
Comments by Subraman (page 22)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Being the only money in the club
    Ya, even without a CF there, as long as the girls are pretty, I'm fine being the only one there. It's new club + unattractive lineup that is not at all fun
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    3 years ago
    Being the only money in the club
    I love being the only guy in the club, or the only guy spending. I love the attention, I love how easy it is to get the hottest girl, I especially love when it's me, my CF, and one or two of her friends all at my table. In fact, I spend some time quizzing my CF on her slowest shifts, specifically to engineer this situation as often as possible. I will admit it's different when you're the only guy (or one of very few) in a club that's new to you or you don't go to very often, and the club lineup holds little interest. I've had that happen from time to time, and having a parade of unattractive girls come by the table one after the other isn't the most fun.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Still looking for an ATF
    Papi Chulo reserved table
    Haha our Papi Chulo is not about buying tables and bottles. That was some imposter Papi Chulo. Papi Chupa, more like it
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They seem to get along really well over on the pink site
    On SW, if I understand the history right, there are have been several upheavals where big groups of strippers and/or mods have been driven out -- as in, more than one of these -- plus consistent aggressive mod pressure to tow the line and liberally ban those who have differing opinions in an area where it's not approved to have a different opinion. So what we might have on SW is that they've driven out the vast majority of those with strongly differing philosophies, and also there are any number of sacred cow views that are not allowed to be expressed. The girls left all fundamentally agree on most things, the arguments that are left don't need to get heated -- and when they do get heated, the mods shut it down fast in many cases. Anyway, to the extent they get along there currently (I haven't read the site in a long time, although I used to be fascinated with it, not just the opinions but the exercise in enforcing an orthodox groupthink), but I'd guess that has a lot to do with it That said, it's no secret that I wouldn't run the tuscl forum the way it's run now, it's not exactly my prime example of how a forum should run -- although standard disclaimer, founder's house, founder's rules, and he's done an amazing job building what is the single best SC site period. So not about to hold up this forum as a wonderful counterexample to SW, but if SW is currently at peace with itself, it's more a fascinating and horrifying exercise in enforcing groupthink
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    3 years ago
    Getting attention from the woman you want
    Not surprisingly most PLs independently end up with similar strategies. Go up when she's on stage, tip her $10-$20, let her know you're interested, see what happens. If she's with her regular, just realize that she might not leave her regular twice-a-week $500-a-night gravytrain guy just to give you a $20 lapper, even with the stage tip. In that case, I might try to catch her again on stage, ask her what days she works and what's her slow shifts. The strippers themselves are happy to give you tips to catch them, I've heard things like "my regular comes in at 5pm, come by at 1 and we'll spend the afternoon together", and sure enough, works out perfect. "How much do you tip and when do you do so to a potential or current fav" To be a little pedantic, if she's my CF, it means I don't have to tip to compete for her attention. If she's my current fave, I will have texted her in advance to make an appointment, she'll make herself available at that time and we'll hang out together for a few hours -- in other words, I'm the regular you're competing for her attention with 🤣 As a regular, I come in often enough and spend enough each time, that I've earned this treatment from her. Everything I said earlier was for how I get the attention of a stripper I haven't earned any time with yet
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The ATM walk of shame
    0% chance my marriage would have survived that much truthfulness. The guys who can do so, you made an awesome choice in spouses, congrats. Not all women -- IMO, very few -- would abide her husband regularly going to strip clubs, much less getting extras or OTC.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The ATM walk of shame
    ^^^ when I was married, I hid this easily, two ways: 1. I kept control of my salary. This is basically the #1 mistake most guys make -- they hand over finances completely, and now they can't make a move without her seeing it. Hell, I know married guys who have to ask their wives for permission to spend the money that they (the husbands) made. 2. I also played the standard tricks, just in case my account ever got under the microscope. If I needed to take out $200, I took out $300 instead. If I needed $40, I took out $80. The delta got stuck into the SC fund. Of course, even 10 years ago, we used cash far more than today. These days, the SC and my SB are 90% of my cash spending; I buy almost nothing with cash anymore, so harder to cover
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    LDKs are sexual assault...
    Sigh, I was hoping you dingbats would treat the obvious troll thread like what it is, but nooooo, people gotta take it seriously. Okay, I'm not a lawyer so don't know anything (precisely as much as all of the rest of you know, except for the one or two actual lawyers). But, it seems to me, if a stripper gives me a handjob, I don't actually ask for her consent to splooge, the HJ gets me excited and eventually I just splooge away. Legally I don't think I need active verbal consent to splooge: she is directly stimulating me in a way that's purposely meant to sexually excite me, and any reasonable person knows what the result might be. She's verbally consented to give me the handjob; everything else is a possible progression (I might get hard, I might splooge). Directly wiggling her naked ass around my dick is directly stimulating me in a way that's purposely meant to sexually excite me, and any reasonable person knows what the result might be. I am incredibly skeptical that any DA would bring a "yes I consented to wiggle my g-string covered ass around his frank and beans in a way purposely mean to be sexually stimulating, which I could tell was hard through his pants, and by my own consent and actions I kept doing it and doing it and doing it even as he was giving other signals of increasing arousal" case to the courts, and I don't think any jury would convict. I'll say that I don't (and don't think I could even if I wanted to) LDK so this is all academic for me. I think the PL should wear a condom or whatever other barrier so his splooge will not touch her. I think it would be better to discuss this in advance, but not criminal if he doesn't
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    LDKs are sexual assault...
    The troll gods are very disappoint and angry with this thread. Very disappoint.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    LDKs are sexual assault...
    What's your guys stance on ketchup on hotdogs? Unnatural perverse act? Next best thing to sex with the new stripper? I'll be honest, I'm for it. I don't care if the hotdog gives verbal consent. That thing getting ketchuped.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The ATM walk of shame
    I am right now practicing my pimp walk to the ATM so all the strippers notice, then mud walk back to my table. Then, let the stripper pile-on begin
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The ATM walk of shame
    "So tactically, *pretending* to use the ATM is the play..." This is some next-level stuff. You beginners shouldn't try this yet
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    OTC Situational Advice Hotline
    Dude, with all due respect: anyone dumb enough to fall for this, I am going to have to recall your PL merit badge and send you back down to the bush leagues. She's playing you. If you don't believe that and want to make sure, you're going to have to give your balls a tug and come out with it. Are you willing to see me outside the club for $400?" If she says yes to that, be sure to specify what you're expecting: dances and sex at a local hotel, or whatever. I'm super doubtful, she's just using the typical tiktok-taught hustle to try to get you to pay her something for nothing
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The ATM walk of shame
    I've been calling it "the walk of shame" for years lol... Yes, I've done it a few times. In all cases, it was because I had an opportunity for something spectacular, and while it's important to be smart enough to have a policy ("only spend what you bring in cash") it's good to be wise enough to know when to break it. I always bring my wallet and all my cards, etc., I don't need to leave those in the car in order to stay as disciplined as I need to be, but I still have the flexibility to take advantage of something great now and then
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    What is the one surgical enhancement that Absolutely is a dealbreaker for yoi?
    I can deal with fake boobs. I am not a boob guy, and while I'd rather my stripper not have overly-large rock hard boobs, so many strippers do have hard clownboobs that I'm glad I can look past them. Ass enhancement always looks terrible to me, and is a deal breaker. I suppose there might be girls whose ass work is so good that I can't tell, in which case, ignorance is bliss. But if I can tell she's got an ass job, that means I hate it. Continuing the theme, it is interesting how many strippers whose asses I already think are too big, choose to get ass enhancement and make their asses huge and ridiculous -- and look like they're permanently wearing diapers in the process. Lip injections it's a matter of degree. If she looks like wasps stung her, I have trouble getting past that. If they're a little overly plump, I don't like it, but I'll deal.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    THIS JUST IN - Latest TUSCL News!!!!
    Keep up the smart talk. Some of you guys are going to have to bang THREE of the ghetto, cellulite-ridden, toothless methheads that we are recruiting for our organization. We'll see who has smart talk then. Not the methheads, that's for sure.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    THIS JUST IN - Latest TUSCL News!!!!
    You guys all hate SJG?!? When did this happen, it's some new thing? So fickle. Anyway, in the organization I am helping SJG build, people who don't mouth off to SJG will get to fuck one of our fat, cellulite-y, ghetto, tatted, ratchet girls. If you say something bad to SJG, you have to fuck two of them.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    For the first time I been....cucked... is that the right word?
    I always imagined it's more the first reason than the second -- until she's got an absolute sure thing, why not lock you up for a while? If you are just a random customer, there's upside for her (if her whale doesn't work out, you're still sitting in reserve) and little downside if you are just a random customer rather than a regular yourself. I mean a random customer who she might never see again gets mad? How does that impact her business negatively? And even if that customer wanders back in, many guys will buy "I'm so sorry, my whale came in and I didn't realize he was coming and he gets very possessive" and be back to spending on her. At least, that's my theory. But I can also see the point about her not wanting to deal with any potential customer shit
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    For the first time I been....cucked... is that the right word?
    I, too, am shocked this is the first time this has happened to you. Happens to everyone, has happened to me plenty. And agree that this is less about race and age, than about a stripper making the smart decision to go with her high-spending regular than an unknown random (or worse yet, someone who is known to spend little and take lots of time). It's just that old white guys are more likely to have the $$$ to be a high spending regular, and young guys of any race are less likely. It's not being cucked lol... but you using that term gives some insight into your mindset, you feel a little humiliated by it, which means you might work on that a bit.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    You can throw away those condoms now.
    You had me at testicle bath.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    IME most strippers don't want to go to Olive Garden with you
    Right, I don't doubt Muddy's got the correct read on his OTC girls 🤣 But all of these stories of the stripper choosing to get dinner or go out to drinks (again, in my case, I had a stripper ask me to take her back out AFTER we'd banged and she could have gone home). For the more dim-witted among us, who apparently need things spelled out, that doesn't mean any of us think the stripper wants to be our girlfriend or something. It just means that she tolerates our company enough that she's happy to go eat somewhere fancy on our dime, provided we stay out of the picture when she puts a photo of her dragon roll on her IG story to make her friends jelly.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    IME most strippers don't want to go to Olive Garden with you
    "The part I chuckle at is some of the comments that get thrown on here disparaging the strippers with larger bodies…but hey good idea to take them out to these places with massive food portions, liberal pours of canola/soybean/corn oil, generous pours of salt on the dishes. And alcohol on the side." Well yes, part of the game is to fill them full of neverending popcorn shrimp, then ask them nonchalantly if they're gaining weight 🤣 Like doctorevil, I actually wine and dine the strippers I like (or at least give them an option), but on this forum that's looked at as a character flaw LOL
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    IME most strippers don't want to go to Olive Garden with you
    "Listen, I can’t help that you PLs are not as charming as Juice, Dugan, jackslash, Subraman and myself." You can't turn this shit off. Sometimes I forget to turn my swag off at night, and I wake up all covered in bitches. joking aside, definitely true some strippers would rather just get to the banging and get out. But there's been plenty of times strippers are the ones who, when asked after dinner "what should we do now?", picked the bar hopping or strip clubbing option instead of the hotel option. I've had strippers want to go back out drinking again after the sex. To Warrior's point, I've had plenty of strippers act more like SBs than strippers. Just plain not true all strippers just want to get to the hotel room and then run. Might be true if you're getting the more escorty strippers
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Ways girls used to dress/look like that you miss
    Eldude, yeah the whale tail was hot. The thing is though, and I could be mistaken in my timing, back then women weren't wearing thongs all the time, casually. In my high school and college days, and dating after college, thongs were something they put on special for a romantic date or a slutty night out. So seeing a thong peeking out, it was hot because you could see her panties, but even more, it's hot because she's the kind of dirty girl who wears thongs and nice girls don't wear thongs all the time. These days, girls have panty drawers full of thongs and they just wear them all the time. Kind of like shaved pussy also, so hot when you could only see it in porn, now I just expect it
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Ways girls used to dress/look like that you miss
    blah and tfp, Yeah I just don't understand how women are letting us get away with this whole leggings scam. Frankly women often look hotter in leggings than in lingerie. Total insanity, but I love every second of it. It's even worth the horrible mom jeans style that's gotten popular