
Comments by Subraman (page 24)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    TUSCL Misfits: California Edition
    The Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, to my D'Artagnan! Or goofy, dopey, and sneezey, to my sleepy
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    SJG and all the women from his organization....
    GREGORY THE TERRIBLE EATER, you say??? I will alert SJG so we can change the location of the executive council meeting from the parking lot of the Denny's across the street from his mom's place, to the San Jose Public Library. I have not been this excited since the reading of IF YOU GIVE A MOUSE A COOKIE and HOP ON POP double-feature!
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    3 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    SJG and all the women from his organization....
    Who are you trying to slander with this? Those girls are not fat enough, tattoo'ed enough, ghetto enough, or cellulite-y enough to join the organization SJG and I are building. Not a single one of those girls was wearing a grill, buttplug, or had lip tattoos on their necks. One seemed to have a brand which is cool, so I'll put her on the list to discuss with SJG later during the executive council meeting
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    My organization
    This is all a complete joke. The organization SJG and I are building will overshadow Icee's Wish version of a winning team. We are going to get the fattest, jiggliest, ghetto-est, cellulite-est girls going, and then the load pumping will be so epic that Icee's family will be writing corridos about it for years
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    3 years ago
    Rate this dance -Summer
    *Scratches twentyfive off his 0000002 spot on the waitlist*
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    3 years ago
    Rate this dance -Summer
    "I want in on your organization! " JOIN THE WAITLIST SUCKA! I mean who DOESN'T want to join? Many aspire; few will be chosen. Your current number on the waitlist is 0000001. Don't forget it.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Z is for Zebra
    Rick Dugan. Beloved on stripperweb and utterly despised on this website
    So you're saying there's hope even for us hi-pitch Eric looking guys?
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    3 years ago
    Rate this dance -Summer
    Sometimes I think I detect a subtle undercurrent of bemusement about the organization that SJG and I are building, but I'm going to dismiss that feeling, since I know none of you would have this posture if you and SJG were face to face. In the organization that SJG and I are building, these types of girls will be available to drop loads in, at any point in time. See, want, drop loads.
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    3 years ago
    Rate this dance -Summer
    I imagine there's a lot of constraints doing this for the camera and more about the audience than the actor pretending to be a customer. Right off the bat, I could not possibly be more bored by a dance where I couldn't touch the stripper at all. And I want more touching from her. But I'll blame that on the camera. The stripper is hot, and the slow sinuous movement is super sexy. That stripper, doing that style of dance, but in a realistic dance with contact in an actual VIP room with no cameras, I'd wager is extremely boner-inducing
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Z is for Zebra
    Rick Dugan. Beloved on stripperweb and utterly despised on this website
    "I don’t go to gay bars because I’m not gay. " One sentence with two lies
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    REAL WORLD PROBLEMS: Lunchables Shortage
    "the same ones Juice eats during his lunch break at the plastic fork factory" I had no idea Juice had advanced his career from the factory where they put the little plastic bands on the end of shoestrings! Congrats juice!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Why extras not escorts?
    "In my experience blahblah is right. An attractive, healthy looking woman who can handle fucking people who neither arouse her nor want to any commitment with her generally sees escorting with screening as the best option." I think there is a LOT more to it than that, which CMI called out a lot of it. The other big factor to add in: does she want to run her own business, with all the work, lack of discretion, and risk that implies? She has to create alluring ads, which is both work and risks everyone in her life knowing she's an escort. She pays for the hotel room, and if two of her 3 clients are no-shows today (which is very common for newer escorts, who also may not have the leverage to ask for a deposit) she basically barely covers the room. If her first client is at 11am, she better be ready for him at 11am, not stroll in an hour later because she partied too much last night and overslept. And then there is the perceived extra risk of being alone in a hotel room with a stranger vs in the club with bouncers around. All in all, I'd say most extras strippers are not cut out to be escorts, and are making a perfectly rational choice by staying extras strippers.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Why extras not escorts?
    Haha, my nicespice personality posting my Subraman personality text 🤣
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    3 years ago
    Where do y'all get coffee
    I make my own coffee, and fuss over it like a wine guy over wines or a hipster over IPAs. I just love the ritual of brewing it, it gets me focused on something before I start work, and is a nice transition from waking up to dealing with my coworkers. The fact that the coffee is fantastic is great too. I used to use an Aeropress but mostly use a Hario v60 these days. The v60 produces coffee with more clarity, brightness, and complexity, versus immersion methods like the Aeropress or French press producing coffee with more body and balance. That said, immersion methods are much easier to get great coffee from, the v60 is much easier to over- or under-extract and end up with bad coffee (but if you get it right, it can be amazing).
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Proper etiquette outside a club. And inside
    I've never run into a stripper while just out and about, but if I did, I'd follow the "let her make the first move or not" path. I suppose the other situation is, I see her out, and I have her phone number -- and chances are if she's danced for me more than once, I do -- I imagine it'd be okay to send her a quick "nice to see you, I'm alone so you can say hi if you're free, otherwise see you back at the club". Or maybe I wouldn't, I dunno, but if I have her number and we're on a texting basis already, I'd consider using it
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I don't use the messaging system here much. Over the years I've had a few conversations with a few members. I do, however, have 10,963 messages with SJG as we coordinate our activities around the organization we're building. This may be slowing down my messaging system overall, but in the end it will be worth it to save as documentation for the book I'm writing about the organization we're building.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Why don't more porn stars become free agents?
    I actually don't understand why guys want to have sex with porn stars. You can bang your local hot stripper at a non-extras club for a third the price, take her OTC, and she hasn't banged 1000 other guys on film. I like porn, but I'll choose to bang my fave stripper every time over just about any porn star
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Pop Quiz: Got Your Lineup Ready?
    " do you have your lineup of dancers set to keep in contact with? " Alas, I went into the shutdown with basically no lineup, having fired my CF and absolutely no bench otherwise. Since the shift to employee status a few years ago drastically affected the scene and reduced the number of strippers, SCing has been increasingly become a "hang out with the guys" activity and meeting an stripper with CF potential a less-likely bonus. I've spent more time on SA the past few years. We'll see how things change as dayshifts open back up
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Wanna go clubbing?
    Best Strip Club Cars
    "What ever your Uber driver owns?" Very first response is my answer! If I'm going to be drinking more than a drink or two -- and most of the time, that's the agenda -- whatever my uber, lyft, or cabdriver are driving, is the ticket :)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Strip Clubbing with Strippers - Yes or No?
    "How long do you spend in the strip club with you OTC date, and how much money does that part of the evening cost? Couldn't you just omit the strip club portion, since you already have your girl with you?" SJ, pop in, drinks and stage tips for 60-90 minutes, then gone while you're still flying high always works. The few times taking a stripper to a strip club didn't work out perfectly for me, it's because we stayed too long, she got too drunk, and now I had to deal with that -- people with rough life histories are not always pleasant drunks. As far as what it costs, I'll give you a flip answer -- it costs what it costs. I'm doing it because it's incredibly fun, and I enjoy it. I'd prefer not to spend more than a couple hundred, given I'm spending hundreds for her and hundreds for the room and already almost certainly bought her a nice dinner and drinks for hundreds. And yes, of course we can skip it. The point is, I don't want to skip it -- I want an epic fun night with a hot girl who is driving me insane. So yes, this is totally optional, but I often option-in.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Strip Clubbing with Strippers - Yes or No?
    See, it doesn't feel controlling at all. We have dinner and drinks. We go to the strip club, have some fun. Leave. That's it, it's pretty effortless, we both leave happy. It's all just a warmup to the hotel room time anyway -- don't get me wrong, it's super fun, but I don't need to be in the strip club for 3 hours with my OTC date, in most cases. Get horny, fuck it off, as they say
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Strip Clubbing with Strippers - Yes or No?
    SJG why you always gotta make things so awkward? 🤣🤣
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Strip Clubbing with Strippers - Yes or No?
    I agree that once you get into a party mood, it's hard to say no. Definitely the longer you stay, and drunker she gets, the harder it is. I've always taken her to dinner and drinks beforehand, so we're already somewhat lubricated; an hour in the SC and out, seems to always work out great. Otherwise she gets too drunk, I get too drunk, and even if I don't end up spending too much ... overly drunk strippers are a recipe for bad experiences