
Comments by Subraman (page 20)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Can the average income of a TUSCL member really be $350K
    ^^^ About time someone said it. We'd all be better off talking about how to beat, drug, isolate, and pxychologically and emotionally abuse strippers. And also, make them our girlfriends. And also, what kind of sneakers we wear to the club.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    How long do we have to wait for this fucking guy to stop talking to this dancer?
    "Ha ha - I think we’ve all been there. It’s sucks and the club should prohibit it. They should be required to circulate" I dunno studme! Would it be a brilliant business move for the club to alienate its whales and regulars and drive them elsewhere (along with, potentially, the girls who are best at attracting whales and regulars) to cater to random guys who, as Rick put it, have $40 burning in their pocket? Super smart business move? And for those clubs that are ICs, even better and more fair for the strippers, "you have a guy who comes in every week and spends $500, but we're going to force you to go circulate and make $40 instead ... oh yeah, you still owe your full stage fees and tipouts. Oh, is that your regular walking out the door to a better club?" I dunno, I get the frustration at walking in and seeing the girl you want is locked up for a couple of hours, it's sure happened to me. I don't get the complete lack of business basics that insist the strippers and clubs are idiots for not catering to random unknowns rather than making the business choice to delight their known whales and regulars.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    How long do we have to wait for this fucking guy to stop talking to this dancer?
    "yeah i've been guilty of playing the whale part. overall it all evens out." I think the important niggle here is: it's regular part, not just a whale part. I mean, whales DO get this treatment of course, but you don't have to be a legit $1000-or-more-per-night whale to get this treatment. Regulars get this treatment all the time, I get it regularly buying a few VIP rooms per trip, easily within reach of many PLs -- schedule on her slow time, show up regularly. So it's not out of reach financially, it's just a choice, and if you choose the freedom of variety, don't complain that you don't get the perqs of regulars. Meanwhile, some of you should consider the possibility that she knows what makes her money better than you do -- granted, there may be a lazy idiot in this scenario, but it might not be her.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Electric vs Conventional - What Happens Over the Next Decade?
    If any of you are knowledgeable on EVs, could you tell me: - How long do the manufacturers say the battery lasts? - Can you replace particular cells, or is it something like "replace the entire battery in 5 years" kind of thing? - What's it cost to replace the battery - Do manufacturers tell you that fast-charging will reduce service lifetime? Just curious! I figure my next car may be an EV but I haven't started really looking at the technology at all, and am curious about the batteries, whether used EVs just have a $5000 battery change expectation built into prices, etc
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    How long do we have to wait for this fucking guy to stop talking to this dancer?
    Oh yeah that was me. What I was saying to her was "I think that weird guy is looking at us. That guy. That guy over there. Yes the one with the unibrow in the plaid shirt. Oh he's finally looking away. Wait, no he's just pretending to look away, but he's watching us through the reflection on his glass of ... what is he drinking? Lemonade? Do you guys sell lemonade?..." Anyway, fun night!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New York
    "Bebe has gotten a little thicker over the years, but she's still sexy. Long term over a marriage I fear she would balloon" This is the most glass-half-full interpretation I've ever seen. The girl is a meatbomb, and she's not even ticking, you're catching her already exploding. If "long term" = a year or two, then I could agree!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What really catches your attention?
    Meat: if she approaches you first, you should get her hooked on drugs, beat her physically, and isolate her from her friends and family. This will make her want to be your girlfriend, which is the whole reason you went to the strip club in the first place. QED.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Who reads stripper message boards before going to strip clubs to look for a gir
    It's a fun troll. I mean, there ARE dingbats here on tuscl who keep giving unwanted advice about how to date strippers, as if that's something any of us want to do. None of us are looking to date strippers, and if I were, I wouldn't be coming here for advice lulz. Now, a conversation between adult men about what kind of sneakers they wear? This is the place!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Who reads stripper message boards before going to strip clubs to look for a gir
    We got our sick kicks, and our crip walk is on point. Amma need me a bigger stripper beating stick
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Who reads stripper message boards before going to strip clubs to look for a gir
    My stripper beating stick gonna earn its rent tonight!!!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Massage places versus strip clubs
    Massage is always more popular than strip clubs on hobbyist sites. Hobbyists who favor escorts, AMPs, etc., think we SC are idiots who are paying for blueballs half the time, and the other half paying as much for a 10-minute extra in a cramped booth as they are paying for a full hour. Can't argue with the blueballs part, at least for non-extras trips, but definitely can argue about how well extras compare to AMPs. But regardless, the bottom line: in the hobbyist hierarchy, SCs are at the bottom. For many years on redbook, I think only the pro domination forum was smaller than the SC forum. AMPs and escorts ruled. I haven't been to an AMP but have read enough about it, and also have friends who are AMP fans, to have absolutely no interest. Aside from the constant ambiguity about trafficked women, there's nothing about the experience that I'd enjoy. I do (or used to) enjoy FBSM, but the experience is definitely very different from AMPs, along with no worries about trafficking, pimps, massage parlors run by organized crime, etc.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Who reads stripper message boards before going to strip clubs to look for a gir
    "Man if only Subraman and myself had a sneaker and hoodie collection as dope as Icees we sure would be pulling some major tail in the strip club." I don't know who you are talking about, but I just picked me up some SWEET Nike Dunks in Midas Gold lowtop fam. Amma have so many strippers to hook on drugs, physically discipline, and mentally abuse, I'll have to fight them off with a stick! Which, of course, is just more physical discipline, so all good lulz
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Who reads stripper message boards before going to strip clubs to look for a gir
    Of course I do. I'm looking for very specific advice, from a guy who is legit pimp who controls and manages girls, who the strippers just hit on all the time because really, with a sneaker collection this saucy, who could resist lulz. In other words, for someone just like me.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    How you deal with taking an L in the mongering game
    "Right? Or do some of you guys actually pay for dances up front?" I'll always choose to pay after if given the chance. And in the past, in many of the clubs, it depended on the girl, to some extent. But these days deja vu has made it a requirement to pay in advance, the girls are threatened with their jobs if they screw that up, so in most cases you either pay in advance or find a new city to go SCing in.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    How you deal with taking an L in the mongering game
    I can't tell exactly what you meant by spending your way out of a bad decision. If you mean, things are going badly, throw more money at it to see if it can get better.... I think that's a very natural instinct, especially when you're young and new at this. I'm pretty sure most of us have been embarrassed at the outcomes of chasing sunken costs, and don't do it. It's almost wired into me at this point, I take the sunken cost at a loss (and hey, these are strippers -- I always know things might not work out, I accepted this fact before I even asked her to the VIP or OTC), make the best of whatever the situation is or bring it to an end, move on. At this point the notion of rewarding bad behavior isn't something I'm going to do
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Seeking and whats your price both suck
    Sinclair: yes, exactly -- they wiggled out. Ever since fosta/sesta, Seeking has been re-framing themselves as a dating site. No mention of PPM is allowed, people get banned for discussing it even in messaging, they no longer discuss sugar at all. They were well positioned to claim they're not a sugar site, and so far, google is buying it. You can find them on the playstore right now!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Seeking and whats your price both suck
    "Apple blocked the Seeking app two years ago, and Android just removed it from Google Play a couple months back. These two events have caused the number of ctive SB's to plummet, since most young people prefer apps to manually logging in on their web browser." Sinclair, Seeking is still on google play, it's only Apple that's blocked it. But SBs all have iphones, so as a practical matter, none of them can use the app.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Seeking and whats your price both suck
    WYP is completely useless. "A chump's game", to quote the great one. SA has lots of scammers, escorts, catfishers, and various horrible platonic feet-pic girls. You will either 1. learn how to quickly figure those girls out so you don't waste time on them, or 2. get frustrated and quit. It sounds like you picked option 2. It does take a little while, but once you learn how to vet out the useless girls quickly, it stops becoming so annoying
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever paid for OTC services with other than cash?
    Yes, the great stripper payment survey of 2021. It's science man Okay seriously, on SA it's incredibly common. If you believe self-reported discussion on forums and reddit subs, app transfers (zelle, cashapp, venmo, top 3) are basically woven into the lifestyle. We're all aware that there can be some risks, so cash at first, move to apps once there's a little trust. With strippers, I've found for years it's pretty much the same. My impressions come from the same places -- self-reported discussions on stripper forums/subs, and my own personal experience. As with sugar, cash is usually preferred at first. But at least from my ATFs, they always made it sound like this is standard among their regular OTCs. If you have always offered cash, and never discussed this with a stripper, I don't know how you'd have any firsthand knowledge of this either way -- cash is always welcome by strippers, they're not going to try to talk you out of cash. Next time you OTC with a stripper who you've seen a few times so she's inclined to trust you a bit, ask her if she'd take cashapp this time and see what she says, the girl you've been paying cash may welcome an app transfer.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever paid for OTC services with other than cash?
    "Maybe we can revisit this discussion when more people become more people start using these apps to pay girls for sex and LE adjusts accordingly." BTW, people are already using these apps, extremely broadly, both with strippers and, even more commonly, in sugar. The conditions to use electronic transfers as evidence are already ubiquitous and have been for several years. But yes, if electronic transfers commonly became the key evidence, I'd stop doing it.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever paid for OTC services with other than cash?
    Ish, I should say I think your and Rick's concern here is valid and rational. I think it's a vanishingly small probability synthetic corner case, but I think it's totally reasonable to decide it's not and to want to keep all your transactions out of the permanent electronic world. Not trying to convince you otherwise, just nothing that hits my risk radar.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever paid for OTC services with other than cash?
    If they really wanted to put in this much effort for a minor misdemeanor for which the first offense is normally a fine, they arguably can show a lot of things with the hotel room receipt and video (if saved) from the hotel of us going in together, something that's there whether there's texts or not. Texts do add more though, although in my case I use a fake line, so all for a potential minor misdemeanor bust, they'd also have to trace my second line back to me. Often, I negotiate all this ITC, so those texts are nothing but sexting, and proposing "let's meet on Friday, are you free?", not "let's meet for sex for $500". In short, still feels like a vanishingly small risk here in CA, especially since there's usually nothing like an actual solicitation.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever paid for OTC services with other than cash?
    Right, it's always worth looking at local laws and law enforcement priorities. In CA, this would be a lot of work to nab me on a minor misdemeanor, especially considering that the mere presence of a cashapp transfer (even together with a hotel room transaction) doesn't remotely hit the legal requirements for a solicitation charge. While I see the headache of having an electronic transfer to a woman who was caught up in a sting that leads to me getting interviewed for some reason, it's both incredibly low probability, and nothing but an inconvenience. As you point out, though, in jurisdictions that aggressively pursue johns, best to go figure out what your risks are, they'll be way different from CA.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever paid for OTC services with other than cash?
    I've used apps pretty extensively -- these days I'm sold on Cashapp being the best way to go, and most of the girls (at least if they're experienced) tend to agree. Obviously, there's a bit of trust needed here, but after we've seen each other OTC once or twice, either Cashapp or a mix of cash and cashapp, can all work great. If I were married or for any reason worried about an electronic record, I'd stick with strictly cash. But no such worries, and Cashapp lets me do things like not have to go to the ATM if I don't happen to have cash on me, shoot her some money before the date if she needs an advance (yes, a risky move, I only do this with trusted ATFs), etc. I prefer cashapp over venmo for the simple reason that there's no risk of making a mistake and having my transfer published on my timeline or whatever venmo calls it
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Hookers. From customer to lover?
    Here's my surefire formula: - Act confident - Spend money -- not on her sexual services though - Never be a trick! - Never approach her like a customer. Tell her you like her ambition, or the way her eyes light up ❤️ - Get her hooked on drugs - Control every aspect of her life - Isolate her from her friends and family - Treat her like a queen and then disappear for a while. Let her sweat that out lulz - Don't be afraid to discipline her! 🤜 I could go on, but frankly, you guys should be paying me for this shit lulz