
Comments by DFreshPalace (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Story Time.
    First I don't drink ever so no.
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    7 years ago
    Story Time.
    I wish I could put a pic up but I don't have permission and I not going to have my penis cut off.
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    7 years ago
    Can you sneak alcohol at LA s nude strip clubs
    Back in November at my club a group came in for a party and had been drinking before hand. One of them decided to get on stage with the dancer and ALL Hell Broke Loose at the Club. I've seen some pretty wild things in my day but never did I see so many people rush the stage for her protection and to throw him and his entire group out. They are fair to their customers but if you give them a reason to make your stay less than enjoyable they will. Don't Be That Guy
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Breaking in a new dancer
    their*** There friend
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Breaking in a new dancer
    I have... I have been able to experience quite a bit of newbies. One of which never made it as she had an accident on stage and was never seen from again. Another I coached on stage when I told her to pretend I wasn't there and it was just her dancing in her room in front of her mirror. She is still dancing today. As far as Private shows I have had some good and some really bad. I now just stick with 1 girl who I know has been dancing for years and let her do what she does best which in my opinion is everything. I found you just have to remain calm with the new girls because they are nervous and they want to perform so well but can't always when they feel pressured. That's why I go back to the one Pretend it's just her in her room and no one is there. Be there friend and encourage even if they are bad at the time don't let them know. Not everyone is cut out for the business but once the nerves settle they could become one of the BEST! It's like a singer singing for the first time or an actor trying out for a part. Even us we are all nervous our first day on the job but get comfortable as we go. The girls will let them know what to work on I found too. They are very supportive of each other for the most part.
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    7 years ago
    Owning a strip club
    In 1999 I came close to co-owning a club in Cali. The cost of the building was pretty much nothing only around $80,000 this was for a 3 story building outside of Sacramento. The Club was then going to cost at that time around $150,000 to open but I had 3 other partners and that was going to offset the cost. The Plan was to have Offices, Club, and Restaurant and with that meant Liquor Licence for that plus insurance it was going to be over $2 Million. It was a great idea but the cost add up with insurance was too much. With the clubs here now only being total nude and no alcohol I have no idea what it would be but it's still a dream but if that helps you Good Luck. It's a GREAT idea but owning a Club is Big Business and unless you're a corporation like Deja Vu or if you're name is Money Mayweather the chances aren't very good.
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    7 years ago
    Merry Christmas Wishes
    Thank you. The eye surgery was last Tuesday. I'm still waiting for the vision to come back but it takes time with what needed to be done. The pain is gone but it's still blurry and in black and white. Once that clears I'm good to go and that should be about a week or so from what they say until February when I go in for my throat surgery. I appreciate the well wishes. Thank you.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Pure Gold Showgirls in Rancho Cordova is Back on Social Media
    Pure gold showgirls
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Pure Gold Showgirls in Rancho Cordova is Back on Social Media
    Links are working... Confirmed
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    7 years ago
    Pure Gold Showgirls in Rancho Cordova is Back on Social Media
    Looks like my links got cut off be sure to look up puregoldsac please
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Pure Gold Showgirls in Rancho Cordova is Back on Social Media
    As long as people enjoy it I'm happy. It's my go to club in the area so I'm pretty excited they are back on Social Media.
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    7 years ago
    Pure Gold Showgirls in Rancho Cordova is Back on Social Media
    I wouldn't say it's a club ad just getting the word out to let others know but thank you for reading.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    A good starter club for new dancers
    Fantasy is now only open Friday and Saturday's
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Worth every penny
    You not only got the BEST but 2 of the top girls in the club. Congrats.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Lydia - a pleasant surprise
    Thank you for the cool review. Clear a couple of things up. Ryan was actually Ed. He'll laugh when I tell him. Yes this is the same Paradise that is my friend. I know she and the other girls appreciate you getting dances from them or sitting at their rail. I knew it was a pretty slow night for everyone. For the record not that it matters I am white. She is a Light Skin AA mix. She has heart made of Gold! To answer the question about the light... It's a sensor they have installed that triggers it. The DJ and the Front Desk can see this and that is what alerts them to anything inappropriate taking place. I will add sometimes the sensor misfires so it is then up to whoever sees it to reset or say something. The dancers also police the touching or they should.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Favorite club in the area
    If you are in the area tonight (Saturday June 16th) 5-7pm they are having an Appreciation BBQ. Tested the grill last night the Chicken was amazing and the Potato Salad was Freaking Awesome.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Dancer Migration from Pure Gold to Deja Vu
    I checked with my friend and confirmed Karma has moved on to this club.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Dancer Migration from Pure Gold to Deja Vu
    The last time I was at PG they had a very full room. Well over 25 girls at the time. I didn't notice Karma but she may have been off that night. I will check and see if she is doubling at both next time I go.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    The Doctor Said Go To "Paradise"
    Plus if none of you have been here how can you comment on how you feel? I said long ago I had no idea what I was getting into until my first time going. Now I'll only go here as far as in this town. It's by far my favorite club in town.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    The Doctor Said Go To "Paradise"
    I see things differently than most people do. Don't really care about your salt.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    The Doctor Said Go To "Paradise"
    I wish I was club management.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    The Doctor Said Go To "Paradise"
    I enjoy writing as it is therapy for me.