
Comments by NAAAASTY (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Rap Music and how it empowers females
    Anything can be empowering if you use it as such... NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    What makes a stripper decide to come sit by you?
    Most important; level of interest and her level of comfort. More than money. Money's important, but if a guy has money but has no interest, she's wasting time. Or if guy has money and sends creeper vibes, she'll move on. Some tolerate more. Know rules 2 and 3. NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    Onlyfans is like window shopping
    Girls doing well are also so called IG/Twitter models. Create a following then have OF for racier pics. Guys that follow them on IG, get led to them to OF. Prices increase for customs, so does feeling of intimacy. Some are scams. IE only show body shots that may or may not be theirs. NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Flu shots.
    Poor flu. Ain't done nuffin different and now so many want vaccinate against it too. If that wasn't enough expect to get it bundled with the Covid vaccine once available. https://twitter.com/PeterKolchinsky/status/1292571431746908161 But srsly southern hemisphere showing marked decrease in flu cases d/t Covid measure in place. I expect similar but maybe not same degree here in the states in the northern hemisphere. https://www.advisory.com/daily-briefing/2020/07/24/coronavirus-restrictions
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Social Cock/Clit-Blocking Customers
    I have no troubles talking to strangers that are well adjusted and sober. Don't mind the chit chat. I also have no troubles cutting him off(politely) if I see a dancer I want to spend time with. Same goes with a hang-around-dancer. Set boundaries. Some can't take the hint. For those, be direct. NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Dancer's behavior around staff and non-paying customers
    lil Iceyloco, the type of guy to post: 'do you know any clubs that give free lap dances on your birthday?' ;) @TFP everything's a crapshoot. there's still correlations and patterns. Every place has a social hierarchy even strip clubs. Not every girl cares as much about her status or image w/in as much as the next but positioning is still at play. Hypothesis is: those that do care are less likely to break the norms of the club, and how much energy she's putting into how she treats the staff is a glimpse of her position. The question becomes who's likely to break the norms?? It's not who you think. The high volume extras at the bottom. The travelling emboldened ones who won't stay long don't care about their position. Those two are obvious. Then there's those at the top. These are high earners, low volume girls, who are much pickier about which norms to break and with who. As top dog so to speak, their status is never challenged. Hell I could be wrong and this is all bullshitting conjecture. NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    How to avoid being shot by a cop
    Just bc one arrest has been made doesn't mean the job is done. An investigation can still be ongoing for other perpetrators or parties involved. Not to mention paperwork and/or reports to follow. What looks like finishing to you, is in fact beginning for them. NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Food you make better than the pros
    The argument is the food is more authentic. What they really mean is it's more comfortable, more to what they're used to. As far as what I make, I go with mac n cheese. Nothing fancy, but then again I don't go out to eat gourmet mac n cheese. NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    How to avoid being shot by a cop
    Funny how those being shot at and those defending the shot, take ZERO accountability into how things play out. There's always multiple points of escalation that could've been mitigated before guns or lethal force gets used. NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    When You Had A Great Time In A Poorly Reviewed Club
    All it takes is that one... for those that enjoy variety, different story. NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Non-dancer related negotiations: VIP rooms and buying dancer off stage.
    @ nicespice and shadowcat wow 20 for stage skip. over here i'm quoted over 100 for off rotation for the night w/VIP over 400. at one of the busier clubs it's closer to 140 for stage skip only. NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Stripper that you rate as a 9, is there anything she could do fashion wise that
    To stop having sex?? Effectively she would have to drop below a 5. It wouldn't be one thing fashion wise. Being hairier than me would be biggest singular drop. Tattoos as much as most are visual turnoffs, tactile/touch wise they're no where close to a hairy body. But with hair its an easy fix, shave or wax. NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Benefits of tipping well as a regular
    Also depends on how much of a regular are you and what the turnover rate is. Build rapport w one, but they end up leaving, you've lost your line to intel. It's not like a fave, where you'd change club to continue seeing her. Caveat being you're reputation precedes you as the guy who tips everyone well. Whether your non-dancer contacts leave, you've built up enough of a network effect and reputation as a generous tipper. NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Non-dancer related negotiations: VIP rooms and buying dancer off stage.
    This club VIP comes with a room and they won't be on rotation, but you can also buy them off stage call/rotation without the room. NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Benefits of tipping well as a regular
    Door girl I always tip. Having a good initial interaction puts me a good mood. And a good first start makes a great night that much simpler. Bartenders I tip the same as any other bartender except if she's my regular bartender. Her, I'll tip more or if she's hot and cool to talk to. Not much of a drinker so my interactions are on the limited and I'll let them know if I need something side. Bathroom trolls. Sure if I use some of their shit. I'm still friendly and small talk no problem. I've had some hook me up w/ free entry passes. Bouncers. Invisible. I don't see them. I handle my own shit. NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Trashing a strip club in a review vs everywhere else
    Strip clubs are niche and typically high end entertainment. If I spend good money I'd expect some level of experience. OTOH the cost of a cheap meal isn't worth the time to get upset by the time I leave. It'd be different if the restaurant was a five star venue w five star pricing that delivered a one star experience.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    Dumped by ATF?
    She'll tell you w/e in the club when you're paying, but outside be different. Being your ATF 4 yrs, have you done dirty talk w/ her before?? W/the "maybe we could dirty talk" imma gussing no and If not, either she's not into it or unsure of how much she's getting. Lack of response doesn't mean she dumped you, could be a million reasons or could be her dumping the idea. Follow up and when she responds you can ask again if you so choose. If she ignores you got your answer NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Deal breakers
    Deal Breakers w/in stripper's control: bad hygiene, too hairy (esp armpits or full bush), awful hairstyle (too short, mop top etc), annoying personality (phony, entitled, or pushy), terrible tats (choice, placements, and/or size), and overdone enhancements (breasts/butts). out of stripper's immediate control appears to be over 35 (loose skin, pronounced wrinkles and skin discolorations), obese (a little pudge is ok, but overhanging gut or arms as thick as my legs are not), and certain clothing though not deal breakers are turnoffs including fishnets and slingshot bikinis. NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    So Many Lesbians
    Women are bi-sexual, a few a straight lesbians... NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Dancer in Arizona!
    Covid covid go away// come a back anoth... a never day NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Frankie Jay
    for just 50 cents a day, less than a cup of coffee, you can sponsor an out of work stripper and see all nude content on onlyfans
    Yesterday's storm in the Midwest
    Frankiejay for prez... Contribute to her campaign and let's help... Midwest Acquire Groceries Again NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Frankie Jay
    for just 50 cents a day, less than a cup of coffee, you can sponsor an out of work stripper and see all nude content on onlyfans
    OT - Lease or Buy
    I echo Meat wrt Nina and petition ya two have a joint and a joint OnlyFans together. Call me signed up ;) NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Have you ever considered marrying a dancer? Would you?
    And nicespice wonders why she's single... ;) NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Have you ever considered marrying a dancer? Would you?
    It's not the dancing that bothers me, it's the habits that people develop when they get access to instant money. Add in the identity they develop based on the money they make, and I don't see our values aligning. Maybe a girl could overcome it, but most fall into the environment they're in. Maybe a seasoned dancer has gotten over the pitfalls, but then a seasoned dancer would mean she's a little older. A little older, a little wiser, a little more manipulative, who's to say she wouldn't pull a fast one on me. Then again that may be some of my own insecurities. My ATF has plenty of great qualities, but when it comes to marriage, extravagant spending is a deal breaker. Dancing isn't a deal breaker, but the right dancer would be a unicorn. NAAAASTY
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Evil Sheldon!
    Clubs with no booze due to Covid
    Back in my younger days, I'd have a bottle in the car I'd share with buddies before heading in. Nowadays I only drink when going with friends. All else I stay sober. NAAAASTY