
Comments by TFP (page 108)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The Vegas Scene In 2018
    @Nixur68 what do you consider decent mileage? And of course OTC is possible, it's Vegas, the easiest place to make it happen since everyone has a hotel room usually. Negotiating the price to something decent, however, is the hard part.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    Does the stripper outfit matter?
    +1 LDK, I've also had girls change into a more desired outfit. I love a girl that is prepared. Im not a fan of one piece bikinis, or one piece outfits in general. But that is because I'm a weirdo with a thong fetish. Any type of thong/bra combo is a winner for me. Or any outfit with a thong and the upper body piece, whatever it is, can be completely removed.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The Vegas Scene In 2018
    @theh, we'll probably be in Vegas around the same time since I am going at the very beginning of next month. My first visit was July of 2016, and the vampiness was indeed great because I went at at the supposed best time for high talent (Saturday at 11pm). My last visit was almost exactly 365 days ago and I went at off hours (Friday morning 3am, Monday morning 3am) so I didn't expect the quality to be exactly Friday/Saturday night 9pm-2am quality. But still, the selection even at the random hours blew my local clubs best talent away easily. I'd say the peak hours/days gives you the best chance to have a higher percentage of hotties. But the downside is they'll be in hyper hustle mode, not much friendly chit chat. Place will be crowded as shit, you'll even struggle to find a spot just to get a regular $20 lap dance. But if you want the top notch quality, that's what it'll take. What's your type, if you don't mind me asking?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Just remember ppl
    Haha I bet nicespice doesn't care who's in the Cabana. Just as long as someone's paying and someone is tipping.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Who would you like to meet?
    Nina, will you visit NorCal or Socal?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    First Vegas SC trip
    The same type of thing happened to me back on 2014 as a black customer. I went on a Friday night wearing cargo shorts and a T-shirt and was allowed in. When in VIP my dancer even commented on how I wore the right stuff to take full advantage lol. The next day Saturday night I tried to enter the club again wearing cargo shorts and a t-shirt but was denied entry because of my attire. I informed the guy I wore the exact same type of outfit yesterday night and was allowed in with no problem. The bouncer simply said, well not tonight pal. I think the Instagram poster might have a point. Because ever since my denied entry I always wear slacks and a dress shirt when visiting Vegas clubs. Yet when inside I see plenty of white guys wearing the second cargo shorts and t-shirts that got me rejected, even in Sapphire in a Saturday night. Not sure how strict the dress code is at Rhino, CHIII, and others.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What do strippers call it when the cum from a lap dance?
    I actually like the snail trails. Usually because it's kind of like a souvenir of a strip club trip. Shit, we're all human. Girls get wet, dicks get hard, Darwinism, fucking e-ching, and all that other cool shit Tom Cruise said in that movie Collateral.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    First Vegas SC trip
    Treasures??!! I'd recommend any place before I recommend Treasures, especially if you're speaking of value. They are the most expensive, from my experience. Little Darlings, however, is cool. As long as you dont mind some John Smith preferred aged strippers.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Who would you like to meet?
    Id like to meet a ton of folks on here. I'll start off with SLD, since he's a fellow LDKer. We seem to have different taste in women so we wouldn't be competing for the same women lol. I love what I hear about the Miami area clubs so it'd be cool to meet the PL Godfather Papi Chulo. Twenty-five also seems like a cool dude to be around, and Warrior15 also. Chessmaster seems like a dude I could get along with. We have the same taste in women so it would have to be in a club where there's an abundance of big asses and big tits haha. As for the dancers on here I'd like to meet them all. Nina seems to have a fiery personality, I'd like to see how she is in the club. Nicespice seems like a sweetie, and Zoey......man I'd probably spend a lot of money on her lol. Should be meeting MrWonderful on my TJ trip in exactly 2 months so that'll be the first TUSCLer I meet. Unless I see someone in Vegas in 3 weeks. Liwet, you down for that?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Since 1963 ...
    LMAO you da man! For a second I thought you went commando in bball shorts. No amount of powder in the world would keep that LDK contained.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Since 1963 ...
    @PaulDrake you LDK in bball shorts?! What does it look like afterwards?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Since 1963 ...
    Agree on Liquid Lapdance. Way too much of a hassle. Like SLD said, 2 layers is better for containment versus commando. The waterproof slacks/shorts are the best. I'm tripping out that a previous poster said a dancer recommended commando basketball shorts. You LDK in those and it's gonna leave some kind of stain, no matter what color they are. Plus it will leak through almost immediately. This dancer must have been in an extras club. If that's the case, LDKs aren't even necessary there.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Question for LDKers
    Ha, almost like clockwork. Not gonna even engage this dude. Nice job being on topic everyone else.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Who would you like to meet?
    Holy shit LinzeeDet's new avatar! ::In my Borat voice:: Very nice!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Question for LDKers
    @PrimO this discussion is actually on topic and civil because 'you know who' hasn't popped in here yet. Other non LDKers like Twentyfive and Dominic have posted but because they are civil human beings who know how to engage in conversation there's been no mudflinging. And as for your 3 o'clock positioning, I've actually enjoyed that myself, more so during standing dances. I always start off with it pointed up and while grinding the dancer it sometimes falls to the side in the 9 o'clock position. The grind continues but pretty much as my dick broadsiding one of her ass cheeks instead of in between. Feels just as good to me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    First Vegas SC trip
    Saturday night at Sapphire? All I can tell you is, it will be crowded as shit. A ton of girls and a ton of PLs. You guys already booked a limo? I hope it's free. You could call the club directly for a limo the night of your visit and it'll be at your hotel within 15 minutes. The ride is free and your cover will be waived, just tip the driver. This is a huge savings as the cover charge on Saturday night is $50 per person. There will be no where to sit unless you get lucky and happen to be standing right by a seated PL who leaves. Or unless your buddies spring for a bottle and a table, which will be pretty expensive. But at least you'll all have a place to sit, and girls flock to those tables. So you won't have to do a bunch of searching for your type of woman. Much like I do since I go solo and thus never get a ton of attention. Floor dances are pretty good contact with most girls. You'll be able to grope ass and tits quite freely. And if not, that girl sucks and you need to try another. Don't fall for the 'touching is in VIP only scam'. Once again if she says that, find another dancer. Drinks are expensive as FUCK so liquor up before you go to save some money. A beer will be $14, a mixed drink $18. Yeah, that much. And if you do find yourself in VIP, the drinks become more expensive. It's a two drink minimum for 15 minutes or half an hour for $25 per drink so $50 total. And if you get an hour you'll be forced to buy a bottle. Last time I got an hour the year was 2014 so I'm not sure what the current prices are. But the bottle list they brought out, the cheapest bottle was $130 (exactly what I got lol), and the most expensive bottle was like $3200. There will be a ton of women and a good mix of nationalities so you should be able to find something. Have a great time and don't get fleeced for too much money.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Do you tell the stripper that you write reviews online?
    Plus it's interesting to see the names of folks who used to post back in the day. And you find out about folks who have been on here for a very long time. For example in this six year old thread I'm seeing Rick Dugan, GoVikings, and shadowcat who are still around. And then names I hear a lot about from past days but aren't around anymore like Alucard (RIP) and Motorhead.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Do you tell the stripper that you write reviews online?
    He probably did a search for the subject and this thread came up. Sometimes I don't mind resurrecting old threads because they might have info you never knew. Plus sometimes I learn a little TUSCL history from them.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Question for LDKers
    Also, I thought this was the case with any guy getting a dance. Are there any guys who get stimulation from her grinding on other parts of your dick besides the underside?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Question for LDKers
    Underside, totally. TBH no other area being rubbed is stimulating unless the underside is grinding something. I've seen videos of dudes getting a dance or an assjob where the girl is rubbing her butt on either just the tip of his dick or on the top part. Maybe it was doing something doesn't him but that would do zip zero nada for me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Since 1963 ...
    @Papi, it's the tip amount of my choice. The dancer doesn't demand it, I give it voluntarily because she gave me an awesome experience. I don't tip every dancer who gives me an LDK that amount. It just depends on the experience. Off the top of my head I can think of four dancers who I tipped $100, because they did everything that I love. Experiences like those you never forget and they stand out amongst the several other dances/VIP sessions I've had. Also, I might have been quite intoxicated at the time. Yet still the next morning I didn't regret tipping them that much at all. That's only four out of a lot of other dancers who also brought me to LDK land.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Since 1963 ...
    The OP's dancer sounds like my type definitely! I love the fact that she keeps count of how many guys have cum, and her personal best. It's cool and hilarious. 17, damn! I also have not run into any that kept count. But I have had the varying degrees of reactions to it. My favorite, of course, is when the dancer knows you're trying to get off and will help or cooperate by staying in any positions you ask, or just gives a good, deep grind. And of course when you are LDKing she doesn't stop grinding until you yourself stop moving. I've had a quite a few of these. But I've also had the ones who gave a great dance but it wasn't their intention to get you off. And then when they realize it's happening they stand up and air dance. I've had one of those. It was when I was still a newbie. I attribute the fact that I've only had one of those to me doing a better job of doing test dances with girls to make sure they seem LDK friendly. And as you guys have already said, her words after the LDK will help you determine for sure if she was cool with it. The best lines I ever heard post LDK were "Did you have fun?" or "Did that feel good?". They are usually enthusiastic about it and makes the experience at the end better. . Then the ones that just seem ok with it say stuff like "Don't worry, it happens". Her response determines how much I tip. I tip much more than the numbers I've seen posted in this thread though. Call me a sucker but I believe in rewarding good service. Example, if the girl gave an awesome experience complete with all my favorite moves (RCG grinding leaning back against me, feeding, unlimited boob access, and an LDK with a cool response after) she easily gets an extra $100 from me, sometimes more. Depends on how intoxicated I am lol. That number goes all the way down to $10, for just an LDK but a mechanical dance with no emotions, and no connection besides my hands all over her body.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    ID scan in San Francisco clubs?
    Nicespice, same thing happened to me a couple weeks ago, in SF also. A dancer and I traded numbers, next thing I know her Facebook profile appeared in my 'suggested friends'. Facebook and Google are easily the most invasive apps by far.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Live report DTW.
    This was great! At first I was thinking the same thing as Papi. But now that I think about it, there are plenty of down moments in the club during daytime. Thanks for the play by play report. Sounds like a great time was had.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Nice new avatar
    I think he was asking if they are B cups.