
Comments by DFreshPalace (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The End or A New Beginning
    If you're not first you're last.
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    7 years ago
    The End or A New Beginning
    She had been dating this guy for 3 years or so and I was pretty much the Best friend back in 2005. As far as the other girl I had been seeing her at the club for almost 2 years now and one night sitting at home I got a text message from her and it hit me that this was the girl I wanted to pursue and see if there is anything there. It feels like there is with recent developments. I don't know if any of you saw that during my recent eye surgery she hadn't seen me for 2 weeks and wanted to so she told be to bring my last set of drops so she could put them in as well as spend time with me. Not to mention the video message she sent me prior to the surgery. She's pretty special. Not many if any dancer would ever do that I don't think
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The End or A New Beginning
    We had our share of fun times.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The End or A New Beginning
    Fact not Face Sorry
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    7 years ago
    The End or A New Beginning
    "K" So I don't know if you are aware of the face I suffer from depression and do a lot of writing. To answer your question NO this is not a troll post just me writing because I needed to get my thoughts out. I needed to share that while happy I am also unsure of the future. I had to learn to look at life differently than others and I found that if you believe things will come true. I found that looking at beautiful things in life such as beautiful women and stars and moon and sunrises and sunsets help me through my day. Fantasy yes? But I believe I have to or I would try to commit again and I don't want to do that ever again. I found going to clubs helps me with my depression as well as I have written in an article on this site. So I will always believe and I will always continue to write and wish and look at things in a positive rather than a negative.
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    7 years ago
    The End or A New Beginning
    Part of the issue was we lived 2 hours away. You may be right in some sense but we always made our time together fun and we always had each others interest best at heart. She taught me a lot about life and the business of dancing. We always felt like that old married couple.
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    7 years ago
    The End or A New Beginning
    My best friend and I talk everyday. We know each other better than we know ourselves. You know what's like when you have that Best Friend and you can finish each other's thoughts.. That's us. We would go to the grocery store and just have a blast. We could sit on the couch and watch a movie or TV and just talk about stupid stuff or real life. We cried together, We made money together. We would go to events together and even ended up going to the Opera and liking it. We did all the things friends did and more. The private shows of does this look good on me were amazing. Yes I now have another like she does but man I loved those days we had. I love having the trust of people and them knowing that they won't be attacked or raped and no means no. I'm okay knowing girls can trust me. RAPE and JAIL Scare the HELL Out me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Cloud Nine Feels Pretty Good
    Thank you
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    7 years ago
    Cloud Nine Feels Pretty Good
    I have taken creative writing classes. I'm a writer every day for work and pleasure.
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    7 years ago
    Cloud Nine Feels Pretty Good
    I'm going to always give it my all.
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    7 years ago
    Cloud Nine Feels Pretty Good
    I agree. We had to build the trust with each other and I started seeing signs how much she cared and I knew I did then Friday it was the best talk we ever had. That let me know we broke the barrier. But also when I had my eye surgery the night before she sent me a video message and that spoke volume.
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    7 years ago
    Cloud Nine Feels Pretty Good
    I plan on it. I love the process and can't wait to see where the road goes. I know I need to trust and be understanding
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    7 years ago
    Cloud Nine Feels Pretty Good
    No harm no foul.
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    7 years ago
    Cloud Nine Feels Pretty Good
    Maybe it's not your business.
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    7 years ago
    Cloud Nine Feels Pretty Good
    Why do you need to judge me for a term I use. I have far better things to do than to argue over a term of a dancer or a stripper when they mean the same thing.
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    7 years ago
    Cloud Nine Feels Pretty Good
    I am never ashamed of what she or anyone in the profession does. I just feel like it's more respectful and that is my preference.
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    7 years ago
    Cloud Nine Feels Pretty Good
    I just prefer to say dancer
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    7 years ago
    Cloud Nine Feels Pretty Good
    Yes she is a dancer in the adult entertainment industry. I have always had a difficult time saying the word Stripper out of respect for the girls
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Cloud Nine Feels Pretty Good
    No apologies needed I'm well aware not all relationships can work out
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Story Time.
    It's really okay to stop commenting on this. I have fully admitted to this being full of mistakes and it needing to be deleted. I was in a rush and didn't provide my best work. I apologise for that and promise my next will be better.
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    7 years ago
    Story Time.
    I admit this was not my best work and if Founder could delete this it would be greatly appreciated so that I could do a redo without the errors and have some more details. I apologise for my poor work on this. It is not my best.
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    7 years ago
    Story Time.
    It's a new chapter of a beautiful thing. It's a work in progress and the road is long.
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    7 years ago
    Story Time.
    I don't have a lot to look forward to in my life and I don't ask for a lot from people so when they do nice things for me whether it's words used or if they give me a gift I have learned to appreciate you them and that more than most people. What she did was amazing and I will always love her for it
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    7 years ago
    Story Time.
    No comment.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Story Time.
    Sorry for the typos I was doing it mobile and didn't catch them before I posted this. My apologies please.