
Comments by canny (page 23)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Dancers' opinions on customers' opinions
    Troop, thanks for the laugh! I loved your post.
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    13 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Review Standards
    I've had one review rejected with a note to expand on it. The editors aren't just rubber stamping the reviews. I rewrote my review of that club and it was accepted the second time I posted it.
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    13 years ago
    Porn star promos
    I went to a SC once to see the porn star who was performing. It was so crowded that you could barely move, but there were also lots of dancers there and I had no problems getting a private dance. Go for it, you'll be glad you did.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Advice for a Newbie
    Most clubs have video cameras recording everything that happens everywhere except the restrooms. Keep that in mind. Also, watch how many men don't wash their hands after they use the men's room and get dances where their hands go exactly where you want yours to go. Wash your hands after every dance that you get!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Would you visit TUSCL if you owned a Club???
    Considering how hard it is to open a SC because the "moral majority" fight tooth and nail to keep them from opening, the owners of SC's don't care. They don't have much real competition because when someone tries to compete with them the politicians don't let them open their doors.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lucky dog.
    I agree with Book Guy. There can't be a strip club in existence where the owner doesn't skim cash out of the till every night. How can you tell how much cash a strip club takes in?
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Best lap dance ever
    Fort Myers has an ordinance requiring strippers to wear pasties. Any girls who look like they're nude have pasties painted on their chests. There are also cameras covering every square inch of Babe's that are watched all day by the manager to keep dancers from getting too intimate with the customers. I don't believe this review either.
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    11 years ago
    A Tough Topic: Sex Trafficking
    Sex trafficking is very real and ti's a serious problem. I agree that it's not a problem at strip clubs where the owners keep photocopies of the strippers ID's on file to prove to the police that they're not hiring underage girls to strip, but it is a huge problem with prostitutes since pimps are not regular businesses with fixed physical locations like strip clubs. I want to legalize prostitution. If it's legal, prostitutes won't be breaking any laws and the police will protect them the same way they protect strippers. There are very, very few cases of women forced to work at strip clubs but there are many cases of pimps forcing women to work as prostitutes. It's kind of hard for a woman to go to the cops and say, "I broke the law....." and that's why pimps get away with it.
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    11 years ago
    A Damn Good Night for this Stripper
    Good for you! Congratulations! You're right, that type of customer and night won't happen to you often. :)
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    11 years ago
    Why is prostitution illegal in the US?
    And they're both hypocrites. I'm Libertarian. We know that you know what's good for you better than we do and we're not arrogant enough to think that we can correctly choose anything for you.
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    11 years ago
    Understanding Strippers' Motivations
    Yeah. Most of them can't put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads doing anything else. The rest have drug habits to support and I don't earn enough to support a $50 a day drug habit and also pay my mortgage and car payment.
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    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    I've had a couple of strippers squirt, one of them on my living room carpet. :)
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    12 years ago
    The Worst Kind of Strip Club Customers
    You only meet American customers who can afford to travel from the US to the UK. Most of us can't afford to travel, so you're only dealing with better off American customers. Quoting a dancer, "there is prostitution in every strip club." It may not happen in the club, but it happens. If a guy asks enough dancers in any club to meet him after work to have sex with him on a Friday or Saturday night one of them will eventually say yes. I'd say that more dancers are not prostitutes than are prostitutes, but there are some in every club who are.
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    12 years ago
    How to not Piss off a Stripper!
    When a dancer asks me where I'm from I also ask her where she's from. Even if she tells me her real name and the real town that she lives in, who cares? How many girls named Stephanie live in the same town that you live in? It's not possible to track down a stripper with only her real first name and the town that she lives in unless she has a rare or unique name or unless you're a serious heavy duty stalker, and if you're a heavy duty stalker you'll just wait outside for her to leave the club and follow her home. Yes I tell them my real first name and the name of the town where I live. I have yet to have a stripper show up at my front door unless I invited her over and gave her my address.
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    12 years ago
    Little Things Go A Long Way Proper Tips on Etiquette
    jerikson40, I left a club after asking a stripper for a dance last night before getting the dance because she took over a half hour between saying yes and me leaving. She had to finish getting ready and I got tired of waiting. I am one of the guys who will go to a strip club and hog my favorite stripper all night and my favorite will spend hours talking to me without even looking at other customers. Tough luck. She's earning enough from me that she doesn't need other customers on the nights when I'm there and I'm there to enjoy her. Why should she leave me, let me leave and go home, and earn less than she'd earn if she stayed with me?
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    Being a Dancer in Fayetteville, NC
    @Alucard, last night I didn't go with as much money as normal and my current favorite who has been getting much better tips than she expects because she doesn't try to rip me off took care of me for almost nothing. Her exact words were, "you'll take care of me next time". She's right, I will take care of her because she took care of me.
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    12 years ago
    A Typical Day in the Life of a Dancer, Part 1
    Dead beat guys aren't very nice, and a lot of women, not just strippers, are attracted to sleaze balls who treat them like dirt. I don't understand it either.
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    12 years ago
    Being a Dancer in Fayetteville, NC
    Yeah, hit me up for everything I have I'm moving on to someone else, any time of the night. The last stripper who took care of me without trying to rob me ended up with a lot more of my money than she expected.
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    12 years ago
    How Best To Enjoy a 3 girl show or A Sandwich
    @Alucard, I disagree. I loved it when I had a threesome! I do agree with you on paying for a threesome though, it isn't worth it. I also have no interest in extras ITC either. Who wants to have a clock ticking during sex?
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Dancers as Independent Contractors: Good or Bad?
    @Stiletto, don't the clubs require you to show them a state issued ID before you start working there so that they don't get charged with hiring underage girls to work as strippers?
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Dancers as Independent Contractors: Good or Bad?
    The way dancers talk about clubs and the way clubs talk about and to dancers is the same way I talk about my employer and the way my employer talks about and to me. The clubs are misclassifying dancers because they can get away with it. As it is now some clubs fire dancers for all of the reasons that you listed and some don't. Some clubs have revenue splits for dances and some don't. The only thing that could potentially be new is sharing tips between all of the employees instead of each dancer keeping her tips, although with the dancers being required to tip out the bouncers, DJ's, house mom's, etc. they're already splitting their tips with other employees. There would be a few huge changes if dancers were classified as employees. Because dancers would not have to pay house fees, dancers would not risk going in to work and leaving with less money than they had when they went in because it was a slow night. Waitresses always earn something every day they go in to work while dancers are gambling every day they go into work because on a slow night a dancer will pay out more than she earns. Because the owners wouldn't be able to charge the dancers house fees as independent contractors any more, the owners would make up for the lost money by keeping more of what customers pay for dances. Every club is different, but the end result would be the good dancers who rake in a ton of money would earn less and the poor dancers would earn more because they don't do that many dances. Dancers would be eligible for unemployment compensation, and the UI system is stacked in favor of the unemployed. Even if you're fired from your job with cause, such as for using drugs or stealing from your employer, in many cases the employee wins the UI hearing and the employer has to pay UI to the former employee. Dancers would be covered by workman's comp insurance. Ask the dancers on here how many times they've gotten bruised or wrenched something at work while they were on stage and then had to work for the next week with a limp or take a couple of days off because they couldn't work and you'll see what a huge deal this is. They'd be able to go to the doctor and it would be covered under workman's comp too and despite what you may hear about workman's comp being abused, if you want to recover 100%, workman's comp does not skimp one penny on your medical care because $100,000 in medical care is a lot less expensive than 20 years of being on workman's comp. Finally, dancers would pay taxes on a significant amount of their income. Since they're tip based employees they wouldn't be reporting everything or paying taxes on everything that they earn, but they would be paying a significant amount of money in taxes which they aren't paying now. It doesn't matter if it's better or worse for dancers to be employees as opposed to independent contractors. What matters is what the law says, and the way the laws are written most dancers should be classified as employees. If that ends up happening, there will be some pretty significant changes in the work conditions for dancers, some good and some bad.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Ten Things For Strip Club Owners to Consider
    $50 a month??? Try about $10 or $15 if you keep the photos small and don't put up photos of your dancers.
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    13 years ago
    Ten Things For Strip Club Owners to Consider
    Dancers work when there is money to be earned. When the club is busy, every dancer wants to be there. When the club is slow, for example 2:30 in the afternoon, the owners have do something to encourage the dancers to come in to work. Almost no dancer will take off on a day when there is a line of customers out the door.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Good Hustles versus Bad Hustles: Advice for Strippers and Customers
    I know one dancer whose VIP dances are much more fun when she's drunk than when she's sober. She's currently working at a BYOB club and the last time I went there I took a flask of her favorite drink with me and we split it before going in to the VIP. It was probably the best dance I've ever gotten from her and was well worth the effort of finding an 18 oz flask.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    My Top Three Awesome Stripper Types
    Yep, they're about 85% effective too. Trust me on this one, condoms leak.