discussion #84183
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    It shouldn’t be allowed but they’re too hard on it. Honestly if the kids are in high school it should be fireable but don’t lock them up. If they’re younger throw the book at them. There are certain ages that are kind of a gray area and increasingly the laws are treating the people who have sex with them like the hardcore creeps. That goes for men and women. Having sexual with a 16 year old should not make you a felon on the sex offender registry. Heck when I was 14 the age of consent was 14 and that was in the early 90s. Now that would get you 20 years potentially. As far as the law tge prudes are winning unfortunately.
  • discussion #84184
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    I know a few years back there was a club in Sandy Springs that had a male and a female side. I was checking it out and ended up taking two girls who were there with their friends to a hotel. There were a lot of bachelorette parties and such there although I rarely went there. I think it was Dill House which had been in Cheshire Bridge for female strippers and Coronet Club with male.
  • discussion #84194
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    Yeah unfortunately that is the situation in Atlanta. For the most part it’s the same places that seem to have the incidents. I know Doraville was the reason Oasis got closed but they had fewer incidents in 20 years than some of these clubs have in 1. That’s the good thing about catering to professional and older people. They would rather not call attention to themselves and they very much don’t want to be involved in an incident. Unfortunately with no new clubs those groups tended to like cs in the areas where people most wanted to close them down.
  • discussion #84194
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    Allure at night is a totally different deal than Oasis during the day. A lot of locals want it gone. It’s a shame because it was so rare for Oasis to have significant problems. I really hate it when stuff like this is used as an excuse to shut down clubs that don’t cause trouble. I wish Oasis could find a nice suburban commercial location and go on not causing any more trouble than a restaurant like it always did.
  • discussion #84182
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    It’ was near the current Lindbergh Marta station on Piedmont. It was in BuckheD maybe a mile from Tattletales.
  • discussion #84182
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    I only went in there once and it was after the raid. The handwriting was on the wall that it was probably going to close but I thought it would be cool to go there because it was so famous. I was barely 21. It did feel different. It was more upscale and some of the prices quoted were high. I was always under the impression though that the case against them was overly dramatic. Prosecutors were trying to make a name for themselves.
  • discussion #84163
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    That’s right. I think the other guys name was Sheikout. I just remember that I always knew that fun could be had but that was the first I knew of a club where it was widespread. I was in my 20s back then. I also remember hearing about the Purple Chuch in Memphis which was farther away. I always wanted to go but it’s ancient history now.
  • discussion #84163
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    November 2005. I remember the first club I checked out due to this website being Platinum Plus in Columbia SC. That was before Follies became a big thing in Atlanta. I didn’t go much but it sounded like Shadow and a poster named Candy Man who hasn’t been around for a long time had a good thing going.
  • discussion #84157
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    Day is 100 room fee to the club and night is 200 for a half hour. That is before you pay the girl. Tattletales has gotten expensive especially at night.
  • discussion #84157
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    I don’t think the room fee changes and pricing is up to the girl as long as they get the club minimum which is 200 per half hour plus 100 or 200 depending on day or night. It probably depends on what you want and can negotiate. I only did that once though and my “girlfriend” was a dancer at another club. My info wouldn’t be current.
  • discussion #84148
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    It’s a lot less common but yes. Of course forcible penetration when you take out all of the ability to consent types of rape would be extremely difficult and unusual.
  • review #406577
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    100 is definitely a deal. 150 on top of the room fee will get some takers. Most will accept 200 plus the 110 room fee. Any more than that only makes sense if you’re negotiating for extras.
  • discussion #84123
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    Pinups is actually in a pretty nice area but they seem to have a lot of trouble with incidents. I wish the Oasis thing had been true. I never remember hearing about incidents at Oasis.
  • discussion #84108
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    That’s nuts. 5K on a card for a school district. I really can’t imagine spending that much being necessary to get what you want even if you did want to spend it.
  • discussion #84083
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    Would be great. I had thought that with Pinups but it didn’t happen. Honestly I won’t hold my breath but Atlanta needs another club in that market. TT prices are crazy and they’re still very busy.
  • discussion #84072
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    I’m not going to get too specific about what I know about the one he’s talking about because it’s confused me for a long time. I know a lot of girls on that shift some of whom are friends with the dancers I’m pretty sure are being referred to. It’s not normal for that club and the other dancers say he’s kind of like a manager for the two girls in question. I do know they have some nice stuff and seem to live a fairly good lifestyle. However yeah it confuses me. I don’t think it’s what I would call trafficking though and it’s the exception not the rule though. I will agree it’s too conspicuous though and regardless of what’s going on it might get be a mistake for the club to let it be so visibl especially since they are having trouble after being annexed. I really don’t think there is anything sinister going on though. I At least that’s what other dancers have told me.
  • discussion #84072
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    Most of the girls there don’t work with pimps but I can pretty well guess who you met. There are two. Was the guy dressed kind of like a stereotypical pimp? This guy dresses flash and watches.
  • review #406077
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    This has been my regular spot for a while. I really think it’s underrated especially considering there are fewer options for the type of girls they have than a few years back in Atlanta.
  • discussion #84041
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    Do you mean an affordable hotel or are you looking for a real dive? Most hotels are listed on Expedia and you can check Hotwire for a deal. I’d be hesitant about a real bottom of the barrel motel that isn’t listed. If it’s for OTC there is a fair chance a dancer might have a recommendation. I’m all for saving money but in some of those areas being too cheap could be dangerous.
  • discussion #84030
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    I’m very much for strippers being independent contractors but they should be treated fairly. As to what the club takes a reasonable tip out should be the norm. I don’t like them taking a cut of dances or anything other than a room fee. Ideally the club would make most of their money on cover and drinks.
  • discussion #84038
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    Yikes. I did no a stripper who wanted to be choked once. I kind of half heartedly did it. I’m really not into that and don’t want to hurt anyone. She then asked me to use my belt on her neck and take her from behind. I didn’t do it and it kind of freaked me out.
  • review #405747
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    There are several girls I know at night who are fun. Prices can vary but yeah the 125 to the club is annoying. Before the girls were employees it used to be a lot less.
  • discussion #84004
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    It’s definitely illegal although some jurisdictions have unofficial policies to leave people alone with small quantities for personal use. The odds of arrest are a lot less than they once were.
  • review #405558
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    The house is always going to take the room fee. That’s always going to be separate from the “tip “ for services. There is no doubt though it’s expensive and it’s definitely not as straight forward as some other places. I do know it wasn’t as expensive and it was easier before some of their competitors were closed down. I’m sure there are also people who are known customers and have favorites who have much more predictable experiences as is the case almost anywhere.
  • review #405558
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    You can have fun there but to me TT isn’t what it was a few years ago especially at night. Honestly a lot of their competitors have been closed and it’s not easy to negotiate to get what you want at night and it can be crazy expensive. I know a lot of people don’t like it and the area is crappy but for higher mileage at night from attractive white girls I really think Fannies is underrated. Not so much a fan of Fannies daytime quality. Flashers Oasis and Follies are very much missed.
  • discussion #83989
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    In my experiences most girls are more than happy to give you a way to ask if they’re working.
  • discussion #83973
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    Obviously in that area there are a lot of Cuban dancers and in many clubs they are very straight forward about extras. However there are definitely white, American women. They’re just less direct and usually want more money if they’ll do it. I think there are probably fewer than there were 10 years ago but they’re still definitely out there. I’m not from the area but earlier this year I had a couple of really good experience with a youngish blond at Scarlett’s Ybor in Tampa
  • discussion #83897
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    No. Every club I’ve been to has been through the internet ott word of mouth. I have seen a club though and looked it up. Of course most of the billboards I’ve seen are for Cafe Risqué. Those are generally known to be crappy dives.
  • discussion #83890
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    I generally don’t unless a dancer tells me it’s necessary and I take note if different girls tell me different things. Usually it’s good at sometimes extras clubs. Those are the ones where extras happen but they’re not assumed and they can get the girls in trouble. Those are the clubs where there may be arrangements with management we’re not privy too.
  • discussion #83885
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    Way too much rap these days. I do go to one club that has a juke box including one that technically you could choose songs remotely. Pretty sure someone has been messing with everyone once or twice. I once heard Amazing Grace in the club at 2 AM.
  • discussion #83831
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    In Atlanta definitely although it’s still possible to find what I like. I know there are some of us looking for younger, white, spinners and there are fewer of them dancing. In Atlanta one thing I think had an affect was permits plus they closed clubs in some of the more suburban locations due to government problems. I think the permits discouraged girls from giving it a shot or coming and going. Some wouldn’t have liked it and moved on but some would have stuck around. There are still some good ones though.
  • discussion #83830
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    If you’re not sure you can take a break. You can always go back if you realize you miss it and it’s an expensive hobby if you’re not really enjoying it.
  • discussion #83820
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    It wouldn’t affect my opinion of a dancer but I’m not a car guy. I do know one dancer with a pink Mercedes SUV that was quite expensive. I like her but I know she has a kid and don’t think she has much of a plan after dancing. She makes good money and I hope she’s put some of it away.
  • discussion #83822
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    I wish they’d play anything but rap. I truly hate the rap/hip hop make it rain scene. It’s infesting clubs that used to not have it.
  • discussion #83825
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    It’s funny. Normally if you asked me I’d say I preferred blonds. However my recent favorites have been brunettes. Hair color is one of many factors. The only thing is I’m not a fan of hair colors that do not occur naturally. I find things like green or pink hair kind of strange. I generally prefer more natural looks.
  • discussion #83807
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    I haven’t been there but have heard a few things about it. It’s a little more upscale and was trying to get the Oz girls with some success. Prices are higher. My friend didn’t think it was worth it and I’ve read underwhelming reviews on another site. It might improve though and of course I have no personal experience with Reign.
  • discussion #83780
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    Contrast that to Follies where the girls used to just say throw it behind the couch.
  • review #403893
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    Yeah. Tattletales is fun but it’s gotten expensive especially at night. There are other clubs but as far as high mileage attractive white girls it’s the only place to go except for Fannies at night and the TT location is much better. If Oasis Follies and Fladhers were open they wouldn’t be charging that.
  • discussion #83765
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    Some of the best and worst experiences are with new dancers. Occasionally you’ll find one who really badly wants to please.
  • discussion #83760
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    I’d be hesitant to live next to any busy commercial place especially if it was active late at night. Living in proximity would depend on whether there was frequently trouble at the club and whether noise, traffic, or crime actually affected me. For instance Platinum in Atlanta was a pretty respectable club but I’m sympathetic to the residential area that apparently turned into overflow parking. Considerations like that are legitimate. Now from a zoning perspective if there is a problem they should be allowed to relocate to an area where night clubs of other sorts are permitted.
  • discussion #83759
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    I think limo rides are mentioned in reviews. I guess the answer is they can be but YMMV. You should talk to the dancer you’re interested in.
  • discussion #83744
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    You’d think clubs would be the last concern for South Fulton. That area is genuinely awful and the clubs feel much safer than the surrounding area.
  • discussion #83648
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    They’re at least temporarily back open pending court resolution. This happened today.
  • discussion #83648
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    Confirmed. I talked to two dancers. It’s the familiar story for Atlanta. They got annexed into the City of South Fulton who has a no alcohol and nude dancing ordinance they decided to enforce. Girls said they were told there is still hope but it doesn’t sound good. I thought the one advantage of being in the ghetto would be fewer Karen’s and Bible thumpers. I think Fannies elevated the neighborhood but I guess that crap can happen even in the ghetto.
  • discussion #83645
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    If people are forced to do something physically or by coercion something should be done. If people feel someone’s circumstances cause them to make choices that they don’t want the reemedy is to try to give them alternative choices and see what they choose. If you don’t offer them an alternative and you take away the “coerced” option you’re still taking what they consider their best option. Of course there is also the possibility that the actual person doing it feels differently about it than the third party who thinks it’s awful and would choose to do it. In this case they are not a slave.
  • discussion #83638
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    The raid sounded like it was about prostitution rebranded as human trafficking to make it sound worse. Apparently Homeland Security has time to harass strip clubs. That sounds like virtue signaling to me. Conservatives have always been awful about this but on the left liberalism is being replaced by progressivism which is a blow to freedom. The angry feminists have gotten too powerful on the left unfortunately while in the right the Bible thumpers are up to the same BS as always.
  • review #402899
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    They should have gone for an Oasis business model. Tons of demand for that. There is plenty of competition in the market Pin Ups is competing in.
  • discussion #83648
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    I’ve been pretty regular going to Fannies for a while and will message a dancer I know about it. I will say business has been awful there for a while. I feel like they raised prices to offset slow business which is kind of a desperate move. It wouldn’t surprise me if this isn’t about money rather than government.
  • discussion #83540
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    Not a lot cover it for weight loss but a lot cover ozempic which is the same thing for diabetes. There is a coupon if it’s not covered and you could get it around 1K a month. It’s definitely expensive Mounjaro is another similar product that can be slightly cheaper.
  • review #402182
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    Yes unless there is a very recent development. I just messaged one of the girls but I’m pretty sure about the 15.
  • review #402182
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    Dances are 15 unless something has changed in the last 2 weeks.
  • discussion #83489
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    I’ve enjoyed Diamond Dolls but I don’t think that’s Pasco. There is a club named Red Room in Pasco I’ve heard good things about. It’s not my area but I get down there occasionally.
  • discussion #83485
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    I guess the question is whether political opponents are commiting crimes or whether it’s just an inquisition to get them. What Trump did was out and out sedition. Now if we were talking about a 5 year special council investigation that ended by filing charges that the President lied about a consensual relationship with an intern. That would be hard to justify. Or maybe you have a congressional committee trying to interject itself into an investigation of a politician’s troubled sons tax issues. That would be improper.
  • discussion #83469
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    These days it’s gotten really expensive.
  • discussion #83446
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    I agree on the firm offer. That or if she goes high and wants to sell if you just say you wish you could but that’s more than you can do she may either ask you for a number or start negotiating with herself. Statingcc bc a reasonable number you will pay is different from going back and forth trying to save every last dollar. I also tell her I only talk money before because it’s a mood killer during dances
  • discussion #83445
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    I know there is a regular at Fannies in Atlanta who likes golden showers and the girls have warned me about that particular room and it stinks. I asked how often it was cleaned and one of them just laughed.
  • discussion #83439
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    Some girls would probably rather not have their pictures online associated with a club.
  • discussion #83410
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    I get that strip club interactions are atypical and some might be considered creepy by a lot of people but that’s not a license to be wierd and make people uncomfortable. I get that if there are attractive women around we’re going to notice. But when it comes to “creepy” there are some basic social conventions everyone should follow.
  • discussion #83410
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    No public pools where I live. A lot of people have private pools though. As to the beach I’m not around one much but I can see that. I know some of the better strip clubb trips this summer was after trips to the beach in the St. Pete Clearwater area got me in the mood so to speak. It’s hard not to notice but I try not to go around gawking though. Sometimes it’s hard not to notice though.
  • discussion #83393
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    As far as not coming dampness can be a little bit of pre-cum and it’s hard to know that’s coming. If you take the thin pants commando route that’s always going to be a possibility but most dancers don’t care.
  • discussion #83405
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    More than that. I’ve had a few one offs but most of mine are with the same girls. There is one I’ve probably been with at least 100 times over about 4 years.
  • discussion #83366
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    The things I’ve heard are seriously disappointing but a bit conflicted. Atlanta badly needed a competitor for TT and this sounds like something we have an abundance of. We badly need the north perimeter clubs back.
  • discussion #83324
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    One girl had two incidents in about 3 months. Once she was drugged and another a guy pulled a knife on her and demanded a blow job. The club had staffing issues and was short a lot early in the week frequently. What she thought was that she did extras for some regulars and others heard about it and didn’t like being turned down.
  • discussion #83277
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    The key to not gettting ripped off is knowing what is normal for a club and clearly communicating expectations. Usually if you read reviews there is at least some information on most clubs.
  • discussion #83252
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    Usually I tell them they should talk to the girls. I wouldn’t talk to someone in the bathroom but if I feel like being helpful I might add that a girl is honest or a straight shooter meaning she won’t try to mislead about services. It’s not common but following to the bathroom isn’t cool.
  • discussion #83205
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    I once had a stripper invite me to a paid house party. There were a couple of girls who invited some regulars and the party was at a customer’s house. That was maybe 15 years ago but it’s a great memory. Of course if I was going to do something I’d talk to my favs. They might work with me or know who would. It could be fun but for me if it’s outside the club I’m just looking for private time not a party.
  • discussion #83199
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    15 in Atlanta sounds like Fannies. TT is 10 or 20. I feel like for the most part dances in Atlanta are a way to get by but VIP is where dancers can make more. However the cheaper dances can help sell the VIPs.
  • discussion #83187
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    To a degree it’s kind of fun. I’m a Braves fan and I love the enthusiasm of Acuna and Allbies.
  • discussion #83193
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    Some see that no nation is perfect and want to get better. The ability to look at the good and bad in multiple civilizations including your own can lead to a better future. It’s important to know history and be able to relate it to current events.
  • review #399668
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    They’re going to price themselves out of range. If they are going that high they should consider only doing it for the weekend. Monday night with a 300 VIP fee to the club is going to be slooow.
  • discussion #83125
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    I wish enforcement showed more concern for reaching out to dancers and sex workers and making sure they’re there willingly and that they understand their rights. The government says sex trafficking is their main concern. However too often it’s used as an excuse to enforce a culturally prudish agenda. They should find and help actual victims who are in situations like the ones described in this article if they really care.
  • discussion #83110
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    I hope Dekalb isn’t being a pain. Usually Dekalb, Fulton, and the City of Atlanta take the position they have better things to worry about unlike all the neighborhoods turned city. I doubt it’s changing the name though. More likely than not it’s transferring permits if it’s that kind of issue.
  • discussion #83110
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    I’m not in the area all the time but I generally go to the Farmers market once a week so can easily check then. It’s just strange because multiple people told me today but for all I know their info could have come from the same place.
  • discussion #83110
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    If it’s going to happen they should have the sale finalized and working on permits. I’ve driven by twice and didn’t see construction type stuff. I’m kind of hopeful about the place.prices have gone up dramatically at Tattletales and they were always the most expensive. A competitor in the same market would be great. At its prime Oasis was probably my favorite club.
  • discussion #83107
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    To each their own but I’ve always known it wasn’t my thing without going. I pass it sometimes going to ballgames at the Benz.
  • discussion #83091
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    Lots of prostitution in Spain but Seville isn’t a destination for it. There may be an escort option or two though. It’s a great place though. The cathedral and the alcazar are beautiful. It’s one of my favorite places I’ve been. Now if you visit Madrid or Barcelona there are great options.
  • review #399107
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    Basically the club ate up all the inflation at night. They need some competition in their target market. That might be Oasis.
  • discussion #83063
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    If it’s an extras club you’ll quickly find out what the range you can ask for is. Market rates vary but if it’s a heavy extras club usually the girls and customers have a pretty good idea. Sometimes extras clubs where they make a show of not accepting extras have much more variable rates.
  • discussion #83004
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    That’s the thing. Some locations were once out of the way or less desirable but the city makes it hard to move. Capitalism doesn’t have intentionally burdensome permits.
  • discussion #82962
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    Yeah but that is such a slippery slope considering PL expenses are easily my largest discretionary expenditures. Depending on the year I guess traveling could be bigger but not the last few years.
  • discussion #82934
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    Oasis has to be conservative dances. They’ve been trying to stay alive a long time. They even had that burlesque business. It’s always had VIP potential though. We’ll see with the new location. It may be kind of like the old location but I doubt it will be like the same club. I like the area though. It’s actually pretty convenient for a place I need to go when I’m in town.
  • discussion #82916
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    Needing to work would add a lot of considerations but to live I’d probably choose Barcelona.
  • discussion #82914
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    I know someone who has lost 128 pounds on Wegovy. The body wants to maintain its weight and once you’ve established yourself it doesn’t like losing it. That’s why yo-yo dieting is such a thing. I’m actually considering it myself but a permanent commitment at that price point is significantl since my insurance doesn’t cover it. I’m 6’7” 405 pounds.
  • discussion #82902
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    Read somewhere else it may be reopening as Oasis. That is not information I’m claiming to personally know anything about.
  • discussion #82892
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    A dancer told me the other day that she looked like his dream for the mother of his babies and that if she wasn’t on birth control he’d pay 50 dollars to put his babies inside of her. Needless to say she was mega creeped after she realized he was serious.
  • discussion #82893
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    I don’t think it’s a thing in Atlanta. Most clubs require 21 plus licenses although not that long ago some didn’t.
  • discussion #82877
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    There really are multiple dimensions of political alignment. Left and right doesn’t really cover it. The Democratic Party trends towards authoritarian socialism and Trump Republicans are basically fascists. I think Biden is towards the left but he’s pretty moderate and mainstream.
  • discussion #82877
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    I tend to be fiscally conservative but I heavily support healthcare, transportation, infrastructure, and a basic standard of living to allow children to have a chance at upward mobility. I’m also a globalist who generally looks favorably on free trade. I also detest the culture wars and hate the Christian right above all things. I also dislike identity politics. Overall I’m a moderate Democrat who hates Trumpets and populists. I’m really not thrilled with anyone but I know for sure who I’m not for.
  • discussion #82865
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    As far as.dance prices and schedules I think the club can set limits without the girls being an employee. For one they can discount if certain combinations of shifts are taken and they agree to pay for those shifts with it being more expensive to just take more desitlrable nights. As far as dance prices you can let them charge whatever but have it be up to them to collect. The bouncer doesn’t have to get involved if the price is higher than what would be considered normal. As to lower that’s more about the other girls than the club as long as the club is getting its money.
  • discussion #82847
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    It’s infuriating because you really don’t see much trouble around strip clubs other than the occasional hood club where gang bangers show up in the parking lots with their guns. The problem is there is an unholy alliance of two constituencies that usually hate each other. You have the woke crowd who think women are being objectified and like to yak about power dynamics and all that crap. Then you have the religious nuts who hate sex. Put them together and you have a lot of trouble.
  • discussion #82833
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    A lot of clubs willl cut girls off if they’ve visibly had too much to drink.
  • discussion #82833
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    I guess for me I’ve never done drugs and stopped drinking a long time ago. However I have had treated mental health problems. I’m bipolar and do have some anxiety problems. I’m doing well but it is tough when you run into someone who is clearly struggling. Sometimes I’d like to help but in reality I’m clearly not in a position to be that person for a variety of reasons not the least of which is the dynamic between a customer and dancer.
  • discussion #82833
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    I try not to get too invested but yeah I’ve definitely had that feeling. You can tell some really struggle.
  • discussion #82817
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    It really depends on whether I find them attractive. I might not go all in but yeah I’ll spend a little and give them a shot. They tend to be hit and miss and even some of the misses learn the ropes and can become very cool.
  • review #397162
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    The skinny redhead from Follies. Is that Paige? I got a couple dances from her and she seemed familiar. I said she seemed familiar and she said maybe. Some girls don’t really want the ex-Follies label. I stopped in briefly to TT day last week and will probably go back. Been going to nights at Fannies.
  • discussion #82737
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    Charlotte’s reputation for that isn’t great. A friend once told me Crazy Horse might be an option but I’d be better off saving my money until I got back to Atlanta.
  • discussion #82719
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    Not a Detroit guy but those clubs are well reviewed. You have some good options.
  • discussion #82713
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    Nice as far as them talking about dancers cutting their VIP prices at two of my favorite clubs the club has gone up so significantly on their cut and at one of them it’s really hurt the dancers. Really to me clubs need to do more to encourage regular type business on slower days. They’ve increased prices far more than dancers since Covid.
  • discussion #82715
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    Ideally most dancers would have a plan to move on before they have to quit. As to when she can be successful that varies greatly.I’d say most should probably move on by their mid 30s but some can dance into their 40s. Then again some lose their looks early. Whenever that is I think they should always have a plan for what’s next. Few girls when they start dancing plan to dance until they can’t do it any more.
  • discussion #82713
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    There have been a lot of clubs close in good locations in Atlanta. It’s had a different affect on my two favorite clubs. Tattletales has a.ton of girls who want to work there and prices have gone up but at night it’s purely VIP and room fees have gone way up. I do wonder with the number of girls if some aren’t selling. Day shift seems fine. At Fannies the club is taking a lot more money but it seems like the girls aren’t doing that great. Plus it’s in the ghetto. In the past there were other clubs like Flashers and Oasis where I suspect that I and the gurls would have preferrred. Still it’s awfully expensive for a club that feels like a dive. Vivide is keeping some aspects of the Follies tradition alive but it’s a step down. Atlanta is decent but 10-15 years ago it was better. Still I think we have it far better than most.
  • discussion #82696
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    Usually the bouncers are friendly enough but not chatty. At my favorite club the door guy knows me and usually we exchange brief small talk. The bartender at my favorite club is cool and we do chat sometimes. I have occasionally found out interesting info from him.
  • discussion #82697
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    Yes I did. We had classes together at UGA. She was wild but a lot of fun. We were both really young at the time. She quit dancing and moved away after graduation but we occasionally talk online. That was a long time ago.
  • discussion #82681
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    Two things come to mind and neither one of them made a good impression. The first one I was in a club that was pretty dead that night. A guy came in with a much younger attractive blond. Any way I saw her giving him a BJ in the main part of the club although it was kind of a dead time. A few hours later I hadn’t seen either of them in a long while I went to VIP with another girl. The girl had thrown up and was passed out in the VIP room. The guy who brought her was no where to be found. The other one is kind of gross and kind of sums up a lot about old Follies. I was getting dances in the sofas above the stage near the solo VIP room. There wasn’t a lot of space over there and there was someone getting dances in close proximity. Any way I realized they were raw fogging it so close by they were bumping into us. Then he pulled out and he got it on my leg. I was like what the hell and he just shrugged and laughed. After that I always kind of felt strange about Follies. I like extras as much as anyone but that is just too wild and gross. I started going to other clubs.
  • review #396605
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    Papi I would assume it is Diamonds. Platinum closed some time back. He probably misspoke because there are some similarities between the clubs.
  • discussion #82668
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    More often than not if it happens the dancer is trying and won’t be surprised. I had it happen once or twice when I was a young guy but honestly I find pants are not conducive to getting off. Of course I’m not the sort to buy a whole bunch of consecutive grinding dances. I’d stop or go to VIP well before it got that far. If that’s your thing though go for it but it’s polite to give the dancer a heads up before you get there.
  • discussion #82670
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    That’s a fair point Spice. Some of those girls do dance but most of the time it’s not in high mileage clubs. Still a high mileage girl in that demographic is much in demand. There is no disputing though that the stuffy people of suburbia might fixate a lot more in clubs that seem too popular with their communities. I know clubs on the northern perimeter of Atlanta have been fighting losing battles against local governments because the patrons and dancers are visible and a threat to a certain type of person.
  • review #396551
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    It’s hit or miss. There are some good looking girls at night although it’s a mixed bag. I don’t go during the day usually but there can be good looking girls. However Ive also seen days where it was really bad like you described.
  • discussion #82670
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    Oh multi level marketing like Avon is MLM. They’re kind of like a sales pyramid scheme.
  • discussion #82670
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    There can be dancer saturation depending on the area but there is always demand for certain types. A college career fair wouldn’t be a bad place to look.
  • discussion #82671
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    I’ve been to a couple and not really impressed. Seem to be some Cafe Risques up and down the southeast interstates. The best clubs I’ve found are overwhelmingly in or around major cities. The closest to a good hole in the wall feel I’ve had was in Pasco Florida which is really still in the Tampa St. Pete area.
  • discussion #82500
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    If reflecting the rights and capacity means exercising judgement about the circumstances I agree. For instance a 17 year old should be able to consent to having sex with a 20 year old but a 30 year old would be messed up. Also ages may be illegal but there is a massive difference between let’s say 17 and 14z So yes consider capacity but there still need to be limits.
  • discussion #82501
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    I have jury duty the week of May 1. I was on the grand jury 3 years ago. 12 years ago I served on the jury in a divorce case.
  • review #395501
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    Tattletales evenings is definitely getting expensive. They can command it though because there really isn’t any similar competition.
  • discussion #82393
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    Chase Cards especially the Saphire cards are excellent if travel is what you want and you can transfer points between cards.
  • discussion #82361
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    It depends on the club. Sometimes you need to be able to fix yourself relatively quickly and some places there is a convenient place to put them. If there is a door I’d just take them off and fold them. If you’re worried about getting caught unbottoning and sliding down a bit. Just never through a zipper hole. I did that once. Not good cutting yourself.
  • discussion #82369
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    It’s more of a vibe. Really for me though dances in Atlanta are relatively cheap so I don’t consider there much risk in getting dances and trying to figure out whether they’re someone I might invest more in. Cheap floor dances are great for selling VIPs. If I find them attractive they’ll probably get a shot. Some girls learn fast and some seem to struggle to get comfortable.
  • discussion #82156
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    Usually VIP princes and frequently dance prices are higher. I don’t really pay attention to drink prices and stage tipping. I tip but that’s a relatively small amount of my spend
  • discussion #82156
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    It depends on location. In Atlanta most dancers are probably black and customers as well but there are a small number of clubs where it’s the opposite. Admittedly I’m a white guy who likes skinny young white women and really hate the hip hop Party atmosphere. My options are fairly limited and more expensive.
  • discussion #82157
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    I met one at Oasis in Atlanta one time. Got dances but not VIP. She was fairly hot but didn’t seem like a VIP candidate at least superficially. I did have an Indian girl working out of a London flat once.Good looking Indian prostitutes can be found in London but they’re not very common. I’m not an expert on that scene though.
  • review #393459
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    It’s correct about 110 to the club for half hour VIP. 200 to the dancer is t the rule but it’s typical. If they want to sell they might do 150 and some will actually ask for more especially if you want extras. Yes 15 is for nude dances on the floor usually good contact. The extra 5 for dances and the added 50 for VIP is because they’re employees now and it’s to cover their W2 income.
  • discussion #82030
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    It’s not the same people making decisions and frankly I’d prefer keeping off the field stuff separate. I don’t like sports leagues being expected to make seaparate investigations and judgements. Plus there is no equivalency at all between how a California DA handles things and what happened to an American in Putin’s Russia.
  • discussion #82021
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    Also if he was drinking it wasn’t related to the accident and wouldn’t be a focus of the investigation. He could be in the club legally. The real question is whether the driver was drinking but unless she was over served that’s not on the club. Also Athens police have given UGA players trouble over the years although it’s been better under Kirby. It’s not Knoxville or Auburn.
  • discussion #82013
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    Only if they give me a deal. For instance if the girls usually get 200 each I might think about 150 each if I really like them but generally not. I never buy 2 girl dances on the floor. The lookout thing can be true depending on the club.
  • discussion #82010
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    I may go a little fast sometimes but I basically drive correctly and have never had any trouble. By fast I mean legally. Many would call it slow driving 5-10 over.