
Comments by Subraman (page 25)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Strip Clubbing with Strippers - Yes or No?
    TFP: they certainly will if you let them! Don't let them get too drunk and out of control, carefully control your money, and make the move from the strip club to the hotel at the right time (when you're still flying high at the club)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Strip Clubbing with Strippers - Yes or No?
    This is something I do often on my OTCs and it is epic. Many strippers love strip clubs, they love going and acting like customers, they love the attention and flirting they get from the girls... and I love the flirting and attention they get from the girls! Or, as one of my ATFs put it when I asked her what she wanted to do on or OTC, "let's eat somewhere great, go to the strip club and get all drunk and horny, and then head to the hotel to fuck it all off!". Perfect plan baby
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    3 years ago
    Lead Pilot, Co-Pilot, or the Wingman?
    herbcat with the right answer: if you're SCing with your buddies, then being a good buddy means at any time you might be lead pilot or wingman. I only disagree that it's a role you take on for a given visit -- it changes within visit. First guy to find a girl he likes and get her to the table, everyone else makes her feel welcome. Then that stripper might be called upon to get girls for the others ... or maybe not, since sometimes it's preferable to get your own girl yourself. No one in my group of SC friends is generally content with anything other than eventually ending up with their own top choice of girl.
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    3 years ago
    PL Suggestions Needed
    "She was having trouble inserting an IV and tried for about five minutes while looking all over both arms," You didn't ask the most important question, which is: what the hell was that about? Answer: you have too much subcutaneous fat and not enough muscle; the result is veins that are relatively buried and difficult to find. So the advice you really need: cut down on your carbs, start lifting some weights, and maybe start jogging and doing some HIIT. Skip dessert now and then, yeah? The lettuce on a quarter pounder doesn't count as a salad either.
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    3 years ago
    Vaccinated people look different?
    So basically no change?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Pay attention to what day it is?
    "Day of the week really varies by club. Around here Sunday and Mondays are dead. The dancers know they are dead. So your selection of dancers on those days are smaller but they may provide more service as well. I met my ATF on a Sunday dayshift." Also, these super dead shifts are the perfect time to make an appointment with your ATF. "I'm heading in Monday at 1, can you add on?" Then you have your hot ATF, relatively dead club, and IME the manager is happy to have business and possibly less likely to patrol the VIP room too tightly
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    3 years ago
    Pay attention to what day it is?
    For the most part, I only notice slower lower-hustle shifts, which almost always translates to "all dayshifts from 1pm to 4pm, and to a lesser extent, nightshifts from the start of the shift until 10pm". I've read many times PLs saying that they find end-of-the-month to be the time to shop for the best deals, and for all I know it's true, it's just something I never noticed. Then again, in the corporate run deja vu clubs, not easy to get any kind of deal money-wise; maybe mileage goes up but again ,I've never noticed if that's so
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    North America
    Google is kicking ‘sugar dating’ apps out of the Play Store.
    Paps, Apple got rid of the SA app years ago, all iphone users have had to go through the browser to get to SA for quite a while. Now android users will have to do the same. Although unlike iOS, android is not a closed system, and it's possible either a different app store will pick up the SA app, or SA will make the app available as a sideload (no app store needed, just download and install the binaries yourself)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Simone Biles - Yay or Nay?
    I know shit about gymnastics, but did a little -- very little -- reading about some of the things she said. Aside from general mental health, she mentioned she got "the twisties". Sounds cute, but it's evidently a super serious thing in the gymnastics world, and very difficult to recover from. Normally a gymnast can instinctively "feel" where she is in the air, and muscle-memory adjust her position so that and she twist and flips, she ends up with the proper rotation to end up on her feet. The twisties is when a gymnast just loses that body and position sense, they don't know where they are in the air, their muscle memory isn't adjusting, and now they have to THINK their way through, which leads to enormous mistakes (and in gymnastics, the power, speed, and height is so high that the consequences can be serious). Once a gymnast gets the twisties, they're in their head and it's very difficult to get out. Like I said, I read one article so I'm not an expert. But evidently all competitive gymnasts know what the twisties are, and it's considered serious and very difficult to address. This does not seem to be a matter of "felt a lot of pressure, dropped out".
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Simone Biles - Yay or Nay?
    "I’m sorry, but pulling out at that point in the competition was a disservice to her teammates and country" Pulling out at that point was a SERVICE to her teammates and country. She got the twisties, once that happens, she's putting herself at risk and her team at risk. The most decorated gymnast in history didn't pull out casually
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The End of Day Shift?
    "If there is no LE there, then every no alcohol club could be just like the 90's Market St. Cinema, what some have referred to as "off the hook" or "orgy club"" I think there's two things here. 1. You're mis-remembering what MSC was like, 2. every remaining non-alcohol club is an extras club, to some extent or other. Start off with #1, MSC. The reason no one wants to go down MSC's route is that the place went out of business, badly. Back around 2000, most PLs were divided between being MBOT guys, CH guys, and MSC guys. MSC was known for the cheapest extras and less pretty girls, $60-$80 FS. But a girl who was a 6 or 7 could go to CH and get $150 for a handjob; the 8s and up could go to MBOT and get $300+ for FS. By a few years later, MSC was filled with the least attractive girls, often crack whores -- and VERY often, there was a small group of pimps sitting in the corner watching their girls. PLs stopped going, the place went into a downward spiral, and that was that. In short -- no one who owns a strip club wants to end up like MSC in a race to the bottom. Yes, the place was amazing for a while, but once you stop being able to get attractive dancers, there's only one place it's going. On to #2, I am somewhat out of touch with the scene these days but at least as of a couple of years ago, every non-alcohol club was an extras club, to some extent or other. Keep in mind all but two of those clubs are DJV owned... even with absolutely not police pressure, DJV has to worry about constant dancer lawsuits, and they also have corporate assets at stake. As a result, the DJV clubs, extras are available, just a bit more on the downlow. Or sometimes not on the downlow -- Centerfold's availability of extras basically changed every time there was a management change. MBOT was always openly extras, just at a super high price -- completely totally in the open, just as your theory holds. CH has always been "limited extras", for reasons known only to the owner, although I have some guesses. With MBOT out of business, that leaves the rest of the clubs, plenty of extras available.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Major Strip Club Acquisition
    Corporate management deja vu style is definitely a disaster. Oversimplifying a bit, I'd argue it's the key reason that SF has become one of the worst big cities for SCs, when arguably back in (say) 1998 it was easily one of the best. I haven't been to a Rick's but it sounds like they haven't corporate-ified as badly
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The End of Day Shift?
    "and LE remains real tough" sjg, are you talking about SF? There is no LE presence in SF clubs to enforce prostitution laws, at least as of a couple of years ago. Never has been. It's not an LE priority, and a string of DAs have consistently said they're not interested in prosecuting. To the extent there's risks, I'd guess it's dancer lawsuits, though not sure that's ever been made an issue in any dance lawsuit. The alcohol clubs don't allow extras because they're worried about their liquor license, not law enforcement
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    So who has actually provided “mentorship?”
    "Finding college girls like that is time-consuming and I realize how unusual that is on a stripper forum. They don't need mentoring; " This has not been my experience at all. A smart, over-achieving, balanced college girl is going to open up far more opportunities for herself than someone who has bad-decisioned herself into a corner and has fewer options. My smartest SB was a pre-med college girl who was incredibly smart, super close with entire family. She picked my brain for all its worth: how do I set up a good LinkedIn, should I take this summer to study more for MCATs or get an internship instead, should I take some money and invest it or start paying off student loans, how does someone invest in stocks anyway? The questions were never-ending, and she wanted to dive down into my reasoning for everything. A smart young woman who has a lot of options, her family is poor and out of its depth, but she has access to a successful older person who has already achieved what she wants to, is going to take advantage of that. You don't have to call it "mentoring", but if she's not asking you for advice, she doesn't think it's a valuable use of her time. Seeking advice has nothing to do with whether she's a college girl or stripper, whether she's the product of good parenting or not. This isn't just theory, every SB ends up leaning on me. And mentoring is far more of a thing on the sugar forum, than it is on strip club forums. If your SBs aren't asking you for advice, that's the unusual thing. Go start a poll on the sugar sub, "SDs, if you have an SB who had good parenting, do you still do any mentoring?" You'll get overwhelming Yeses.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Texting Tips
    "The very last thing I want is a stripper knowing my email, phone number, etc." Just to zero in on this part -- I don't even have a Mrs Subrawoman anymore, and I'm not giving a stripper my email or phone number. Strippers don't email so that isn't even in the equation, although if I ran into a bizarro world stripper who liked email, I'd get a fake gmail. For phone number, we all -- including the strippers -- use google voice, it's free, and can't be back-traced to our real name and address. Everything else you said -- worry about it bleeding into Mrs Carey's orbit, not liking to maintain a CF, etc. all reasonable. Just pointing out none of us are giving a stripper our real, traceable numbers. Even my snapchat is a snapchat just for strippers.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    So who has actually provided “mentorship?”
    Lord help me, I enjoy this with both my ATFs and SBs. I hesitate to call it "mentorship", which implies a lot more commitment than we're talking about. But almost universally, once we get close and she trusts me at least a little, she'll start asking me for advice. It doesn't have to be "guide me and my entire life journey" mentorship. But questions on purchases, jobs, school, finances, investment, "should I do X now or wait until Y", the types of questions and decisions I think many young people ask their parents about. But in this case they often either don't have great relationships with their parents, or if they do, don't totally trust their judgement. From what I read on sugar forums this is overwhelmingly common, and why not, if you have someone who is older and more successful than anyone else in your life, who enjoys helping you and who gives good advice, why not take advantage of it?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Texting Tips
    Rick, I addressed that in my earlier response. It's just a theory based on some observations of others, but if a stripper you barely know is texting or snapchatting you, I'd bet that's when you're more likely to get her cashtag, a tip request, an emergency situation she wants you to pay for, or an invitation to join her premium snapchat. She's got very little business incentive to spend a bunch of time texting some random customer otherwise. If you're her decent-paying regular, you're a well qualified lead, and she's got plenty of incentive to keep you horny and get you back in the club spending on her, rather than risking that for a $20 "I'm spending all this time texting you" request. My personal experience has been that there's absolutely no downside to snapping or texting my CF, it's all just fun.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Texting Tips
    In keeping with the OP's cashapp request: if it's just some random stripper giving you her snapchat, 99% of the time she's going to try to bait-and-switch you into buying her premium snapchat for her nudies. If you have a CF, you're more likely to get the treatment I just described
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Texting Tips
    You guys who dismiss snapchat are missing out ... or may be missing out. If you're the type who only texts strippers for business/appointments, or who doesn't like texting strippers at all, I get it, you'd hate snapchat even more than texting. But if you like texting strippers -- and I always get a kick out of texting my CFs and ATFs -- then snapchat can be pretty great. Her routine on snapchat is going to be to send pics, and snapchat makes doing that super easy and convenient. Once a stripper suggests we switch to snapchat, I know I'm going to be getting sexy pics and vids of her, and possibly a lot of them, randomly. I enjoy communicating with my fave stripper, I love seeing sexy pics of her, I love when she goes out to pick up new stripper or club outfits and snaps me from the try-on room. Love. TL;DR: if you don't like texting strippers and don't care about sexy pics/vids, but if you do enjoy those things, you'll get way more pics and videos of her on snapchat.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Texting Tips
    It's not terribly uncommon to hear these types of stories, I haven't gotten one but I've had a couple of buddies who have gotten a cashtag or gift request from a dancer. Working theory: if you're not otherwise a solid regular of hers -- so she's got a business reason to invest some time in you -- the texting may be her working you for an eventual tip, gift request, emergency cash request, etc. Just a guess, but I tend to only text with my ATFs and CFs, and they certainly have a clear business motivation to get me all turned on and back in the club, especially since I go to the club to spend all my $ on just one girl
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    Question for Detroit Regulars re Paying for a Booth
    Not having any idea what Detroit clubs are like, I went right where Papi went. In particular, I know when I can get a booth where we're covered at least partially by the seatback and table, there can be some serious groping going on even under the eyes of the cameras and bouncers. Even in SF's most militantly low-contact clubs, I've had a stripper sit on my hand and let me explore her holeses and preciouses. For $20 that by itself would be a no-brainer, especially since I like a lot of social time at the table before I take her in the back. Although in high volume extras clubs, I find myself less enthused about the socializing
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Can I get a drink? What do you want? Water.
    Ha, that is ironic that's what Cashman is skeeved about lol... but I agree, if she wants water, I buy her a bottle of water. Not just that bottom shelf Costco water either. We're going straight up bougie with that fancy Fiji stuff
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Can I get a drink? What do you want? Water.
    Ha, I definitely prefer shots over 420, but like I said, spectacular enough that I dropped all my own standards for her lol
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Can I get a drink? What do you want? Water.
    Right. And don't get me wrong, I'll break my own rules if the stripper is amazing enough. I haven't had a CF in a long time, but my last CF didn't drink, she only did edibles. I brought her gummies each trip. I missed the "drinking with a stripper" experience, but hey, I know when someone is spectacular enough to break my rules. Usually, though, I like a table full of my buddies and strippers, all doing shots together, etc. So I filter fast, and to avoid getting surprised with a $50 prosecco order, just make all orders myself until she understands the pattern. No shade to those who don't care either way. You have fun your way. I'll take my money and have fun my way with it -- I've done this long enough to have a good idea of what I'm looking for at the SC