
Comments by Subraman (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Some L.A. Clubs requiring the Covid Jab to enter the club
    "I assumed most businesses that are imposing vax cards were doing it bc of government mandate - so if the courts say the government can't mandate it then would not most businesses now stop the vax requirement?" I imagine it depends heavily on the city and business owners -- I don't think it's as clear cut as them all dropping it. I could be mis-remembering, but in SF I believe the bar owners agreed on a proof-of-vaccine requirement to sit indoors (plenty of outdoor seating available as an option), before there was ever a city-wide mandate. Might be different in, say, Texas :) LA might be more like SF than TX, but if anyone is going to go their own way, it's the SCs
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    3 years ago
    Some L.A. Clubs requiring the Covid Jab to enter the club
    "Lots of ignorance here. This post will likely be deleted soon..." First time on tuscl?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Rules (reversed)
    " But, the point is, ever been to one of those nearly dead almost empty clubs where all the dancers are bored and pissed off it's nearly dead and almost empty... And decided to take out there frustration on the few guys who are there, because they aren't tipping enough?" Absolutely positively. The girls get angry when it's slow like that, and can start driving away the few customers who come in. It's definitely a thing. It's best to either have a CF there who knows you're coming (so she's not angry and frustrated like the rest), and/or get there early in the shift before they're all pissed off
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    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Rules (reversed)
    "It's fucking awkward being the only guy in a strip club. I'm sure many of us have been there, done that, gotten over it. How often did it not suck? Most guys, especially in groups, are going to turn around and leave." bkk, What you wrote is probably correct for 99% of people. But just as an interesting contrary discussion -- I fucking love walking into an empty club (empty of customers, not strippers), and in fact go through machinations to try to ensure this happens as much as possible. My sense is that among tuscl-style PLs, this isn't totally rare. I love walking into an empty club, having no competition for the hottest girl there, not having any pressure that there's other guys waiting for her (since I'm planning to hog her for the next 4 hours). Some fun results: getting the royal treatment in the VIP since most girls are making almost nothing and she's doing VIPs. And some of my absolute favorite SC trips involve: an empty club, me, my CF, and one or more of her stripper friends (since they have nothing else to do) all sitting at my table, me pumping everyone full of tequila. I've had pretty outrageous fun times. But I do agree that beyond very confident regulars, most other guys will feel awkward and dislike the low energy of an empty club, and will walk.
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    3 years ago
    Stripper Sleepovers
    Ever since I figured out how to fold a $100 bill into an origami vulva, the strippers just keep wanting to sleep over
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    3 years ago
    Stripper Sleepovers
    I don't know what the percentage is, but it's pretty high for me -- over 30% for sure, probably over 50%. That said, I think I OTC differently than many of you. I have no interest in a sleepover with a casual OTC, but I rarely do casual OTCs anyway. With more casual OTCs, I just want to get the fuck out and go home. As I've said numerous times, far more commonly I OTC with CFs/ATFs, and once I joined SA, I realized I was cultivating more of an SD/SB relationship with my ATFs, without realizing it. I've done sleepovers -- at a hotel, at my place, at her place -- with all my long-term ATFs. Just like with longer-term SBs I've met on SA... but not the ones that ended up short-term, NSA
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Come on down and get some free shit in California!
    "I'll not lie, I experience immense schadenfreude watching the progressive policies backfire and implode." I think we have to watch our schadenfreude. The thing about progressives is, their remedy for failures is always: more progressive policies, that go even farther. Icee's responses above are typical: they interpret the reality we all experience, in a way that justifies more progressive policies. Kids are being deeply indoctrinating into this way of interpreting reality in college or earlier; it does not bode well
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Damn - sad
    On the morbid side, reports are varying but saying the 23-year-old victim whose car he hit, was unable to get out of the car and engulfed. I read this as: burned alive. I'm sure we'll hear more about whether that's true, but the tragedy may be even more tragic
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    3 years ago
    Come on down and get some free shit in California!
    I didn't bother watching the youtube videos, but obviously enough, it's not just that one Walgreens. Every day it seems like, there's a story about a store closing -- not just national chains, but mom and pops who can't suffer the shoplifting losses. The complementary stories are those stores that aren't closing completely, but reducing their nighttime hours to close at 7 or 9 or whatever. A couple of days ago, the only Safeway (grocery store) in a poor neighborhood had to trim its hours back, again due to crime. Hurts especially since many people will come home late from work and find they can't shop, since it was the only grocery store in the neighborhood.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Region with Best Weather?
    Actually, I just looked it up, Prescott is considered Mediterranean weather, just like coastal CA. But it's 10-20 degrees cooler during the winter than SF and another 10 degrees on top of that than Socal.
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    3 years ago
    Region with Best Weather?
    "That said...somewhere in the SW with slightly higher elevation, like Prescott or Sedona in Arizona might be perfect. Four seasons, snow but not too much, rain, thunderstorms, 20 or 25 degrees cooler than Phoenix 90 mins to the south. " I forgot about Prescott style weather -- yes, if you absolutely have to have 4 seasons, I think that's ideal. Warm summers without the humidity or furnace-level heat, cold winters without it being frigid
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    3 years ago
    Region with Best Weather?
    The thing about weather is, you get used to and find a way to enjoy the weather where you are, unless it's really extreme. I imagine no one in Alaska is going to be singing Alaska's weather praises, but if it's not extreme, people will find a way to enjoy. I grew up in northeast weather -- four seasons, including an amazing color-changing fall, winter sports, warm summers -- and really enjoyed it. But then I moved to the Mediterranean weather of southern-to-central CA, and man, it's amazing. And 90% of people who move here from other states, end up in love with the weather here, it's just delightful to most humans once they get used to it. Sure, they might say they miss certain things, I miss thunderstorms and snow, but not so much I'd consider a move to a place that has either of those things to be a weather upgrade. Mediterranean weather is the pinnacle, everything else is about deciding which tradeoffs you can live with. Ignoring politics, quality of life, SC quality, and all the other important things :) If I had to pick a different weather type, I imagine my particular tradeoffs would lean towards subtropical (southern east coast) or tropical, I'll take the humidity to not be in the cold. As it is, when I retire I'm thinking of heading to a free state, which means desert or arid, not my top choice but I'll deal
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Problems with strip club drunks
    I think this is mostly a matter of luck -- the thing with drunks is, their judgement is badly skewed and they have fewer inhibitions, so I don't agree that someone has done something wrong (other than wrong time wrong place) to have a bad encounter with a drunk. Perhaps if you're 6'4" 250, even a drunk won't mess with you, otherwise I've seen drunks mess with all kinds of people who any sober person knows they shouldn't have. I've been lucky enough not to have a bad encounter with a drunk in the SC, at least that I could remember. But for the most part I'm going to uncrowded dayshifts where a belligerent or obnoxious drunks stands out like a sore thumb, and the bouncers find those guys fast. I've had benign encounters at the bar, there's a couple of club regulars in the clubs I go to, who just sit at the bar and buy the strippers drinks. I've ended up getting absorbed into the group and he buys us all (including me) a round, and then I do the same back. I am not looking to get into physical encounters with patrons when I'm off SCing, but pulling on my arm would be a red line for me. I likely would start by trying to verbally re-direct him (this works often and easily with drunks) while wiping his hand off me, but in the end wouldn't abide him grabbing me and pulling, period, so if that didn't work I'd do something else (no need for violence yet, maybe just stand up and walk to the bouncer and ask him to handle it, another side benefit of being on great terms with the bouncers). That said, just a boundary for me, and OP got out unscathed so there you go.
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    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Who else is high 4ight now?
    I was gonna buy some groceries, but then I got high I was gonna sit home alone again, when I got high I was troll the internet, and now I know why 'cause I got high Because I got high Because I got high
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Catching strippers going to and from the club
    Muddy: excellent strategy. You run up, engage with her, and then she seals the deal with a shot of pepper spray. In stripper language, that means "sure, I'd love to meet you OTC!"
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Heh, I went and found the article you're talking about. No way I'm reading that wall of text. I'm (usually) quiet about it, I just move on to the next article without complaining. But really, I don't understand why someone would put so much effort into writing so many words, and not put in the 1% more effort to make it readable so people would actually read and comment on it. Well, maybe I do -- sometimes just writing about a topic feels cathartic, and the writing exercise is about them, not the readers.
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    3 years ago
    Other outlets for sexual energy besides the strip club
    Once SJG and I have finished building our organization, this question will be much easier to answer: pumping loads into the ghetto, grill-wearing, fat, cellulite-ridden, gang-tat-having female golems we are recruiting. For examples, see any of the links Icee has posted of girls he likes
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    3 years ago
    Other outlets for sexual energy besides the strip club
    I knew my Bathhouse Buddy wouldn't let that go unmentioned!
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    3 years ago
    Other outlets for sexual energy besides the strip club
    "w.r.t. sugar-babies, my recollection is that guys on here do the PPM (pay per meet) thing vs providing an allowance." Right, probably 95% of SBs will accept a PPM versus demanding something like a monthly allowance; not common to run into an SB who won't. There's 99 reasons to not want to put all the effort into SA, but allowance isn't one of them, it's a non-issue
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Other outlets for sexual energy besides the strip club
    There's two other things I really enjoy: 1. Sugar (Seeking Arrangements): This is much higher effort than going to a strip club, if what you're pursuing is an actual arrangement, since it tends to be a longer-term thing. Some guys just use it like an alternative way to find escorts though. 2. Sensual massage (FBSM): this is lower effort than going to a strip club. You know in advance exactly what you'll get each time: a sensual massage (sometimes very skilled, CMT quality) and a handjob (sometimes an incredibly good one). You know exactly who you'll be doing it with ,since you'll schedule with her directly. And you know she'll show up, there's no stripper-type flakiness. It's just a handjob with standard FBSM, but some girls advertising FBSM+ also do BJs Things I'm not interested in 1. Escorts. Just haven't ever really gotten into them. 2. AMPs. Haven't done this myself, but have buddies who have, and have read about it plenty of AMP forums, and nothing about the experience interests me. Although AMPs seem vaguely similar to FBSM, AMPs are often run more similar to a big group of Asian escorts working out of the same place. FBSM girls are usually independent, and often work on ambiance, really making sure the sensual part is amazing, etc -- which of course they have to since they're only doing HJs
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    TUSCL Royal Rumble
    SJG and I are proud to announce that the organization we are building will be sponsoring the tuscl Battle Royale. At each contest of fisticuffs, the winner of the fight will get to fuck one of the fat, ghetto, cellulite-ridden, pimply female golems we are recruiting for our organization. Loser will have to fuck two of them. You're welcome, and good luck, you noodle-armed try-hards!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Degenerate gambler and virgin
    Do you remember your first SC experience? What was it like?
    Ha yes! NCT was my dealer, it gave me a little free bump of Lapdance, and that was that! Next thing I know I'm going to dealers with better shit, higher mileage lapdances, VIPs. Then MBOT pours a little extras into a spoon and heats it up, next thing you know, I'm hooked. Don't even want to think about when my OTC habit started
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Degenerate gambler and virgin
    Do you remember your first SC experience? What was it like?
    I don't remember my initial SC experiences too well, or where. They were mostly in college, going to SCs in various places. Mostly just the standard poor college guys going to the tip rail and tipping singles and high fiving. All a blur now. I do very solidly remember my first SC trip that ultimately led to PL-dom. A good buddy of mine came back from a trip to SF with his friends, and told me he spent $90 -- $90!!!! -- at a strip club. I was incredulous. "Dude, WTF did you spend NINETY DOLLARS on at a strip club???". Then he told me about "lapdances", which were $10 at the time. "Take me to this strip club and show me how to get one of these 'lapdances' as you call them", I demanded. He took me to New Century Theater, back then still independent (this was 10 years before the evil empire started its takeover of SF SCs, and New Century was a competing with Mitchell Brothers). A couple years of that, and then I connected with the ass-c guys and started hitting Chez Paree a few times a year. A bunch more years before I really transitioned to PL, which happened in 1996ish when I discovered Mitchell Brothers, but that was definitely the first step.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Being the only money in the club
    Listen bruv, I know the bathhouse is not as fancy as the glory hole at San Jose Public that you man, but I'm trying, man. I'm trying.