
Comments by TFP (page 79)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    New TUSCL feature ?
    If they open up those old threads for comments again then we would absolutely need that feature that Papi is talking about. It's bad enough that SJG already bumps about 7 of his own threads now. If they opened up the old threads he'd take over the first three pages of threads with his own shit. With no thread ignore we'd have no choice but to put him on ignore at that point.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    DUGAN.....I’m calling you OUT
    Flagooner is that old teacher at the school dances that makes sure all the couples are dancing at least a foot apart.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Hate Mail from CountryGirl
    Fuck, the ladies match would need to be the main event! You think I'm sticking around to watch two 50 year old dudes duke it out after watching two hot twenty-something strippers get down and dirty?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    DUGAN.....I’m calling you OUT
    ^^^^fucking beat me to it!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    DUGAN.....I’m calling you OUT
    Lucky for Rick TUSCL isn't a real high school. He would've already been jumped by Countryman, Muddy9, doctorevil and Dougster who got expelled but showed up just to join in.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Rick dugan
    Wow. Reading through all of this and I actually agree with a lot of what Dugan says. He and I feel differently about TJ, where he won't bother going back and I actually look forward to more trips. But a lot of the stuff he said about the place was true. The tap water unsafe to drink? Yes. Most of the girls not able to communicate easily with me because they only speak the native language and I don't? Yes. Foul odor? It's a different persistent smell, yes. To me it smelled more like taco meat everywhere I walked, even within the hotel. Only place that smelled normal was inside Hong Kong and other bars. Meaning it wasn't a big deal. The girls pulled from random villages around to service us horny bastards? This is something I always wonder about. I want and hope that they are there by their own free will to make fast and not so easy money. But Mexico is such a corrupt place that it wouldn't surprise me if that wasn't the case. Bottom line, I wouldn't call it a shit hole. But even if Dugan does, that doesn't make him racist. If anything, accuse him of white privilege lol.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OT: Autonomous cars. Do you believe the hype?
    I also think self driving cars are further off than folks think. Subra says 2030, I'll try to remember that. 11 years, I seriously doubt it. For consumers now I believe Tesla has the closest thing to self driving. On the freeway there's plenty of videos of folks putting the thing on autopilot and watching a movie or even playing chess while the car navigates freeway traffic. But fully autonomous, I think it'll be quite awhile. But I do think eventually, humans driving will be outlawed once they're able to prove that computers can drive much safer. Tesla autopilot in moderate traffic https://youtu.be/m3-QzTFxoUg Playing games during Tesla autopilot https://youtu.be/gx7LGCRgCyI
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    New TUSCL feature ?
    Damn shame that 90% of the users would use this for mainly one guy's threads. Nonetheless, to take care of that one guy clogging up the board, this is a genius idea. No more scrolling past topic after topic that only one guy is participating in. I also don't block said user because I use the block feature as a last resort. He says interesting stuff sometimes, but with his threads, he doesn't let the thread take it's natural course and die off eventually. Instead he keeps coming back to talk to himself just so the thread won't be closed, thereby pushing all the current topics to the bottom. This new feature would totally solve that I believe.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    IceyLoco ... when a troll persona falls apart
    CMI must have put him on ignore.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Feeding off @GMD an example of an acceptable review
    "Papi writes the best reviews. Only SJG could write more if he actually visited a strip club and wrote a review." Pizza begs to differ......
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    An example of an unacceptable review
    @doctorevil nevermind Rick Digan. How do YOU feel about the review in the OP? I'm asking just because I'm curious how different people judge reviews. I thought this was a no brainier rejection but there are some folks who say it is acceptable.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Disgusting even for a strip club
    ^^^^^I remember your post about that. Exactly the type of shit I worry about.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Disgusting even for a strip club
    100% agree with Nidan. If that girl ain't immediately heading for the dressing room/bathroom after a trip to the VIP in a known extras club then that's a cause for concern. That means either a) she ain't giving much mileage back there or b) she nasty, and not in a good way. I actually love seeing dancers make that butt naked walk from the VIP across the main floor to the dressing room. Then see the PL she was with emerge from the VIP seconds after with a look of exhilaration on his face. Or see a girl in the club go through like 3 or 4 different outfit changes in a 4 hour span. On a Saturday night at a club like Paradise showgirls in COI it's like an every 5 minute sight lol.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    An example of an unacceptable review
    @AZ if that's all that reviewer had to offer and couldn't be bothered to accept some suggestions to write a better review, then to be honest he wouldn't be of much worth to the site anyway. It's not about us members having never visited that club. It's about the members who WILL visit the club soon and be in need of more info than just what a club's own website will provide. This review doesn't offer much info on what to expect, plain and simple. Besides that it's small, but no context of small is given. There's a Columbian girl named Samantha there. What does she look like? Is she the only dancer? How many dancers? Are they all Columbian? She provided a dance with a lot of grinding. Cool, how much was the dance? Was it out on the floor or in the VIP? Do they even have a VIP? Most of us VIP members who approve reviews may in fact never visit this club. But the ones who will, need this kind of info. If I were reading a review for any club I planned on visiting I would hope to find this info.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Who the FUCK types a GD 10,000 word piece of shit?
    LMAO I had a feeling it was an SJG thread. I tried to look for your post in both the thread and in your previous comments profile but it was taking too long to find in either. In any case, now you know why he gets so much shit around here. The dude has been posting manifestos like that for a long time on this forum now.....years and years worth. Notice his post count of 25,000+? Yeah, dude has a lot of time on his hands.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    An example of an unacceptable review
    If that was his first review then he needs to learn that it wasn't an acceptable review. He's a grown man, I'm sure he can handle some constructive criticism. Hopefully the three people that rejected the review did just that, as you are allowed to explain why you rejected the review. Regulars to a club don't really need info from a review unless they are looking for any updated info, which his review didn't provide. Just because you can glean from a review that the writer had a good time doesn't mean it should be published. If that were the case, an acceptable review in your eyes is 'I entered, I had a good time, I went home.'
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Who the FUCK types a GD 10,000 word piece of shit?
    Which thread was it, can you post a link?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    An example of an unacceptable review
    Yeah I'm sorry but that review was shit. And it doesn't surprise me that we have folks saying they'd approve that, what with some of the shit I've seen pass. It is what it is.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I can't lie, all my reviews are like journal entries. Papi has commented that many times. Yet I try to include something useful to newbs in the way of pricing, descriptions of girls, who's a ROB, who gives a great dance, etc. Never had one rejected.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Strippers & Video Games
    ^^^I'm all over that, hand me the controller!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Strippers & Video Games
    @April thanks for the reply. I guess I'm just thinking that dancers are all about money money money so doing the math it wouldn't seem as profitable. I wonder if most dancers would actually be cool with it?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Strippers & Video Games
    LOL these names are killing me! @Papi I'm sure the club takes a cut of the $115, just like they probably take the same cut of the $115 she gets from the 15 minute room. I was using the entire number just for comparison. And I would imagine it's not really sure money as they have to have a PL pick them for the game room just the same as a PL picking them for a dance. I can't really see a dancer trying to walk around selling the game room option. The fact that she doesn't have to grind on a dick or be groped would definitely be an upside, however is it worth making possibly three times less for the same hour? For a newbie dancer, maybe. For a veteran dancer that is already used to the whole grinding groping bit, probably not.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Strippers & Video Games
    @Sirlap now THAT would definitely be worth it! For some reason when I pictured this whole ordeal I saw it as two of you sitting side by side playing games. If she's sitting in your lap that'd be a bit more fun. But even then I'd probably be able to concentrate on the game for about 10 minutes max before I would throw down the controller and want to grope and grind her immensely for the remaining 50 minutes lol.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Strippers & Video Games
    @April so you'd be cool with only getting $115 for an entire hour of your time playing videogames, vs $115 for a regular lap dance for just 15 minutes? I'd just think that a girl who could possibly sell two or even three of those 15 minute dances at $115 each would way rather do that than sit for an hour playing videogames for the same price.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    IceyLoco ... when a troll persona falls apart
    From the moment trapbaby started posting I knew it was just an Iceyloco alias. TBH it didn't even look like he tried to hide it. They posted in exactly the same way and same fashion. Her profile pic was basically like a clone of all these girls Icey posts in threads that state his taste or wants you to rate. The saddest and most pathetic part of it all though was when Icey attempted to befriend DC by 'defending' him from a Trapbaby post. LMAO that's when I knew this was a dude with just way too much time on his hands. This dude Icey seems to spend more time posting and arguing with folks on here than both SJG and Nicole combined. That's the mark of man with no fucking life whatsoever.