
Comments by TFP (page 78)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    IceyLoco ... when a troll persona falls apart
    @nicespice and that's just on the main Iceyloco account. Who knows how many comments total with the trapbaby and other profiles combined. I used to think SJG had the 'most activity on TUSCL discussion section' title sewed up. But then this Icey mofo showed up and showed us that he has more time to waste than anyone could else could dream of. And these days I'm leaning more towards @SLD's theory about Icey being a disgruntled sugar baby. I used to think it was really a dude who dated dancers. But the disgruntled sugarbaby thing makes a little more sense. She continually scolds folks on here for being paranoid about strippers scamming them as if no stripper in history has ever tried or scammed a guy. Yet in that thread about the strippers being caught for drugging and maxing out different guys credit cards, Icey simply says 'they thought they were gonna leverage money to fuck her and instead got fucked over themselves'. Sides with the dancers every time no matter what they do.
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    5 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.
    Countryman the only thing that separates you from being like them is where you live. So their places of residence are the real MVPs.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Does Nicole1994 hate men?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Does Nicole1994 hate men?
    ^^^^I'm embarrassed to admit I thought scenario might be a possibility. Then I thought about how much work that would take and figured that just can't be the case.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Does Nicole1994 hate men?
    CMI with the double zinger. Dissed both Nicole and SJG in one shot.
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    5 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Does Nicole1994 hate men?
    LMAO at SJG trying to tell someone about effective communication. When all he does is shout privacy wall anytime someone asks him a question. And what's with the "I would not take a passive approach to a woman talking like that f2f" comment? So what would you do then? I bet whatever you tried, Nicole would beat your ass.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Is this normal stripper behavior?
    @Cristobal I read the thread while not logged in so I was able to see Icey's posts. But this story from the OP is Icey's same claimed MO. That he sees strippers in clubs but actually gets with them outside for no money. And that he spends a little in the club just because but he's not paying for OTC so he's not a trick like everyone else. Plus the fact that Icey himself came rushing in to say that this guy's relationship wasn't prostitution. Even though he's quick to call anyone else the T word when they mention OTC acts. Then when Warrior said something about $600 for 10 OTC dates, Icey was quick to clarify for this new guy that he said $600 over six months of club time, not dates. Maybe I'm just the paranoid one and the guy is just humble bragging. But I don't think so, I really think it's just Icey behind yet another profile.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Is this normal stripper behavior?
    This Sirp dude sounds like another Iceyloco account.
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    5 years ago
    ^^^^I was gonna say, Iceyloco is still here. So pretty much same shit, different screen name.
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    5 years ago
    Greatest April Fools Day hoax EVER
    This is amazing! Never knew about this, as I was quite young and didn't care much about baseball at that time. But the results sound hilarious, and I'm not shocked at all that someone claimed to have seen him pitch. One April fool's joke that always stuck out to me (as a gaming nerd) was a prank that a gaming magazine named EGM (Electronic Gaming Monthly) printed in 1992. The game 'Street Fighter 2' was wildly popular and could be found at most every video game arcade, 7-11, laundrymat, etc. One of the characters, Ryu, had a win quote that said "You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance". In the April edition, the magazine staff claimed to have found a way to reach Sheng Long as the final boss, and they even had pictures showing what he looked like. The stipulations to reach him were, you had to use Ryu and not get touched from the moment you start the game until you reach the usual last boss, M. Bison. Then you had to last ten rounds against Bison by getting a draw every single round (your health bars show the same amount of life). All of that was pretty much impossibly hard to do, especially the last part. Still it was funny to watch people actually trying to do just that at the arcades for a month. Until next month's issue came out admitting it was a hoax. Funny shit!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Transgender Strippers near Philadelphia
    Upright Citizen with the comment of the year! Lol!
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    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Top reason i love 2 LDK
    I also agree that dancers who get guys to LDK are still clean dancers. For one, the girl might not even realize she's getting the guy off, just giving a nice grinding dance. And even if she does know and is willingly helping (which are my favorite type of dancers), she's still just giving a dance. Your dick is not out, therefore it's not an extra. Unless it's some prude type club where even a girl who let's a PL suck on her boob is considered dirty. In which case, FUCK that club.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Rick dugan
    I just wanna know why the unprompted attack by Dugan on the LDKers of the board, which includes me. Not a single guy who attacked you in this thread celebrates cumming in his pants. So what was the point? Are you trying see if you can manage to insult every single person on these forums or something?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What is the TUSCL view of having fun wrong?
    He didn't get ripped to shreds in the comments. Only two people really made a big deal about his spending. One was desertscrub, whose review comments are almost always negative and harsh. The other guy just exclaimed "good Lord!". Then followed with "to each his own" which isn't bad at all. Like Papi said, maybe dude just has it like that to be able to spend that much cash and not think anything of it. Nicespice from the prices you listed, dude seems to have gotten a pretty good deal actually.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Bad Neighborhoods: Perceptions of Danger vs Reality?
    https://youtu.be/2zK6uXYbzVA So DC I guess the white guy in here is you?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    N.J. strip club stole my tips, tried to prostitute me in ‘champagne rooms,’ form
    And I agree with Papi in regards to her. If she stayed that long she already knew what type of club it was. If she didn't like the type of dances customers would ask her to give she could've left after just the first month. The fact that she was there for almost a year makes me think it's exactly as Papi said. Word got around that she doesn't give good dances and the money stopped flowing for her. That club has a high amount of repeat business and surprisingly low turnover for dancers.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    N.J. strip club stole my tips, tried to prostitute me in ‘champagne rooms,’ form
    I wonder which dancer it is? They put her real name in the article, I'm sure a patron knows who. Someone made an interesting comment in the article: "Let's see those tax returns when you have to turn them over as part of your lawsuit. But, I'm sure this fine, college student has fully declared all of those tips." Would suck for her if that did come back to bite her in the ass. Since I bet she declared either no income in the form of tips or very little. Gonna suck for the regular patrons of this club for awhile probably. Since they're gonna be in the spotlight I bet they'll be forced to clean up their act in terms of dances for a bit now. We'll see how the reviews of the place shape up. It's one of the more frequently reviewed places so I'm sure we'll get some info.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    IceyLoco ... when a troll persona falls apart
    @CMI I thought you out him on ignore because I didn't see any responses from him in the thread, even when logged out. I'm actually disappointed to find out you don't have him on ignore.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Is it just me or does Nicole Avatar look like NinaBambina?
    Who is Papi Chulo's parody troll account?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Cardi B, Lili Reinhart, And More Will Star In A Movie About Con-Artist Strippers
    Damn. What a hell of a story. Which is why one of the golden rules at TUSCL is.....NEVER bring your credit card into a strip club. These girls were ROBs on steroids.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Here we go again
    Naming dancers
    Excellent! I will do exactly that, thanks Subra!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Here we go again
    Naming dancers
    @Decline as a matter of fact I plan to do that on my next visit to a nude club during day time. There's no one doing pat downs so it should be a cinch. I'm just wondering where the safest place to imbibe would be, besides the bathroom.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Need nipples.
    If you were in the organization he was building you'd have to listen to him say that same ass line repeatedly. Until he died. And then you'd STILL be waiting on some nipples to poke your eyes out with. Your original plan works. Wait to hit a strip club, fuck waiting on an organization that will never form.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    HK in Tijuana - Do you balance your mileage from a girl....say she does not kiss
    Yes that is the Miami room 1st floor. On the extreme right side of the picture a little above the middle is a little bar. Every time I claimed my free drink that you get every 12 hours with the VIP card I was sent there to claim it. The Miami room didn't look interesting at any time I was there. Like JAprufrock stated, you also enter this room to do your half off lap dances with a chica. Those rooms with the frosted glass doors are where you get them. There wouldn't be any FS show though. You cant see through the glass. Unless you mean FS right out in the open in that room. I think misterwonderful spoke of a time where he made that happen, but I bet he'd say the chances of that happening again are extremely rare.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Here we go again
    Naming dancers
    @Warrior I can't see Icey's post that you agree with. When you say no names at all, you mean even saying something like a name with a description of her body is all bad? I actually like when I see names and descriptions. When visiting a new club it let's me know who to keep an eye out for. Or I listen for the DJ to announce her name when she's coming up on stage.