Comments by Iam4u2screw (page 10)
discussion comment
6 years ago

Trap Jumpin
@Trapbaby - do you enjoy spreading communicable diseases with that skanky pussy of your's?
discussion comment
6 years ago

Trap Jumpin
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so for me she is a 10 regardless of what others think.
@Trapbaby - right back at you, but with a twist. From 1 to 10, what's the best that you could KEEP after they learn what a flaming BITCH you are and that your purpose in life seems to be getting on others nerves for your own pleasure? Somehow I believe it would be quite the challenge to keep anything better than a solid, desperate 3 or 4 after they got to know you.
discussion comment
6 years ago

Anywhere there are Titties.
I agree with Warrenboy75 that the House will probably go to the Democrats, but that is pretty much status quo for mid-terms. I think the Senate will surprise some folks and the Republicans may end up getting a few more seats, but with the ULTRA-lefty Nancy Pelosi in the speaker seat, we will be looking at more government shutdowns and absolutely nothing passing for the next 2 years.
Hell with as much as Pelosi and Waters hate Trump, I bet they couldn't pass a bill stating the colors of the flag were red, white, and blue because they would argue over the shade of white on the flag.
At least if the Senate stays Republican, there is no way Trump will get impeached without a LOT of evidence of a felony because the Senate won't sit for the impeachment trial.
But I just can't wait to be able to watch the local news and not have 99% of the ads bitching about someone's opponent in the elections.
discussion comment
6 years ago

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
I don't know if I should feel relieved or upset I didn't make this list.
discussion comment
6 years ago

I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
Like me some cute Asians, so I guess that would be Nicespice
discussion comment
6 years ago

Granted, she was an ex-dancer at the time, but "yes" when I asked her to marry me.
By the way, in hindsight it was arguably the dumbest thing I ever did and regret it to this day. God I was an idiot.
Now, happily single for over 14 years.
discussion comment
6 years ago

New York
@NJBalla - your assumption is that you are a salaried employee, but I am talking about being on the clock. Would you give your employer a free day of your labor just because they deliver your paycheck on time. Or a sales person that only works on commissions, would you give up your commission for a big sale because of your loyalty to the company? That is what I am talking about. Dancers are essentially like a hourly employee or that commission only salesperson in that they are not guaranteed a paycheck if they have a bad day. You are basically asking them to give away their livelihood with the hope of a potential future sale, but would you be willing to do the same? If Ms XYZ asked you for money without anything in exchange, would you be willing to give it to her in the hopes that she would continue your regular relationship? If she said, "let's go do a VIP and instead of extras, we can play gin rummy for an hour" would you be willing to give her a couple of hundred bucks just because you want to maintain the possibility to getting extras from her in the future. Or to take it to an even more personal level, considering what you want her to do, would your let her violate your body for free? If she pulled out the lube and a dildo, would you be willing to let her have her fun in exchange for the possibility of future encounters?
You basically need to stop seeing it from just your prospective and realize you are dealing with another human being, not a business that can make deals in the name of customer service and possible future sales.
discussion comment
6 years ago

Put it down as a life lesson and move on. Not worth the trouble and you will probably end up hurting yourself trying to fix the situation. Plus if you are getting extras in the club, why would you want to chance being barred from there by pissing off the management. Don't blame the club or the dancers for your mistake, just move on with your life.
discussion comment
6 years ago

New York
@NJBalla - following your argument then, would you be willing to go to work and not get paid one day as a "loyalty" bonus to your employer for giving you a paycheck on a regular basis? This is a dancer's job and source of livelihood, so why would you expect them to give you a break/cut a deal? Just because you want a nut doesn't mean Ms. XYZ doesn't have to pay her phone bill and can give you some free satisfaction. It doesn't matter if you are a loyal customer to Chipolte or a dancer, you should not expect anything for free and if you by chance get it, then congrats it is an early Christmas, enjoy, and continue you your merry way, but not expect it in the future.
discussion comment
6 years ago

@Nice - is Dougster WWJD? :)
discussion comment
6 years ago

Years ago, at Deja Vu in Louisville, a dancer has up on stage doing her thing. She always played heavy metal when she danced and seemed to really get into it. She grabs the pole and starts whipping her head back and forth to the beat, not noticing how close she was to the pole. After about 15 seconds of head bobbing, she became a true head banger as she connected her forehead to the poll. With a loud clang, she precedes to knock herself out and drops like a rock to the stage.
discussion comment
6 years ago

Well lets see:
White lady - check
Black lady - check
Asian lady - check
Latino lady - check
threesome with 2 girls- check
orgy - check
Anal with girl - check
BD - check
escort - check
Message with FS in Canada - check
Message with FS in US - check
Strip clubs:
HJ - check
BBBJ - check
BBBJCIM - check
CBJ - check
DATY - check
BBFS - check
BBFSCIV - check
CFS - check
Date a stripper - check
Marry an ex-stripper - check
Divorce an ex-stripper - check
OTC a stripper - check
So I guess about all I have left is to continue with my local mongering and maybe try a trip south of the boarder.
discussion comment
6 years ago

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
@Nicole - I really don't know how it feels. I know I am a solid 5, 6 on a REALLY good day, so I have no justification to comment on others' looks. If someone doesn't tickle my fancy, then I opt to simply keep my mouth shut. If someone goes appeal to me, then I will tell them assuming it is appropriate to the situation we are in. I was taught growing up to speak wisely and wisely know when to and not to speak. I personally think it is a sign a maturity when you know when to keep your comments to yourself because they have the potential to hurt someone or they are simply inappropriate for the situation you and the other person are in. For me it doesn't matter the age, sex, or race of the other person, it is a simple matter to respect and just because I am not attracted to someone doesn't mean that person isn't attractive to someone else and there is no reason for me to hurt their feelings just to try making myself feel better.
discussion comment
6 years ago

Where Dem Hoez at
Tips his hat to the beautiful orator. Thx Nice
discussion comment
6 years ago

Solo PL
@Nicole - Ugh! Me No Like You Call Me Dat! (peep scratches nut sack and then picks nose)
discussion comment
6 years ago

God Bless Dancers
@blah - I think you should change your tag to Mack Truck's Shit Bitch since you plan to take over the operation when he finally gets flushed or decides to settle down with 2bits
discussion comment
6 years ago

God Bless Dancers
Mack Truck's Shit Bitch?
Is that better. : )
discussion comment
6 years ago

God Bless Dancers
Fecal Matter Transportation Specialist
discussion comment
6 years ago

@Nice - I think your observation is pretty spot on regarding the folks taking high level poly-sci classes. The difference between the groups can probably be attributed to what the person plans to do after they get their degree. If asked, I would venture to guess the articulate ones lean towards going into law and/or politics where they need to be able to convey their message to their audience, hence they have fostered their public speaking. The balance are either taking that class for an elective or have no idea what they plan to do in the future, but mom/dad are paying for them to get a degree and they know they would be cut off if they opted for a "really challenging" degree is gender studies or pan-African culture. : )
discussion comment
6 years ago

@Cashman - SJG doesn't have to worry about the donkey allegations now since he is facing the goat molestation/impregnation issues in South Africa now. : )
discussion comment
6 years ago

layin low but staying high
@Cashman - are you sure this wasn't a return visit and he could be the baby daddy?
discussion comment
6 years ago

layin low but staying high
Fortunately it sounds like the dog's last meal marked the end of his gene pool.
discussion comment
6 years ago

layin low but staying high
Is anyone else kind of wondering how sick SJG is if he successfully traumatized a goat?
Oh the humanity!!!!!
discussion comment
6 years ago

layin low but staying high
I guess we can't call him a Wanker any more
discussion comment
6 years ago

All your base are belong to us.
@steel - I bet it really would suck trying to move the hair from your palms to your head. Would really put you out of action for a while as you heal. : )