
Comments by Ch3ll (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Noob Question Re Parking Lot-Security
    Ask enough dancers at this club and you'll find out. But as others have said it's more than likely he is just security fr the parking lot. Haven't been to a club where someone drove around the parking lot keeping an eye on it, but I've noticed at most clubs I go to the door man or his backup door man, keep an eye on the lot, usually only leaving their post of somey appears to be going down.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OTC at Her House
    Yeah, it's on my mind as it has been offered. As a PL I think it's convenient for the dancer with kids, especially if it'll be when they are sleep. Anyways, bumping thread hoping to read some others experiences.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Buying a Stripper a Cell Phone
    Your are right Papi Chulo. I keep overlooking minor details. Without getting to the bottom of it by just talking to her, I'm trying to explore some options.
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    8 years ago
    Buying a Stripper a Cell Phone
    I don't know if it's a setup, BS, or clever hustle, but I genuinely want to help her out and also keep the lines of communication open for OTC. Now that some have chimed in, I would like to maybe get her a start, like a prepay deal from Wal Mart. I don't want to have anything that has me doing a monthly payment or whatever for it to operate. I looked over her Facebook today and seems she's cut baby daddy off. I know many have said don't do it, given the nature of these women we're dealing with. However, haven't lived that life or been down real bad, its hard to imagine not having a cell phone since its like a norm these days. I had a platoon sergeant when I was in the Army who didn't have a cell phone. Yeah, he hung around the company or was where he needed to be at all times, but he was great in getting info out to us and did an overall great job as a leader in my opinion. Anyway.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    I'd find a replacement. I was recently trying to get OTC setup with one and aside from the price which I eventually agreed to, she laid out one rule and I was like wtf! Only position was her riding. After she told me that I told her don't worry about it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Becoming friends with a stripper
    Agree with Subraman, a troll. I sent this dude a PM about the money I've spent and results with these strippers and me THINKING it's something more than business and it isn't read. You'd think this dude would've posted as much as larryfisherman when he joined.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Buying a Stripper a Cell Phone
    Lol Papi Chulo. I'll get her one.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Buying a Stripper a Cell Phone
    Oh also, SUPPOSEDLY her and baby daddy aren't together since he got out. But I can only assume dude doesn't have his stuff together.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Buying a Stripper a Cell Phone
    @Papi I'm not sure the deal with her baby daddy. They have 2 together from what I understand. I know he recently got out of jail. Not sure how long he was in, but at least over 2 years best I recall since I met her. I have thought about what if I follow through with this what'll be next. I'm definitely look forward to the replies on this thread. Only once have I gifted something to a stripper and that was straight money which we agreed she'd pay me back, but we know how that ended.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New in the game, smell advice...
    Corvus said it perfectly. Glitter is a bitch even after showering. Got me caught up when I was dating a girl.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    lol Nice one Dominic77!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Once. It happened because we talked about who we've been with, tested, and next thing you know I'm in her with no condom. No health issues resulted, but it sure as hell had me worried until I was tested a few times. Moreover, it gave her the ammo to try and run an abortion hustle on me.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    A stripper who works 6 nights per week
    Without talking about it to this one particular stripper, I can't confirm she works 6 days. However, I have visited her club on any day from Sat - Tues and on off chances the other days and she is always there.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Dancer:Customer Ratios
    I mentioned ratio in the thread by larryfisherman to put into perspective a dancer and her whale. I myself don't care too much for ratio. Yeah I wouldn't want to be in a club where it's something above 1:5, dancer: customer. All I care when I'm there that I spot one or two I like and get dances with them. Once that happens I take into account her other possibilities and just keep her as long as I can with convo and money. Unless there is a club out there that updates their available dancers like Amazon products or something us PLs will never truly know due to the closed off dressing room, ladies bathroom, and VIPs and such.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Locked down by a whale
    I think most dancers would want to be locked down by a whale the entire shift, unless he was weird or something. I usually ask the dancers how their night is going and they talk about it. I look around the room and let's say the ratio of dancers to men is 1:3, but nobody is really buying dances. In my opinion after one walk of the floor they're probably like wtf now. Maybe this is a bad example, but a visit this week and the ratio of dancers to men was probably 2:1 with only about 6 guys in the club. I'm no whale, but a fav of mine made sure to go to the bathroom when I went and everything. Why? It was a good chance nothing else was going to develop on the floor and probably didn't want another dancer to swoop in.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Strippers make no sense !
    Hey sent you a PM
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Dancers as interrogation artists
    Her: What's your name? You: My name is... Her: Is that your real name or stripper name?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Stripper gave me her number?
    I'd lean more towards she wants to get you back in the club to spend money. If you are a good conversationalist she might genuinely want to be friends with you, but.....don't forget that it's a big possibility she wants to get you in the club. There's this one stripper I've had her number off and on 3-4 times and we text here and there and she's never told me her schedule or the great "come see me babe.". Even when I'm in the club all we do is talk and a dance or two. So, its possible, but it probably won't be what you'd consider a friendship to be.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Final visit?
    Seems like you had a good last visit.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Have You Ever Worn a Suit to a Strip Club? (The System!)
    I've never worn a suit to a club. I haven't seen anyone in the SCs I've been to in one either. I usually go at night, but maybe one day if I ever do a day visit or after work type visit I suppose I might. Maybe...........one day I might do it, but being dressed nicely usually does the trick along with doing VIPs so she knows Im willing to spend some money.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Dancers as interrogation artists
    Agree with joewebber. I've been presented with so many different approaches with different outcomes that I'm not sure it even matters what gets asked or doesn't. Like joew said it's routine for them. One Ive done dances with and even listened to her talk about her hobby the first time we met approached me with the same line she did the first time, "You look like you play sports...did you play this, blah, blah, blah."
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Worst sales pitch a stripper has given you
    Well, my worst has occurred several times. She sits in my lap and immediately asks for a dance. Its a turnoff for me because I feel she's showing no effort, but if she's a 7-10 I will say yes for a try. Although, I did recently have OTC with one that started out like this. If one tops the list this one dancer approaches me and my homie and asks what we're up to and we're we having fun. We shortly small talk and then she asks that we buy her a drink or something to the effect of we needed to spend money. She was hot, and I would have gladly got dances from her had that not occurred. After talking to us, I see her go sit with an older gentleman, who I hadn't seen get a dance all night.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    First song or second song decides..
    Ill usually go for two at least, but sometimes they are so bad or I'm just not feeling them and one is enough. I like shailynn, have sometimes wanted to ask them to just stop and I'll pay them and they be on their way, but I don't want to come off as rude. I can't recall ever doing just one and immediately going to VIP. Usually two or more will help me decide if I'll be doing VIP with them.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Do Tou Tell Strippers About TUSCL?
    Nope, I don't mention it to strippers. Of course I think of TUSCL soon as I step foot in the strip club or experience something happen that's been mentioned on here. Sometimes if it's slow in the SC I may look at TUSCL, but I'm usually quick to scroll down into the thread or lock my phone if a dancer approaches. I went to the SC with a friend a few weeks ago and he was able to get a stripper out of the club and to breakfast late that night. Well, when we spoke of how things went he told me she didn't think very highly of someone who "claims" they know this, that, and the other about the SC world.