
Comments by TFP (page 107)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What is your idea of a “fair” relationship?
    Well said, Rogertex. From reading your reply it sounds like you're speaking about twentyfive's response. While I do agree with him that I wouldn't be able to handle having a stripper girlfriend, I won't go the step he took to call those SO's of those strippers losers. It almost resembles SJG and his front room sessions. And how he calls anyone that doesn't use his approach to connecting with dancers via front room make out sessions and instead buys dances, chumps. People have different viewpoints about all kinds of stuff in life. Calling someone derogatory names because their views aren't in line with yours doesn't accomplish anything.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Iggy Azalea Out Here On The Airport Tarmac Twerkin With A Bucket Of Chicken On H
    I'm not in the loop so a little help: what surgeries did she have? I always suspected the ass was store bought, but what else?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Man, I suck at reading sarcasm on the net. I thought you were dead serious in all your responses about SJG. It was weird to me because otherwise, you seem like a regular dude. But no normal seeming dude on here thinks that SJG gives good or sane advice. Well at least you are actually going to TJ and not being like SJG. Post about others accounts for the last decade. Yet despite living somewhat close to the place, has not made a single trip down there to gain his own experience. Yet he has no problem trying to tell you how to go about enjoying your time in a place he's never been.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    I'd still skeptical of you, countryman, because of your belief that SJG's advice is the best. That there tells me that you either don't have much experience or ..... shit, I don't know. You're a bad judge of character?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Catching feelins...
    This was a very interesting conversation to read, minus SJG's repetitive comments. Honestly, the only reason I even read some of them was to see what Nicespice was responding to. When she asked him.about his success rate and guessed 1%, I actually thought that sounded accurate. Then once he came back and said 70% I knew he was full of shit, just like all his posts. I noticed at that point nicespice stopped responding to him. Then it was back to scrolling past SJG's interjections into the otherwise insightful banter between everyone. All that said, I agree with twentyfive. He's rather blunt about it, but I'll just say I don't have the......toughness it takes to date a dancer. I just couldn't handle it. Call it jealousy or whatever. I won't call them losers or whatever twentyfive called the SO's of dancers. I'll just say they are cut from a different cloth than myself and can handle things that I just couldn't.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I think shes mad
    Now K has the hang of bragging down pat. Newtothislife, take lessons.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    My ramblings about SS
    This was totally insightful! Thanks nicespice and it's cool you actually met up with a TUSCLer. I thought it was interesting how you said you can usually lie pathologically but after hanging with Dr. E you starting actually catching your own SS. I always wondered if that's something that dancers just pick up from the job, lying a lot. Or do you just already have to be a great fibber to succeed as a dancer? I guess there's no such thing as an honest dancer. Seems all the dancers I get to know for more than just a set of dances blurts out lies like it's nothing. I mean sure it helps to lie to a customer about him being attractive, or his dick being he biggest you ever felt. But it seems like they lie about all other types of shit also.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The biggest Compliment from a dancer
    I don't like compliments that seem fake. The big dick compliment coming from a dancer, I always read that as SS. Mainly because I hear a lot of guys who say their dancer told them that. But when I get that same comment from regular girls I take that as sincere. I don't like a dancer telling me she is wet, or she is so horny, or any kind of stuff that's easy (or sometimes SO obvious) to lie about. I DO appreciate her taking my hand and showing me that she really is wet. Or if she initiates DFK then that's better then saying she's horny . The dancer initiating DFK has only happened twice out of tons of dances/VIPs. I rather them just say genuine stuff like nicespice says. Even if it's vague and not much, at least it's realistic. That fake moaning and overdone SS is a serious turn off to me. Just give me a good dance, a smile or seductive luck while you're doing it would be great, and let me get some cool mileage. My CF now, when it gets down to the dances for the most part she's silent but her ass and tits are doing the 'talking' that I care about.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    @SIR dance @25 @george
    ^^^^^this. This really is just Mtent, now as a female. Notice we don't see that shithead spamming the board anymore but now we have a new shithead.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Honk kong 2
    @nicespice I don't think it's as easy for girls to spam lapdances as it is for Guile to spam sonic booms. The demand for lapdances just isn't there. Most folks wanna go upstairs.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Calling Out a Thirsty* Stripper
    The term thirsty out here is an insult. Basically you called her desperate. That's why she took offense. Like the guys leaving comments under every single picture an Instagram model posts. Or trying to slide into said Instagram model's DMs......they're labeled as thirsty.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Phone numbers
    ^^^^LMAO! I've never sent a dick pic in my life, maybe I need to start haha.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Phone numbers
    Yeah I don't want any drama. I'm just there to enjoy girls with big tits and big asses. And I know any fights over a customer is not over him, it's over his wallet. When you think about it in those terms, it's not very flattering IMO.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Phone numbers
    Yeah it's how they claim you as theirs. So if you're a regular in the club they want you to text and say you're coming so they get a chance at your money first. There's a dancer I recently traded numbers with who seems straight up ruthless. I came into the club without texting her because frankly I wanted to try out someone else that week. I spotted another dancer who fit the bill and asked her for some dances once the two for one special started up. She was pretty straight up and let me know she wants a tip which was off-putting but I was still willing to give her a shot. Then I saw the dancer I spent time with on the first trip and she immediately asked why I didn't text her to let her know I was coming. I said it was a spontaneous trip. Told her I was gonna dance with Rain when the two for one started up. Then she said she saw Rain already head to the hour rooms with another guy so if I didn't wanna wait I might as well go with her for the two for one. Made sense to me.....until they announced the two for one five minutes later and I see Rain walk past us and shoot me a look like 'wtf'. Girl straight up lied to get my money. Cold world in these strip clubs I tell you.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Quality vs quantity
    Chessmaster, they do. There's a couple names I remember who frequently post reviews for Synn, Paradise Showgirls, and other COI clubs and every now and then there's an HK review in there. I think there's a higher number of 8s and 9s in TJ, plus it's cheaper, and no rush if you have your own room. I swear those Socal mofos have it so good.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    If we stopped being chumps?
    Pauk Drake +1. All this thread will do is invite SJG to make some unibomber manifesto length post about accounts of front room makeout sessions in black dives, TJ, and all kinds of other clubs. All of those places, however, he's never set foot in.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Honk kong
    If Hong Kong is the school, who are the PLs that have already earned their doctorate? Misterwonderful and Tahoecruz are the first people that come to mind. Meanwhile I finally have my first class in September. And SJG has read all about the college but is scared to apply for some reason.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Probably in the VIP
    SF clubs
    @Sneakysecret unfortunately yes, SF clubs are pretty expensive. I don't have any experience with Crazy Horse but Humpty Dance seems to think it's cool. From my experience, it depends on what you're looking for. They have high mileage nude clubs like Little Darlings and Garden of Eden, but they are both dives and you'll be looking at 5's all day, but you might get lucky with a random 7 every now and then. At Little Darlings I had a girl for a couple weeks who always had me leaving happy. Then she disappeared and the remaining talent wasn't worth me going to that club anymore. Then they have the topless clubs (Gold Club, Penthouse, Hustler Club, and Condor, listed in order of talent level from highest). These have the most beautiful women in SF but unfortunately, low mileage. The women don't even get topless in your lap during a dance. To even get some OK mileage requires you to spend a great amount in VIP. Then there's Roaring 20's and Deja Vu Centerfolds, two nude clubs on Broadway that are also pretty damn pricey. The quality of these women are much better than the nude dives. Centerfolds IMO has the best looking women, almost on par with the topless clubs. I've made a couple back to back trips to Deja Vu Centerfolds in the past week. The value is not bad, as long as you only get dances during the 2 for 1 specials, which are offered pretty consistently throughout the night. On Tuesdays, the 2 for 1 special is all day. On Monday, there's $150 thirty minute VIPs and the mileage is pretty good at this club so you can have a good time there. That's all I got.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Dumb Question: How does one LDK?
    I guess I agree with Papi Chulo: you simply can or can't. Not sure if it's something you learn or can change. If the girl grinding you feels good enough for both your body and mind then it happens. I reckon for people who can't LDK, just the act of a girl grinding on them isn't enough of a turn on. It may feel somewhat good, but not good enough. Like feeling on boobs feels great, but just that act alone isn't enough to get someone off. I'm thinking it's the same thing with dances. I remember when I first started going to strip clubs. When getting a good series of dances I'd continually ask her to stop so I wouldn't cum. Then one time I just said fuck it and let it go. After that, never looked back. Why go home with blue balls, might as well release and be satisfied.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Question for dancers ?
    PinkSugarDoll posted: "@PaulDrake, I do have a regular customer just like that! He spends $100 in his b-ball shorts, he smells fresh and he’s very nice. But he leaves *happy* every time and I enjoy seeing him. We have a good time and a good thing goin." And PinkSugarDoll is back to being my favorite dancer on this board :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    big fake ass
    I fucking love them! Misterwonderful every time you complain about big fake asses at Hong Kong, it gets me even more excited for my trip.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Racism At Vegas Sapphire
    @theh you wouldn't happen to be going to Vegas for the Evo2k18 tournament would you? Anyhow, it seems I'll be there at the exact same time as you. Do you not have at least one collared shirt, like a polo shirt, button up, anything? If you want to get into Sapphire with no issues just find one collared shirt. On any night other than Saturday night I doubt you'll have a problem no matter what you're wearing But if you get unlucky with a dickhead bouncer on a powertrip then he might try to deny you entry. And I'm not sure that telling him about the dress code on their website will do anything to help. All this aside, if you've visited Rhino a bunch, then the quality at Sapphire won't wow you. From visits to both I think Rhino gets the nod in quality. Sapphire just has a massive amount of women because the place is huge.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    High spending, low mileage
    Thanks for all the comments, they helped me see this in many other perspectives. SLD your comment showed me that value really is subjective. Where you see $100 tip as too much, I see it as not that much money and if I deem it's deserved then I'll give it. I guess the same can be said for the poster of this review. Where I think $1125 is a lot to drop for an hour and a half, especially in a low mileage club where hands get brushed away for grabbing boobs (although this guy's girl let's him get some boob action). This guy feels it's worth it, and I guess that's all that matters. Gawker solidified the point of value meaning different things to different people. When he was well off that amount of money was nothing to him. Could be the case with this guy as well. I'm just not balling like he is, so I think it's a ridiculous amount of money. Pacman Jones will drop 40K on stage without even having received a single dance yet lol. Nicespice also brought up a nice point, and I think actually describes me in some ways. I don't have an ATF and I don't have any one club I visit regularly. In my most recent visit to a club I spent a good amount on one girl and after our session she asked to exchange numbers. I know it's so she can try to get me back in the club and spend more on her. She'll find out soon that I don't club often enough to depend on me for income and take me off her list of guys to text. So the author of the review possibly just splurges every now and then on SC visits much like I do. But looks like he has more to spend, as he still went to another club after already having spent $1125.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    High spending, low mileage
    Yeah you're right about that twenty-five, but that's like going on Amazon and searching for something and buying the first one listed for $100. Never mind that if you scroll down a couple slots, there's the same thing offered for $25. But hey, you're right. He gets what he wants, why should I care?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Los Angeles Area
    Uber from Santa Monica to COI is gonna cost a pretty penny. Better off renting a car.