
Comments by TFP (page 77)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Lap Dance HJ with Ass
    Although my last LDK was brought on by a dancer that didn't have my usual favored proportions. She was actually a kind of petite Asian girl, but she had a nice set of C cup fake tits and just enough ass. And the main thing was, she moved that ass beautifully on my junk and just had an awesome easygoing attitude. Funny thing is she knew my old favorite before she left the club because of that shitty ass employee rule that CA clubs have to deal with. So the Asian dancer kept apologizing that she didn't have the biggest ass and huge tits that she knows I like. I had to keep reassuring her that she was fine and that her great attitude more than made up for that, which it did. Went through all my favorite positions, with my favorite being the standing dances where I get to grind her and grope the hell out of her boobs at the same time. She did such a good dance in fact that I'm looking forward to my next visit there.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Lap Dance HJ with Ass
    Damn right this is my specialty. As well as Sirlapdancealot's lol. If I leave a club without at least a nice LDK then the visit was a failure IMO. A standard visit usually has me finishing twice. And just like the OP, it's mostly from a nice big ass grinding all against me. Although my last
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Wonder what it must be like to think with my pussy rather than my head ..wouldn'
    @Nicole I see and thanks for the explanation. But that is your preference, not everyone else's. Your thread title seems to mock people who ARE able to be intimate with someone with looks as the primary motivation. Yet I can guarantee you that situation happens quite a bit, and not just with dudes paying dancers in strip clubs. There's a fair amount of women I've talked to that admitted they hooked up with a dude solely because he was attractive. They even said when he opened his mouth he lost a lot of points. Yet they still gave up the goodies to him. So women do it just the same as men. Which is fine in my book. Why do you feel the need to ridicule folks that can be intimate without exactly knowing their partner's life story?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Wonder what it must be like to think with my pussy rather than my head ..wouldn'
    So Nicole you have a problem with guys who can get turned on by a woman just off her looks? Isn't that what first draws you to even notice a person, their looks? You yourself have even made posts about making sure you have your makeup on when walking past the hot guys. What's so bad about being able to be turned on by just looks?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Pregnant former Playboy model, 25, is extradited and booked into a Las Vegas jai
    I still don't get the motive. The story says she was worried that he would find out about her boyfriend. So what, she killed him? What was that supposed to achieve? The money will certainly stop coming in once he's dead. Or did her boyfriend kill the sugar daddy in a fit of rage? In any case, it is a sad situation. The girl didn't see the value of the sugar daddy's life, just saw his money and apparently was willing to end a life over it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Here we go again
    What is up with all the short reviews
    ^^^^for the review to make such a bold claim in the title that the club is better than HK I'd want more info than just what he posted.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Here we go again
    What is up with all the short reviews
    https://www.tuscl.net/app/rev.php?id=352116 One of those grey area reviews. Review basically says a dollar goes a long way, they have a hot tub, and a girl was pleasured with a drill dildo that made her squirt over the audience. Interesting, but is it acceptable as a good review? I'd have rejected it as I'd want a little more info. Once again I see those same two names in the approvers column that I mentioned earlier.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Here we go again
    What is up with all the short reviews
    If you guys notice, a lot of the reviews are being approved by the same people. I see the name dickydoo2 a LOT, same with Rick714. Their names are on a lot of reviews that seem subpar to me. https://www.tuscl.net/app/rev.php?id=350944. This is one such review. Says a whole lot of nothing, as I even posted in the comments. Sure enough, the name dickydoo2 on the list of reviewer approvers.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    Additional Thoughts on Tijuana
    The entire east coast is a shit hole? Sounds like an ignorant statement.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Tj zona norte
    @Cristobal you just summed up most of SJG comments on other threads also. Longest I've stayed is a single day, 24 hours exactly. This September I'm planning to stay from Thursday all the way till Monday. I have a feeling I'm gonna get tired of the place though and want a break. We'll see.....
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    I can say that's not true. I've cum in my pants with several different Mexican chicas grinding on me. They really are the best! I love Latinas and I am glad some of them allow us to enjoy them however we can.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    In Defense of Strippers
    CC99 it amazes me how you pull numbers out of your ass. How in the hell do you know that more people have SLD blocked than SJG or Icey? Here's the answer: you don't. Stop making shit up just to fit your narrative.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Florida Panhandle
    @FishHawk a place where you get screamed at for fondling boobs is your favorite club?? Damn man, I feel sorry for you and your options. And I thought I had it rough. I love when dancers are just as pissed off as the PL for boobs not being able to be groped. I know in the dancers case it's because she knows the money is about to stop flowing from the PL right after the dance in progress. That same exact thing happened to me in Vegas last year and you bet your ass that was the last dance. The dancer was also pissed, I heard her say 'stupid bouncer fucked off my money'. Damn right he did.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    TJ ?
    ^^^^^agreed! Folks have already extended that offer to SJG and he's emphatically refuses every time. So let's just leave it alone. Difference is, I'm sure Papi Chulo has his own means to get to TJ unlike SJG. Also he doesn't spend multiple posts a day talking about the place. This is the first inquiry I've ever seen him make.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    Haha, yeah team Icey! Ok I cant even say that jokingly without throwing up a little in my mouth. I've read the thread while not logged in to see his comments. I think he takes it a bit too far in labeling lockers. Subra I've seen your comments in the thread and I agree with them as well. You've said that if a girl you've been hanging with in the club for awhile wants to go test the waters then she can do so. But that almost means you're a free agent as well. Which is how I think it should go.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    I'm sorry made a mistake.I did not mean to say EARN a woman's attention ..that i
    Nicole I'm curious, how do you feel about the women who work in clubs and perform physically for customers despite the fact they might not enjoy it?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    Very interesting and entertaining read this whole thread was. After reading all that though, I kinda agree with Papi. There have been plenty of guys on here with favorites that post of how when they show up to the club, their favorites better finish up quickly with whichever PL she's with or she'll be on the chopping block. Same stuff said if she goes on stage and some other PL tips her nicely to try to get some dances. If she indulges the guy then it's a major problem for the locker. Those kind of guys DO exist and I've seen them in the past on these forums complain about such scenarious. It's another story totally if it's the dancer who chooses to stay with the regular the whole time. And she's not doing it because she senses he'll be pissed if she goes anywhere or talks to another customer. Usually though, I think the main reason they don't want to leave the regular's side is because they don't want to miss out on guaranteed money now or in the future. Which is fine, as long as it's her choice. Just like it should be fine if you as the regular want to try out a different dancer sometime. Usually I'm a variety type of guy myself so I don't stick with one dancer. But a while back I used to visit a club where I had a clear favorite. That was simply because she was my type moreso than any of the other dancers. Yet I never insisted that she stay with me for extended periods but she still did. I knew it was because of money. As a matter of fact there'd be times I'd suggest that she work the room (mainly so I could see if there was any new talent that I missed). One such time they called all the girls on stage for a roll call. During this time a dancer I never saw before asks me for dances and she was hot. And of course, my fav comes over and pretty much hovers around right in our general area. Still, I take the new girl, and was curious how my fav would respond to that. Glad to say that she wasn't pissed or anything. She simply asked afterward how the dances were, and I truthfully told her they weren't as good as hers. If anything, my favorite's mileage increased after that.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    @misterwondeful you're right about that TUSCL badge. I bet I've been in the club at the same time as other TUSCLers and just didn't know.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    In Defense of Strippers
    I never tire of seeing Icey being dunked on over and over in discussions. Subra = Shaquille O'Neal. Icey = Chris Dudley. https://gifer.com/en/95dp
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Sounds like it'll be a great time! I'm hoping at least one of you frequent visitors will be able to go when I make my way down there in September. Tried to meet up with misterwonderful last time but didn't work out. I ended chatting with some hella cool mongers in there though. It was fun to chat for awhile until a girl of either of our type came along and then it was "well, it was nice meeting you but I'm about to head arriba with this beautiful chica right here". And lol at SJG. Must not understand the meaning of blue balls if he thinks LDKs cause them.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    hardcore PL binges?
    Your buddy's 'binge' that you described with the three LDKs is like a normal visit to my local clubs lol. I've had a few SC binges where I go on a trip to an area I've never been before and spend almost the whole first day clubbing. Did that in Vegas, Philly, COI, and TJ. Basically flew in in the AM, early check into the hotel, take a shower, then hit clubs from like 12pm - 3am. With breaks here and there for lunch, dinner, and other random stuff. It's a lot of money, but a lot of fun. Just going from place to place, seeing and interacting with all the different beautiful women in their skimpy outfits is a rush.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    In Defense of Strippers
    **yet = get
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    In Defense of Strippers
    @pistola don't yet CC started again with that statement. You're about to get him off on a rant like Dennis Miller.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Poles Apart: Exotic Dancers Clash Over Employment Status
    Also, from reading the article, it seems that Dejavu voluntarily changed the girls status from ICs to employees. It says they did so to protect themselves from future litigation. They didn't have to change the status just yet, but they did. The article mentions that other companies have largely ignored the ruling so far. It also mentions that it won't be until another bill makes it's way through the legislature that companies will then be forced to adhere to the ruling. So companies like Uber and Lyft still operate with the IC model, and won't be forced to change until later. Non Dejavu strip clubs can still use the IC model for the time being, so far I only know of one in NorCal. I would imagine clubs like Paradise and Synn in Socal still use the IC model. Lastly, the article mentioned a pro employee status counter protest showed up, and one woman in particular explained why the employee status would be better for dancers. Sounded exactly like Iceyloco lol.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Poles Apart: Exotic Dancers Clash Over Employment Status
    I only know of one club in CA that still uses the IC model, and that's Gold Club Centerfolds in Rancho Cordova. The vibe from the dancers in that club is much different from all the nude clubs in SF. Dancers are much happier, unlike the SF clubs, where the dancers are asking for a tip for any and everything. Much more than before this law.