
Comments by DFreshPalace (page 8)

  • article comment
    7 years ago
    Strip Clubs: A Great Escape
    Stress relief is a key part of getting away. When I first started going before I picked just one girl to visit the music alone was also helpful for me and to a point is today when my favorite girl is assisting others who want to enjoy her company. Thank you for reading and the positive feedback.
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    7 years ago
    Strip Clubs: A Great Escape
    I love the NFL but this just takes my mind off things for a couple of hours. Especially when you find the right person and the club. Thank you for reading and agreeing.
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    7 years ago
    Mistress For Christmas
    I got the BEST Gift this year. All I wanted was a photo from my favorite girl but I got something way better. Happy New Year to all
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    7 years ago
    Strip Clubs: A Great Escape
    When I say wish to good I mean god above. Damn auto correct
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    7 years ago
    Strip Clubs: A Great Escape
    I'm going to give an example of what I mean. As you know I just had major eye surgery and have been stuck at home for nearly 2 weeks. My favorite girl knows me so well and checks on me every day. Last night she called rather than sent a text because something told her I needed her. I had a very bad day and wished to good or whoever heard me that she would call. When she called she said get out of the house for a bit and come see me so I can take care of you and your eye. Bring your last set of drops for the night. So I did. For 2 hours I felt no pain. For 2 hours I felt safe. For 2 hours I felt on top of the world. I still can't see well with the setback but last night I didn't care because she took care of me. She helped with the drops. She and I talked not always about work but about life. I had the Great Escape. How can I ever thank a person for that but paying tribute to them every chance I get. The club made me call them when I got home so they knew I was home safe. No club does that that I know of. That goes along way with me.
  • article comment
    7 years ago
    Strip Clubs: A Great Escape
    Thank you
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    7 years ago
    How a Strip Club Helps With Illness and Depression
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. That's what I wanted.
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    7 years ago
    How a Strip Club Helps With Illness and Depression
    Thank you
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    7 years ago
    How a Strip Club Helps With Illness and Depression
    Friday night I got to spend time with my Favorite Girl You know what I felt? Happiness, I Felt comfort, I felt like all I wanted to do was hold her. Why because Tomorrow (Tuesday) I need major surgery and I may never get that chance again to do what I did Friday. I am sure I will be but you never know. Saturday I didn't get that chance and I hated being alone. I wanted so badly to see her but I couldn't. Sunday when we talked she told me I would be alright. I believe her later she sent me a gift that I will cherish forever I won't say what that was because it's between her and I but it really lifted my spirits. Say depression isn't real I will always defend those who say it is because I know. I am now grounded for 2 weeks (Until January) I have to try and find things to do while getting better at the same time knowing what's ahead of me. I am going to find myself having bad days/nights but I know what my mission is and I will always keep her in mind during this time and beyond. She is a dancer who gives a good time but to me much more. She is there when I need her, she understands how much I need her. It's not always about money. She cares, We both Care. If you have people or a person who care about you like she does you can beat anything I feel like she was brought to me to help me as I am her. Depression is real and it can be beaten if you find the right people to help you and try not to defeat you. If you have gotten this far you can do. I trust anyone who has depression who has gotten this far. We can do it. I am with you. Find yourself that one person at the club who you can trust and you can do it do. Try it. Trust me. Just be kind to everyone and Tip your Waitress, They need money too.
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    7 years ago
    Mistress For Christmas
    I didn't know about day after. Quick point if I may I got a GREAT gift from my Favorite last night. Not for Christmas just because she knows I am grounded for 2 weeks for Medical. It really lifted my Spirits up because I was completely surprised by the gift. Just makes me want to spend more time with her when I get back.
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    7 years ago
    Mistress For Christmas
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    7 years ago
    Mistress For Christmas
    Agree Justme62
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    7 years ago
    Mistress For Christmas
    Just so we are clear I am keeping with the Holiday Spirit with the title and never would I suggest cheating on a wife or girlfriend The title comes from a popular AC/DC Christmas song https://youtu.be/e3VenjIIpgY
  • article comment
    7 years ago
    How a Club Makes All the Differences in the World
    Thank you for your feedback
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    7 years ago
    How a Club Makes All the Differences in the World
    Thank you for reading and for your thoughts
  • article comment
    7 years ago
    How a Strip Club Helps With Illness and Depression
    Thank you for reading and sharing.
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    7 years ago
    A Dancer Tribute
    Thank you.
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    7 years ago
    Friends with Dancers
    If you are put into my circle that means I've done my homework and I trust you enough to be there. I clearly state I've been burned or scammed but with the last 3 I've been extremely lucky. We are there for each other in ways that no one will ever be able to understand. My friend of 15 years would tell anyone that especially after all we have been through. My friend of 4 years knows I will be there for her and her family as well as she for me. I can't tell you how much I appreciate my newest friend enough for all the help and support she gives me especially in this time of need with be diagnosed with throat cancer. So it's fine for everyone to believe what they wish but I know my nature and I will always believe in myself and my friendships I make.
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    7 years ago
    How a Strip Club Helps With Illness and Depression
    So when I try to commit suicide that was no big deal? When I can't handle the sense of being alone and only want to cry and ways to end my life that's no big deal? Please stop commenting on things you no nothing about. Depression is extremely real and one of the leading causes of death. If you have never been depressed or sad more power to you but I can tell you it's real and your comment is extremely hurtful to me and anyone who has suffered from it. I found a way to beat it and that is to be around people at the club as well as write to help others but I will never tell someone it's not real. Thank you for your comment and reading my article. I will always win because I know how now.
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    7 years ago
    Friends with Dancers
    Isn't there always benefits of having friends of the opposite sex? I don't share private details and I shouldn't have to. Trust is a key and silence is a form of trust.
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    7 years ago
    How a Strip Club Helps With Illness and Depression
    Thank you. I hope I can help others like me and you. I tried the other. It didn't work so now if I can make other people happy or at least share how I find happiness then maybe they can to. I don't like seeing others hurt, get hurt or hurting others because of their illness. Going to the club also helps with self confidence and it's okay to talk. It's okay to share. It's okay to be scared but just remember that you are not alone. You always have someone to talk to and if you needed to you could comment here to talk to me. I'm broken but I'm okay. I am here to help as well.
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    7 years ago
    How a Strip Club Helps With Illness and Depression
    Yes! I agree with you they should. I'd rather go to a club for therapy than to talk to a person in a tie
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    7 years ago
    How a Strip Club Helps With Illness and Depression
    It's not Corny at all. I totally get it. I know what it's like being with one girl who makes you feel the most comfortable.
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    7 years ago
    How a Strip Club Helps With Illness and Depression
    I do a lot of writing. I found that helps me a lot. It's not always about this topic but writing on a daily basis is a huge therapy for me. I love promotions and promoting businesses so with the use of social media I'm able to do a lot of that as well. But keeping people close to me who I know will be there are so important as well. Especially right now with what I have going on. Thank you so much for reading and for your thoughts. I think a study would be interesting as well.
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    7 years ago
    For all you Onegina PLs... (even more ATF/CF ruminations)
    If I may comment on this I was once like you but then I found the perfect woman in every sense of the word. I know she's busy but I also know that she's all that I want. I can find other things to do while I wait for her. I actually just hand her an envelope when I first walk in and she takes care of the rest for the entire night. As long as I am with her I don't care. She is the only thing that matters. I know it can be difficult to turn down others but will power and knowing what you (I) want is what keeps me going back. I enjoyed this article and Thank you for sharing your thoughts.